
My husband is 3 months post treatment. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with lymphedema in the neck under the chin?  He is having a hard time sleeping and tries to clear his throat a lot. He received a NED report after his 60 day checkup. Any suggestions would be appreciated. 



  • Barbaraek
    Barbaraek Member Posts: 626
    edited July 2016 #2
    Has he tried self massage?

    There is a video on YouTube for it.


  • Boopergirl
    Boopergirl Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2016 #3
    Barbaraek said:

    Has he tried self massage?

    There is a video on YouTube for it.


    Thank you. I will look for it

    Thank you. I will look for it. 

  • Drivingdaisy
    Drivingdaisy Member Posts: 263

     You can also check into massage therapy.  Neck and back all at once.  Relaxing.  There is also a taping technique that helps.   Lisa

  • bebo12249
    bebo12249 Member Posts: 181 Member
    I had lymphedema at about the

    I had lymphedema at about the same time around the jaw level. My surgeon said it usually resolves and it did after about 1-2 months.   

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member


    I was prescribed a series of massages for lymphedema.  It was great and much like the video.

    Clearing one’s throat is something you get better at and with time gets better.

    This whole post treatment dealing with side effects is a life changer.  I have become more methodical about eating, drinking, traveling, etc…

    Life is great, just different.


  • LymphActivist
    LymphActivist Member Posts: 1
    Head and Neck Lymphedema

    Has your husband been seen by a lymphedema therapist specially trained and qualified to treat lymphedema of the head and neck? They are the specialists in both internal and external lymphedema of the head and neck.

  • CajunEagle
    CajunEagle Member Posts: 408
    Face Caddy

    My wife found this item.....Face Caddy......that encircles the head and puts as much pressure as you want around the Lymphedema area.  Uses Velcro to attach, and I slept with it on to keep the swelling down.  Takes some getting used to.

  • Boopergirl
    Boopergirl Member Posts: 6

    I found a video on YouTube that show step by step instructions for massage and he is already seeing a difference. Thanks everyone for the replies. 

  • Boopergirl
    Boopergirl Member Posts: 6

    Face Caddy

    My wife found this item.....Face Caddy......that encircles the head and puts as much pressure as you want around the Lymphedema area.  Uses Velcro to attach, and I slept with it on to keep the swelling down.  Takes some getting used to.


    He has just started wearing something very similar and it helps his dry mouth at night and seems to help the Lymphedema also. Thanks for your reply. 

  • the_wife
    the_wife Member Posts: 184
    Could you post a link for the

    Could you post a link for the video you found? Wow, something that helps with dry mouth and lymphedema! My hubby has moderate LE and it seems like it's getting harder to massage as we haven't kept it up. He's several months out. I'm scheduling an appt. with a therapist, so hopefully he'll get some help with this and it's something they can improve. 

  • Boopergirl
    Boopergirl Member Posts: 6
    edited July 2016 #12

    Do a search for lymphatic self massage tutorial for Lymphedema-YouTube by Registered Physiotherapist Lindsay Davey. This is the video my husband watched. He does it himself 2-3 times a day and is definitely helping. he wears a snore strap at night and this helps keep his mouth closed and helps the dry mouth. Search for snore strap and several options will come up. I'm not at home so don't know the name of the one he has. It cost less than $15. Hope this info helps. My husband still has problems with neuropathy, phlegm in throat and very little taste buds. Frustrating but slowly seeing improvements. 

  • hlrowe
    hlrowe Member Posts: 80
    Have your rad onc order a

    Have your rad onc order a certified massage therapist with experience in head and neck. H&N massage therapists can be hard to find. Back in 2012 I had 4 visits paid by insurance and she taught me how to massage several times a day and made me a custom jovi pack to sleep in. I had Lymphedema for the first few years and now it is completely gone.

    Massage with a very light touch and sleep on two pillows to help drain the nodes at night.