Cervical cancer as 2nd cancer


Not sure if anyone can help me here but giving it a go.


I am a breast cancer survivor over 7 years now. Last December my mum was diagnosed with terminal bile duct cancer. My husband and I moved her into our home so I could take care of her. She passed away on May 30th. A week to the day later I got a call saying I had cervical cancer. I am scheduled for surgery on the 13th of this month. The delay is because I underwent a colon resection surgery in March for diverculitus. My problem right now is dealing with the wide gamut of emotions I am experiencing right now. It's very difficult to deal with from feeling that my body is somehow betraying me today fear (irrational I know) to guilt that my cancers have been so treatable while my mothers was not....the list goes on. I am reaching out in the hope that someone can talk with me who has been thru cancer themselves.  I have a wonderful husband who has been a rock of support thru this all but feel the need to speak with someone else who has had or has now cancer as it's not the same tslking with someone whose loved one (hubby) has cancer as with someone who has cancer if that makes sense.


Thanks for taking the time to read this and take care,



  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,535 Member
    Darcy, I am so sorry to hear

    Darcy, I am so sorry to hear everything you are going through.  You are right it does help to find someone going through something similar to listen and understand.  I can't tell where you live or if you are working, but maybe your work has an Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) that can recommend someone to talk to or your local cancer care center has a patient advocate - they are wonderful people as well.  Talking about it does help - just getting it out is hard for family members to hear some of the things we are thinking as we don't want to scare them more  

    By the way, your thoughts are not "irrational" - they are real and it is ok to have those thoughts.