It has been about a year in the passing of our friends

Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member

I don't know the exact dates, but I know just about this time a year ago we lost two very special CSN members - and friends.

Djinnie and Nanosecond were two of some of the strongest, gracious and generous people I got to know.

Missing you both very much....along with other dear friends we have lost in the last couple of years. This is the very difficult part of this forum. It seems so much longer ago. But you will always remain in our memories and our hearts.





  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    Thank you for reminding us,

    Thank you for reminding us, Jojo. Hard to believe its been a year. RIP, Djinnie and Nanosecond...

  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member

    Tho' it feels like only yesterday

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    edited July 2016 #4
    And I've become the dinosaur.

    I'm always surprised at how fast the time goes by. Jeeze.

  • angec
    angec Member Posts: 924 Member
    Miss them both so much and

    Miss them both so much and many others.  TW, Paula, Joey,, BlackJack....etc.  xxoo

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    edited July 2016 #6
    I became

    very close to Paula. We were so optimistic and emotionally supportive of each other. We've developed friendships here that seem unlikely. Yet our reliance upon each other for support is so special. Almost in a musical chairs sort of way. Or like the "hot potato". We really do, do this together. And I thank you all with everything that I've got. I don't say "FLY" for nuttin. I wish people would share more than be so ego-centric in so many discussions. I think that I can predict with pretty good certainty who will reach 100 posts over time versus those who don't return the favors. I guess we all cope differently.

  • Pandabear1011
    Pandabear1011 Member Posts: 123 Member
    Djinnie was one of the first

    Djinnie was one of the first people to welcome me here back in 2014. Her sweetness really shown through her posts.  I miss her.

  • JerzyGrrl
    JerzyGrrl Member Posts: 760 Member
    Special People

    I'm slowly getting around to reading the older posts (I pretty much am "read up" on the ones that load on one page for this part of the forum). It's a good way to learn of others' journeys, plus get to "meet" folks I wouldn't otherwise. 

    I'm sure appreciating the special people who hang out on the forum now.  Definitely, you are all a good group, and I am indebted to you all for your support of me and of others.  I'm convinced that we humans are hard-wired to think caring thoughts and do caring deeds, even if the news as it's flung at us would seem to indicate otherwise. 


  • pamstayner
    pamstayner Member Posts: 111 Member
    And Jojo makes me think again...

    I think of those missing here so often. Some of their posts I can recite by heart. Especially those that made (and still) make me laugh. 

    I agree with Fox ... "Musical chairs " except the chairs don't get taken away. The more you visit here, the more we get to know each other...all who walk this journey side by side... May as well talk to each other.. Don't you think.?

    the cool thing here, when I think about some I can "look" them up and re-read their posts. Thank you jojo... 

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Djinnie was so special to me.

    Djinnie was so special to me. I can't believe it's been a year. I miss her sense of humor, compassion, and everything that made her Djinnie. Nano I didn't know as well since DJ and I used to message a lot and got to know each other online. But he was so full of knowledge which he was willing to share right down to the very end.

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Thanks JoJo for remembering

    Thanks JoJo for remembering for us. To me they all live on in my heart and the hearts of all those they loved.

    Life is so precious. Even when we do not touch base here, know that I think of you all fondly, so often.

    Hugs, Jan

  • Srashedb
    Srashedb Member Posts: 482 Member
    edited July 2016 #12
    Missing them

    I see that my post never made it yesterday; thank you, Jojo, for bringing DJ and and Nano up. Two very special people; it will be 2 years since we lost our Ron.

    TW passed shortly after I came here but his posts were amazing to read; so much to learn from him.

    on our end, I am beyond grateful that my husband reached his 3D anniversary (7/2/2013) and has been living with this horrific disease as a chronic one without all of the side effects.

    Mahalo (just returned last night from Hawaii),


  • danbren2
    danbren2 Member Posts: 311
    Their strength and sharing was just awesome!

    The strength that I have found within these posts have just been amazing! I have great support with friends and family, but nothing like the ones from these posts who know what we are going through!

    By the way, I had my cyberknife treatment yesterday for the 3 (not 4) tumors in the brain.  Hoping that has killed them or back to surgery I will have to go.  Scans and MRI in September.

                                                  Love and prayers for good health for us all!


  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    God Bless you Brenda

    Prayers, fingers crossed, good karma & vibes being sent your way in hopes that the cyberknife treatment did the job and you can resume the celebration of life.  Looking forward to your news in September.


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    edited July 2016 #15
    I like seeing posts

    like these. Because I've made too many friends here over 5 years. And we have pulled for each other. Sometimes till the end. I believe all that karma always remains shared. It is a special love and respect.

  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    edited July 2016 #16
    Dijinie was one of the first

    Dijinie was one of the first ones who greeted me, gave me hope, and helped me to smile and seize the moment. Nano was the one who helped me see this as a fact not as a reason of misery. He kept telling me this is no longer the death sentence anymore. I miss them both and remember them as two wonderful supportive positive members


  • mrs_blkjak
    mrs_blkjak Member Posts: 103
    I check in on all of you

    I check in on all of you periodically. I don't usually post but you are all always in my thoughts. It was nice to see blkjak remembered.

  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    Hey, mrs blkjak

    Great to hear from you. I hope you've been ok. Thanks for the continued support. Fox.

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member

    I check in on all of you

    I check in on all of you periodically. I don't usually post but you are all always in my thoughts. It was nice to see blkjak remembered.

    HUGS to you and yours!

    HUGS to you and yours!


  • ellajane123
    ellajane123 Member Posts: 2

    sorry about the small letters,but i can't type good..hope you don't mind.i need help about my struggle to fight all that is taking place with my body..i have a complex hemorrhagic cyst on my left is 1.2cm.i have so much pain that i just can't stand anymore..can this cyst be causing this much pain?

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    edited July 2016 #21


    sorry about the small letters,but i can't type good..hope you don't mind.i need help about my struggle to fight all that is taking place with my body..i have a complex hemorrhagic cyst on my left is 1.2cm.i have so much pain that i just can't stand anymore..can this cyst be causing this much pain?




    Please add a new forum topic so that we can try and help you with your concern.

