3 weeks post op partial

Spivey88 Member Posts: 43

good morning friends!

I am 3 weeks out of my partial robotic neph.  I'm still a llittle swollen on that side and find at times I hurt on my front and back on my left side.  Is this normal?  I healed up great, but was t sure that I'm still suppose to be swollen or hurting.  It doesn't help that I have a bulging disc in my right back and startinh of stenonis of the spine (that's how we found the cancer...MRI of back because of pain).  Has anyone else been a little swollen or uncomfortable 3 weeks out?  Thanks for any information!



  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    Absolutely Angie!

    Takes time to heal internally.  Everything inside was rearranged and now those inards are trying to find their way back to where they are most comfortable.  Try to keep your strenuous activity to a minimum and very soon you'll be feeling pretty much back to your normal.  Glad to hear that externally you healed well and without any complications.

    Best wishes,


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member



    You sound very normal for 3 weeks out. Those aches and pains are free perks for what you have been thru and the fact that you have other issues. That being said my thoughts as a doctor of law should be taken with a grain of salt and reviewed with your real doctor(s) to make sure that they think everything is going ok.




  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member

    What?! They didn't give you a follow up Rx for a magic wand?

    Angie, it sounds as if you're healing like a mere mortal, which isn't so bad and seems pretty much on schedule, actually. 

    Hang in there (and take it easy doing so) -- !


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Very normal. Three weeks is

    Very normal. Three weeks is nothing and you're still healing.

  • Bay Area Guy
    Bay Area Guy Member Posts: 621 Member
    I'm at five weeks now.  I had

    I'm at five weeks now.  I had my partial on my right side.  While the pain was gone relatively quickly for me (thank God), the only thing that lingers is still a sort of numb feeling that comes and goes in the area around my right hip.  There's no pain; it just feels numb at times.  I asked the nurse practitioner who checked me out at my followup appointment and she said it was quite normal and that the numbness will come and go for a while and will, eventually, just go.