Janaes first day of work tomarrow and gynocolist apt.

janaes Member Posts: 799 Member

Ya know i feel i come to this site alot at times.  I share the good the bad and everything in between.  I was going to write ugly instead of the every thing in between.  Some times I do feel there is ugly to all this but dont know if i want to focus on that.  I have my 8 hour meeting tomarrow for work.  I think i will make it through it physically.  Its just a meeting and most of the time i will be sitting listening.  Last year for fun they did a little yoga.  I know they have something like that planned i just dont know what.  Im a little bit nervous to meet up with my co workers and boss but for me my faith in God is going to get me though with that.  Its been 2 and 1/2 months since i seen them.  They dont know alot about what is going on.  My boss knows i am doing chemo but she is the only one because I called her.  I work with a small crew of about 8 people.  We know each other pretty good and they all know that cancer was found and had a hysterectomy. I know I have written about this work thing alot over the last few months.  I am going to not worry about next week when i accually start work and try very hard to take this stuff a day at a time. I am open to advice for tomarrow and and others experiences about this.  Hope and encouragement too would be nice. 

Oh by the way i just wanted to mention that the other day i went and saw my gynocolisist to tell her that i didnt feel my surgery was healing like i was hoping.  I wrote another post about that one a few weeks ago.  Any ways she basically just blew me off.  She did do a vaginal exam and pushed on my intestines.  I dont know what she can see from there or what pushing on my intestines showed but after she did all that she told me to contact my family physician to see what she thinks because my gynocalisist said it had nothing to do with the surgery.  It sure feel like it to me. She even asked me if i  had constipation.  I dont think that is it at all. What do you guys think of that?  I was hoping to get that fixed before work. Not by tomarrow for sure.



  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    I know you can do it tommorow

    I know you can do it tommorow.  I do understand how you feel,  I always get a little anxious when I have to go into a situation and see people that that I haven't seen for awhile and you have been through alot.  I know it will be find and be prepared for a lot of hugs.  Coworkers can be some of the best supporters.  I know that mine were, just knowing they were there for me made things just a little bit better.  I worked for two years teaching school and even though I was tired I made it and while I was at school I was to busy to think about cancer (what a blessing).

    your other question. I think that if your gynecologist did an internal exam and felt your intestines, she would know if you were constipated. Mine sure did.  

    Enjoy tomorrow, hugs and prayers, Lou Ann

  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    Hey thanks lou Ann for your

    Hey thanks lou Ann for your response.  I read it last night and was glad for your reminder that you went to work and it went well.  My co workers were pretty cool about my news.  Pretty open to talk about it.  I talked to my boss about me needing next thursday off for chemo.  She didnt seem to happy.  I had told her i would need a day off the first week of work back in the summer when i called her.  I thought she was going to be a little bit more understanding today because i had talked to her in the summer.  I dont know if she forgot that part of the conversation, but like i said she didnt seem to happy.  She didnt bring it up again the rest of the day or talk to me.  After talking with my dad, I decided i cant worry about what she thinks and to not to feel guilty for what i did.  I accually felt like i did her a favor to call her this summer and tell her and i really did pick the day that was going to be the best to do chemo and take that day off work.  I hope she comes around and feels more confortable with this situation. 

  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,176 Member
    edited August 2016 #4
    Good Luck at work

    Best wishes for you going back to work. Don't worry about your boss and how she reacts. Her mind is on her problems with covering work when you're gone and your mind has to be on getting better for the long term. Focusing on the long term is in both of your best interests even though she might not be realizing it at this point. Somebody recently said something along the lines of "we do what we have to do, so we can do what we want to do" and while you're undergoing treatment you're in the position of doing what you have to do. If you feel like your boss is resenting the time off you need, putting it in those terms might help her to see things from a more positive perspective.

    Constipation can indeed be a pain issue while going through chemo. I have a lot of trouble with it, especially during the 1st week after a cycle even though I am on a bowel regimen from my gyn oncolgist/surgeon. I've started adding Senokot-S morning and night as well as the Miralax and drinking three  quarts of water daily. The water drinking is the really critical thing to do and might help you without the other stuff, but it's a chore and has me running to the bathroom a lot because I'm also on a diuretic. As always, run this past your doctor first if you  think you want to try it.

    Another thing that might be causing you to feel like you're not healing could be that you've got adhesions forming after your surgery. It's another thing you can ask your surgeon about. I'm not sure if there's anything that can be done about them, but maybe somebody else on this board would have some experience or advice about what was done for them regarding them.

    Not sure how many chemo cycles you've had so far. I just had my 5th yesterday and all I got to say is that it seems like things hit you just a little bit harder each time. The increased fatigue, weakness, and constipation I experienced after the 4th treatment really surprised me and my husband, but I've heard that the effects of chemo are cumulative so you may want to be prepared for that. My husband feels like I'm on the downhill side of getting through chemo with only one more to go, but to me right now it seems like it's uphill because it's taking longer to feel better before having the next cycle. I hope telling this won't worry you, because we all react differently, but I figure it might help you to prepare better for what to expect.

    Hang in there, there is light at the end of the tunnel!



  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    edited August 2016 #5
    I liked the quote you wrote

    I liked the quote you wrote that some one else said.  We do what we have to so we can do what we want to.  That gives me hope.  Thats so true too.   Its not like i can change my chemo day.  By the way next week will mark my 4th chemo. Not quite as far along as you MA bound but still on the down word slide on all this.  For me Ive been trying to enjoy to be happy about that and some times i can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  I guess so i can do the thing i WANT to. Thats really a good way to put it.

  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,176 Member
    edited August 2016 #6
    Yup! A lot of wisdom on this board!

    There are some women on this board who really have a way with words and it never hurts to keep using them in different threads to keep them going. My cancer wasn't caught early, so they really help me to not lose hope and just go on with my life with this just in the background. Thinking of it as a chronic disease, like diabetes, that needs to be managed and monitored and will have its ups and downs helps, too. And if that isn't enough, there is this board to always come back to for more wisdoom and support. My family is very supportive and caring, but they don't always quite get what I'm feeling not ever having been in these shoes, so I'm so glad to have found this place.

  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    I already have it planned in

    I already have it planned in my head to do my last chemo at a time when my kids can come to the last of it so the can be with me to ring the bell.  I dont know if you will get to do that on your last chemo day. Or if that is even avalible.  During my first chemo some rang the bell and every one clapped because it was her last chemo.  It felt vey far away on my first appointment but now its looking a little closer.  I hope you get to do that.  Do you oly have 6 total treatments?

  • MAbound
    MAbound Member Posts: 1,176 Member
    No Bell

    I've seen on TV that some places have that bell to ring, but not where I'm going. My gyn oncolgist's group has several of their own chemo rooms that are nice because they're less crowded and always have the same nurses because there are fewer of them. They really are a great bunch! I think I'll feel more like celebrating once I get through the aftermath of the last (6th) chemo session rather than right after the infusion, anyway. I am so dreading the coming week or two, but at least I have a routine settled on now that will help me get through it. Then I get to look forward to another surgery! Oh, goody, but I probably will be able to go home the same day or only need an overnight stay, so I'm not too worried about it. My gyn oncologist wants to do another pelvic wash to be certain I'm ok not having radiation since my first wash results weren't conclusive.

  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    Ya know i did plan the ring

    Ya know i did plan the ring the bell thing which will be fun.  I have to say though that i told my dad some thing during my 3rd infussion, almost what you said to me. When he said excitingly that i was half way done, I said back to him that i will be more excided about being halfway done when i get through all the darn side effect of this 3rd treatment.  I told him getting the accual chemo was the easy part. I definetly took me a while to even be okay about being half way done.  I do think it will take me a while to celebrate too much at the end of chemo.  I will definetly be looking forward to the side ffects being done.  Im glad You like your nurses and your smaller rooms.

  • beccabtown
    beccabtown Member Posts: 234
    Glad things went well

    Janae, I'm glad to hear that things went well when you went back to work. It sounds like you will be able to work things out with your boss.

    If there ever should be a problem, information on this website may be helpful: https://www.eeoc.gov/laws/types/cancer.cfm. People in treatment for cancer are a protected category (although there are some limits on the protections) under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

    You may also be eligible to use FMLA leave to cover time you have to take off for treatment: http://www.cancer.org/treatment/findingandpayingfortreatment/understandingfinancialandlegalmatters/family-and-medical-leave-act. That protects your job and seniority.

    Sorry if I'm telling you things you already know.


  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member

    I didn't really feel like chemo was ended until 3 weeks after my last infusion.  I figured my body was still acting as though I was on chemo until the 22nd day after.  At that point, I felt like my life after chemo was truly beginning.

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    Good luck at work and don't

    Good luck at work and don't worry about that boss. What goes around comes around as they they. She must not have had experience with cancer through family or friends. I agree with others about the cumulative affects of chemo. You will get through it and the end isn't far away:). There was no bell ringing at my cancer center, but I rang it in my heart. All the best to you!

  • janaes
    janaes Member Posts: 799 Member
    It doesnt supprise me too

    It doesnt supprise me too much about my boss' attitude.  Last year when i started i heard alot about how people quite their job because of her.  I heard she was alot better last year while i was there.  Only one person quite last year and it was because she needed more money.  I was so glad i was hired when i was.  She still got upset (Odviously) at times but it wasnt as bad as it could be. Ill be honest, When I did worry this summer,some of it was her attitude.  I did not ask for one day off last year except this stuff related to cancer.  I had to leave work one day because of my mentral bleeding problem to go to the doctors and then took a day off to recuperate from all that was going on. Good thing i took that day off or i would never have known i had cancer.  That was the begining of all this cancer stuff.  If i think about it it was a blessing and even a miricle i went home from work that day to go to the doctors. 

    THANKS SO MUCH for your support.  Last week when i was thinking about going back to work. This is what i thought.  Know matter what happens at work I have the wonderful people on this group to turn to.  And look here you are. Thank you.  It just makes sence to take care of myself and to not worry about my boss.  I have to do what i have to do. My health must come first. She doesnt see it yet but it is going to help her in the long run to work with me on this.