Possible diagnosis coming- Vulvar Cancer

hi all-


just got home from a doctors appointment. Primary care doctor. I went to her because I've had a white lesion/spot that is on the inside of my right labia, saw it back in May after having some odd pains in that area, it has spread a bit. Along with painful urination, painful intercourse, basically pain/irritating that whole area near vaginal opening and uretha area.

there is the smallest lump underneath the labia where the white lesion is. She is testing for everything, but gave me a strong antibiotic in case it's something that will fix it. She said if after 7 days the white lesions are there still, she'll need to do a biopsy, the spots/lesions are not bumpy- just simply raised skin that is white 

sorry for the long post... I'm just curious if any of you ladies were diagnosed with vulvar cancer or uretha cancer after being seen for a white lesions and small lump size of a pea? 

Thank you all. 


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,545 Member
    edited July 2016 #2
    SLW, your post isn't long -

    SLW, your post isn't long - you don't have to apologize!!!  

    PLEASE, see if you can get to a gynecologic or a gynecologic oncologist.  If something is wrong they know what they are looking at and for.  Ask for a referral if you have to go that route - they should want the best care for you and sometimes you have to ask.  

  • SLW2016
    SLW2016 Member Posts: 7
    edited July 2016 #3
    Thank you for responding

    Thanks for replying! I noticed this place isn't frequented often!

    i tried looking to see why/how a strong antibioti could cure a white lesion/spot, but couldn't seem to find much..

    im assuming I'll have to have a biopsy. Should I let her do it, or ask for a  referral? She said one step at a time, first step is taking this antibiotic that's killing my stomavh :( then if lesions are still there to do biopsy. She sounded as if she would do it herself


    talk soon 

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,545 Member
    edited July 2016 #4
    Well - she is right.  One

    Well - she is right.  One step at a time FOR SURE.  It sounds like you have a good relationship with your doctor which is GREAT!  (Gotta love your doc!)  Ask her if this is something someone else should do.  I really don't know how many biopsies PCP do - maybe she does a lot, but if it is still there then wouldn't you rather have someone who does this all the time and maybe can get it all rather than have to go back later????  Again, it sounds like you have a good realtionship and can talk to her.  

    As for this site, it is pretty quite.  I am a visitor from the Uterine board.  When I was looking for information because a good friend had cervical cancer I found the National Cervical Cancer Coalition (NCCC) they had a more active chat board - it took a little looking around but I found it and those ladies are pretty cool. The women who come here are cool, but they get busy. 


  • SLW2016
    SLW2016 Member Posts: 7
    I am feeling so frustrated

    I am feeling so frustrated right now- my symptoms are not getting better with this antibiotic and the white area is still there. I wish she would've done a biopsy right then instead of this. 

    these boards are very quiet- I'm just looking for comfort anywhere I can at the moment I guess. I will keep you posted as things move forward. Praying I can  through this. 

    im almost 27 years old, with a baby boy who will be 2 in December. I wish I had the answers now

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,545 Member
    edited July 2016 #6
    SLW, your frustration is

    SLW, your frustration is understandable.  I suspect they would like to try treating this with the least invasive actions possible at first, however for you, the waiting and now, no doubt, looking every day is making you very worried.  Perhaps you could try calling your gynecologists office and getting their thoughts?  Again, it does sound like you have a good relationship with your PCP but why not try calling the people who specialize in this area?  

    You will make it through all this, just ask questions. 

  • SLW2016
    SLW2016 Member Posts: 7
    My doctors nurse just called,

    My doctors nurse just called, asking me to come in the morning for a biopsy. I'm so worried about it hurting. since the location is somewhat near my vaginal opening

    everything is so sensitive there! Very nervous  

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,545 Member
    Good luck, SLW.  Tell them

    Good luck, SLW.  Tell them your concerns with the pain.  Prayers are sent your way.  Please let us know how you do.

  • TJperdue
    TJperdue Member Posts: 13
    SLW2016 said:

    My doctors nurse just called,

    My doctors nurse just called, asking me to come in the morning for a biopsy. I'm so worried about it hurting. since the location is somewhat near my vaginal opening

    everything is so sensitive there! Very nervous  

    Mine is there as well. I'm

    Mine is there as well. I'm getting ready to have modified radical vulvectomy and in area of tumor they are going to deep as possibly without injurying my anal sphincter. They are going to fill the hole back in with tissue from my upper thigh i think. She first said because it was so close to vaginal opening they may have to do colostomy. I was not going to do that. I'm just telling u to warn you in case  they tell you the same thing. So I am glad they decided to just go so far. I tried to do a lot of research after my first surgery but I never saw anything about the colostomy and it totally threw me off when said that.