4 weeks down!

RottiesMom Member Posts: 167
edited July 2016 in Head and Neck Cancer #1

I have 3 weeks radiation and 1 chemo (cisplatin) left.  I can't eat solids anymore.  I am drinking 4 shakes a day, 2 made with ensure enlive and 2 with a protein powder, milk and a banana.  I can eat watermelon and vanilla ice cream, and of course drinking water inbetween.  I am on gabapetin and I think that is helping, but starting to get breakthrough pain today.  I am going to ask the doctor this week for the liquid pain medication so I have it on hand in case I need it.  I use the magic mouthwash during the day. I am starting to get mouth sores, but they aren't too bad yet.  The pain is in my throat, feels like I have strep throat, but worse.  It is really hard to swallow without pain.  Also taking anti-nausea medication.  I get really tired during the day and end up falling asleep on the couch!  So, I am more than halfway done, mentally feeling good...I can't complain.



  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    4 down


    I don’t know about the others, but I sipped, swished and swallowed every drop of 6 bottles of magic mouth wash.  I felt if I did not swallow I would be missing out on some benefits. 

    Being prepared is our mantra here, by having the pain meds ready you have one less worry.

    Good to be seeing you do well.


  • RottiesMom
    RottiesMom Member Posts: 167
    edited July 2016 #3

    The magic mouthwash really is magic!  Thanks Matt!


  • Fritz
    Fritz Member Posts: 106
    You are getting close to the end!


    Keep up the good work! Swallow through the pain now and it will pay off later. I still have bouts with painful swallowing; however, I could imagine the pain had I not continued to swallow through the end of treatments. I used my pain meds and magic mouthwash to aid through these hard times. Just over 1 week post now and I can see improvements already.

    Hang in there!!


  • RottiesMom
    RottiesMom Member Posts: 167
    Thank you!

    Yup!  Swollowlng - that's what I'm doing.  Also doing stretching exercises.  Thanks Fritz!


  • Kari2007
    Kari2007 Member Posts: 108
    edited July 2016 #6
    You're doing awesome

    You're doing a great job, Joanne! Getting your protein in and swallowing - getting lots of rest - that's our job right now. Toughest job we'll never love! :) This will be over before you know it and then we'll be ringing that bell together! 


  • RottiesMom
    RottiesMom Member Posts: 167
    Thanks Kari!

    I was thinking about you and wondering how you were doing?  I am glad you responded!  I look forward to ringing that bell with you!


  • bebo12249
    bebo12249 Member Posts: 181 Member
    You'll be finished soon! Hang

    You'll be finished soon! Hang on....

  • LiseA
    LiseA Member Posts: 266
    Joanne, checking in on you.

    Joanne, checking in on you.  I know it's hard, but it will end and then you can focus on getting your strength back.

  • cardoza33
    cardoza33 Member Posts: 81
    Great job ladies

    You are both doing awesome and the positive attitude is soooo helpful.  I can tell you it just gets better.  I am only 6 months out and I am feeling really good.  In May I would have called you crazy.  Each week there is slight improvement.  Keep up the great attitude and work.  Tony

  • RottiesMom
    RottiesMom Member Posts: 167
    edited August 2016 #11
    Thank you Tony!!

    Thanks for the encouragement!  After today only 3 left!  On Tuesday I get to ring that bell!