Proton Therapy

Update- I was watching a Football Life about Kenny Stabler last night and at the end I found out that last Feb, one month before my diagnosis, he was diagnosed with Stage 4 Colon Cancer, the same as me. After a little research, I found that he was on Chemo when he died 5 months later in July 2015 at age 69.

I return to Loma Linda in 2 weeks to get a PET Scan and treatment if necessary. My prayer is that there are no tumors, and treatment is not necessary. If I had followed ...the doctors orders, and just had Chemo, I could also be dead That became real last night.

If you don't know my story, I was given 2 years to live if I started Chemo, and 6 months to live if I did not start Chemo. Chemo , I was told would not cure me, it would only help me live longer. That was March 2015. I chose to not start Chemo. I changed my diet to the Budwig diet, and Decenber of 2015, I had Proton Therapy at Loma Linda on my inoperable Live tumors. 3 weeks later, the tumors were gone. In Jan 2016, I had my fist size colon tumor removed robotically in Macon. In Feb 2016, I had an inoperable Lymph node tumor around my aorta treated with Proton Therapy. In April 2016, a PET scan at Loma Linda showed that I had no tumors. I did have 2 small places on a lung that they are watching to see if tumors develop.

Even if it is short lived, at least for the past few months, I have lived without cancer, or the knowledge of having cancer.

I ordered information kits about Proton Therapy and gave them to my Doctors. Most of them were not aware of the treatment, even though Loma Linda treated their first patient in 1990. If you have friends or relatives that have been told that they have cancer, I would urge you to let them know about Loma Linda.

When the doctor insists that you start Chemo immediately, do the research for yourself, and make your own decision. There are always options. The best option might be to Pray and ask God what you should do. He might tell you to just be calm, and think.

Gwen tells me that when I die, all the medals from Marathons, the treasures from a lifetime of travel, the pictures of times past, the insurance plaques, all my stuff will all be discarded or sold at a garage sale.

At least for now, I can sit in my office and those items remind me that God has been with me and protected me all my life. And yes, Life Is Good and there is a Tomorrow. There are Grand Children to be born and adopted, a Marriage to attend, trips to take, Adventures to experience, places to go and people to meet. Yes, Lfe is Good, Thank you Jesus.


  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,289 Member
    The only time I stayed at

    The only time I stayed at Loma Linda Hospital, I had the large bones in both feet broken and reset, they called it quadruple arthrodesis. I was 23, but what I remember best was waking up to the sweet singing I ever heard. A small choir sang a few sings in each wing, beautiful harmonies. Anyway, I wonder if there are any significant differences between proton therapy and the other targeted radiation therapies? They put a boatload of money in, and built a big container building for the proton generator, as I recall. It was cutting edge then, I wonder how it ranks now, though it certainly seemed effective for you, Roscoe. I'm glad the treatment has turned out well for you, and I do remember The Snake.........................Dave

  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    edited August 2016 #3
    Life and "stuff".

    Life and "stuff".

    "Gwen tells me that when I die, all the medals from Marathons, the treasures from a lifetime of travel, the pictures of times past, the insurance plaques, all my stuff will all be discarded or sold at a garage sale."

    When I pointed to the piles of my entire life's worth of "stuff" and told our son that "someday, this will all be yours", he wept uncontrollably and asked: "why me? WHY ME?"

    It really is too bad we can't "take it with us"; I think most of us have families that sincerely wish we could.

    Some of us prepay for a funeral or cremation; a large dumpster and backhoe should be included.....

    Hope's eternal.
