Stage 3B Anal Cancer



  • GoodDog2
    GoodDog2 Member Posts: 22 Member
    edited August 2016 #22
    mknevill said:

    Been there, done that

    Also want to congratulate you on being your mother's advocate. You are a saint! Hopefully by now your mom is doing better. If not, hopefully she will be turning the corner soon. I agree with everybody's assessment that everybody is different. I had stage 3b, and have been in "remission" for about 2 years now. The radiation burns were the worst. I would lie on the bed with a fan blowing on my burns. It did help somewhat. Pure aloe lotion with no alcohol in it helped. I also used baby wipes and spent a lot of time in a cool shower and sometimes used those frozen gel packs. The chemo gave me nausea, but the Zofran and Compazine helped, but to this day if I hear the sounds from Candy Crush Saga, I get nauseated--had played it a lot during the chemo.  My hair thinned, but came back "to normal" within a year and is still curly. Hoping your mother has a long life ahead of her. My whole outlook on life has changed. At the age of 65 bought a horse and am riding again--just light trail riding, but riding. But mostly I have put the whole chemo/radiation experience in a box in my mind and don't think about it--until a cancer ad comes on the TV! 

    Candy Crush!!!

    Oh my gosh! I can't you believe you said that about Candy Crush! I cannot play it either because I was playing it the the night I was diagnosed and crying and playing Candy Crush to try to focus on something else. Someone told me to play it with the sound off but I still think I hear the sounds.

    Try switching to Farm Heroes. 

    i was also 3B and am a little over 2 1/2 years NED.