Quick Question - Message System Working?

NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member

Think I had an issue with a couple of messages sent through the system.  Not sure if anyone else has had that?  I had sent a couple and there are not showing up as sent.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member

    I did get your message and didn't answer.  So that one worked. 


  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member

    For some reason it was not in my sent mailbox.  Think I sent two, tried two ways when it seemed one was not working.  I sent another to someone else (at least I think I pressed send :) )  and not in the sent mailbox.  

  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    edited August 2016 #4
    NewHere said:


    For some reason it was not in my sent mailbox.  Think I sent two, tried two ways when it seemed one was not working.  I sent another to someone else (at least I think I pressed send :) )  and not in the sent mailbox.  

    Sy stem f ai lures

    Sy stem f ai lures

    The forum specialists stated "th    is no pr  lem with th  rum at th s  ime. It may be that some indivi  als sys em may not be w king p  perly. We sug  est th t the in  viduals system be ser ced as soon as po  ible"

    And I would take that to be the expert's assessment.

    "No problem here, move along....."


  • CSN_Simone
    CSN_Simone moderator Posts: 61
    edited August 2016 #5


    I appologize that you guys are expereincing issues. I unfortunately was unable to duplicate the error you are seeing. I was able to sucessfully send two test private messages, one on Chrome and one on Firefox and both went through and did not receive the error.  If anyone can capture a screenshot or just copy and paste the error message along with the browser you are using, please send that information to us at the Contact Us link

    Thank you and again, I am sorry you are experiencing this issue.


    CSN Support Team


  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    Thanks Simone

    No worries.  This happened a week or so ago, maybe more.  Figured it was just a glitch.  Or more likely user error.  When I am involved, there is often a high probability of that ;)

  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    John23 said:

    Sy stem f ai lures

    Sy stem f ai lures

    The forum specialists stated "th    is no pr  lem with th  rum at th s  ime. It may be that some indivi  als sys em may not be w king p  perly. We sug  est th t the in  viduals system be ser ced as soon as po  ible"

    And I would take that to be the expert's assessment.

    "No problem here, move along....."


    I Am Scared

    Because I read that without a problem.  Chemo brain has a positive - letters, we don't need no stinkin' letters ;)

    (I am betting you have seen those studies where most letters are not needed.)


  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member



    I appologize that you guys are expereincing issues. I unfortunately was unable to duplicate the error you are seeing. I was able to sucessfully send two test private messages, one on Chrome and one on Firefox and both went through and did not receive the error.  If anyone can capture a screenshot or just copy and paste the error message along with the browser you are using, please send that information to us at the Contact Us link

    Thank you and again, I am sorry you are experiencing this issue.


    CSN Support Team


    For um uhmms

    What -is needed-, is the locking of old threads. Most all BBS (forum) software includes the ability to "lock down" archived threads. The visitor can read the posts, but can not reply to any.

    Most of the "spam" received at this forum is to old threads. And on a forum like this, where many of the original posters have "gone to greener pastures", it would be in the best interests to avoid the resurrection of old threads.

    The members here have asked for that for many years, yet the request has never been honored.

    As a long time member, I find it sad to see new members asking questions on threads originating from 2 to 10 years ago. They don't get responses from the original poster and feel as if they're being ignored.

    This isn't a tough problem to resolve, or it shouldn't be. I run very inexpensive (free) forum software on our website, and even that includes the ability to "lock down" old or archived threads.

    As far as the occasional "glitch" here? It's to be expected. No program is perfect, and "bugs happen". Very often, a problem manages to resolve itself. There are too many variables; too many Internet related quirks that can scramble the best of data.

    But what can be resolved, should be resolved........

    The ability to post to old threads creates much more of a problem than an occasional inability to post.

    Best of health to you,
