Peg tube


Had peg tube inserted Friday.  Been in the hospital since.  Can't keep anything down.  Also in some pain. Taking me for a scan in a little while.  For those that have or had them...any suggestions?


Thanks, Joanne 




  • Barbaraek
    Barbaraek Member Posts: 626
    Sometimes it's the formula

    My husband had a PEG tube inserted at week 2 and had it for a long time after treatment ended because he couldn't swallow for a while. There were times when he couldn't keep down the two different nutrition supplements - Isocal, and IsoSource 1.5, but he could tolerate a clear Boost. Ask the nutitrionist at the hospital for input. 

    Is it the PEG that's causing the nausea or the chemo or radiation? There are so many factors, it's hard to sort out. I hope your team works to get you some relief soon.


  • RottiesMom
    RottiesMom Member Posts: 167
    edited June 2016 #3
    I haven't started treatment

    I haven't started treatment yet. Chemo is supposed to start Tuesday and radiation June 27.  The Peg tube was inserted now because I don't have any weight to lose.  If i started losing weight by the time one was put in, I might have lost too much weight. I can eat normally until I need it. They we starting me back on clear liquids by mouth, and I am throwing up that!

  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    Are you having trouble with food via the PEG only? I'm sure they told you to keep eating but if that is causing problems too, I don't have specifics. Try anything that is not upsetting. At this point, eat all the foods you probably avoid. Eat as many fatty treats as you can consume. You want to put on as much weight as you can now. Candy, peanut butter, any nuts, etc. Good luck, don

  • RottiesMom
    RottiesMom Member Posts: 167
    I just had the Peg tube put in

    It was put in Friday as a precaution for when I start radiation Monday.  I was supposed to get out of hospital saturday..couldn't hold anything down.  I didn't get out until yesterday!  I think it was the broth they were trying to get me to eat!  I drank a clear ensure and 2 hours later grits and I was fine!!  They let me go...I refused any more broth.  Sitting in chemo first treatment.  Thank you so much for the advice!


  • Fritz
    Fritz Member Posts: 106
    Cisplatin infusion


    Glad your PEG tube issue is behind you now.  Let me know how your Cisplatin infusion goes. I too am receiving Cisplatin for my tonsil cancer; however, I had the opportunity to choose between weekly infusions or the treatment plan you are on. I chose weekly so as to help limit the overall toxicity of the drug. Still feel bad several days following the treatment though.

    Good luck with all your treatments!


  • SusanUES
    SusanUES Member Posts: 125
    Awww...poor Joanne

    Sorry to read this but now you've mastered the PEG issue so you're already at Warrior Status.  We're pulling for you...keep posting on your progress.  Blessings to you.

  • Barbaraek
    Barbaraek Member Posts: 626

    Glad the PEG issue is better. My husband also didn't have any spare pounds to lose, but lose them he did (about 25). Eventually he got them back after treatment was over by loading up on high calorie nutirtion and being conscious of regular tube feeds. he ended up keeping his PEG quite a while - probably longer than he need to because it was easier to load up on calories and nutrition that way. But it too finially went away and we are working our way to a new normal.  I hope your chemo infusions go well. If you have a tough time with them, consider anti-nausea drugs...your team can help you with that.


  • kdot2003
    kdot2003 Member Posts: 143


    I'm glad youre starting treatment.  I had weekly Cisplatin with rads.  Week one I thought chemo was great, lots of energy, totally hydrated, cleaned and cleaned my house.  Week two a little tired and alot of nausea day 3 and 4.  Well I wont bore you with the rest.  More nausea and fatigue etc.  I couldnt have Zofran because I was on Zoloft and boy did I need my Zoloft.  I had Compazine which isnt the best.  I put plenty of water down my tube and it kept me out of the hospital.  Anyway now the weeks will be rolling along quickly for you.  Best Wishes.

  • RottiesMom
    RottiesMom Member Posts: 167
    Thank you all!!

    Sorry it took so long for me to respond.  I had my first Chemo/Cisplatin Tuesday.  The day went well.  Wednesday the fatigue, nausea, and ear ringing set in.  I was counting down the minutes to my next anti nausea med.  I have Zofran and Phenergan, but using the Phenergan as it works better (probably causing dome of the fatigue).  But, I haven't thrown up, can still eat (time it around taking meds) all is good!  I start radiation Monday and next cycle of Chemo is July 12.  Looking back with thr issues of the feeding tube, I would have waited a week to start Chemo.  I hadn't eaten in 4 days (Friday -Monday, ate very little Monday),  so I think ig put me in a weakened condition.   Again thank you all very your support!!

  • RottiesMom
    RottiesMom Member Posts: 167
    SusanUES said:

    Awww...poor Joanne

    Sorry to read this but now you've mastered the PEG issue so you're already at Warrior Status.  We're pulling for you...keep posting on your progress.  Blessings to you.

    Your posts always make me

    Your posts always make me smile, thank you!!

  • RottiesMom
    RottiesMom Member Posts: 167
    edited June 2016 #12
    Fritz said:

    Cisplatin infusion


    Glad your PEG tube issue is behind you now.  Let me know how your Cisplatin infusion goes. I too am receiving Cisplatin for my tonsil cancer; however, I had the opportunity to choose between weekly infusions or the treatment plan you are on. I chose weekly so as to help limit the overall toxicity of the drug. Still feel bad several days following the treatment though.

    Good luck with all your treatments!


    Posted below

    Hi Freddie!  Iposted below how it's gone.  Are you receiving radiation too?  Did you just start?  Good luck!

  • RottiesMom
    RottiesMom Member Posts: 167
    edited June 2016 #13
    Barbaraek said:


    Glad the PEG issue is better. My husband also didn't have any spare pounds to lose, but lose them he did (about 25). Eventually he got them back after treatment was over by loading up on high calorie nutirtion and being conscious of regular tube feeds. he ended up keeping his PEG quite a while - probably longer than he need to because it was easier to load up on calories and nutrition that way. But it too finially went away and we are working our way to a new normal.  I hope your chemo infusions go well. If you have a tough time with them, consider anti-nausea drugs...your team can help you with that.


    I was told tge peg tube would

    I was told tge peg tube would stay in awhile after I'm done...I'm guessing until tge mouth/thriat heals and I can eat again.  Yup....on Phenergan it is working, but count down til the next at times.

  • Fritz
    Fritz Member Posts: 106
    edited June 2016 #14
    Yes, Cisplatin is horrible!


    I understand your Cisplatin issues well.  I was lucky enough to have a choice of weekly versus the plan you are on and chose weekly.  I just finished my 4th yesterday.  The fatique and just plain "icky" feeling is the worst part.  Nausea is not as bad for me as they dose me up well with anti-nausea meds during the treatment itself.

    Hope you start to feel better soon.


  • donfoo
    donfoo Member Posts: 1,773 Member

    Thank you all!!

    Sorry it took so long for me to respond.  I had my first Chemo/Cisplatin Tuesday.  The day went well.  Wednesday the fatigue, nausea, and ear ringing set in.  I was counting down the minutes to my next anti nausea med.  I have Zofran and Phenergan, but using the Phenergan as it works better (probably causing dome of the fatigue).  But, I haven't thrown up, can still eat (time it around taking meds) all is good!  I start radiation Monday and next cycle of Chemo is July 12.  Looking back with thr issues of the feeding tube, I would have waited a week to start Chemo.  I hadn't eaten in 4 days (Friday -Monday, ate very little Monday),  so I think ig put me in a weakened condition.   Again thank you all very your support!!

    Wednesday the fatigue, nausea, and ear ringing set in.

    Call your MO asap and report any hearing symtoms. Chemo can cause this and cause permanent hear loss. They will adjust the chemo accordingly. Hang in there!

  • nino5
    nino5 Member Posts: 29
    help please!!

    Hello everyone! !

    I have few questions for you guys.  

    1. It is possible to develop oral cancer from hpv in just months??

    2. Can i get medical treatment despite lack of insurance. 

    I have been  in pain for almost 8 months. I feel like something is stuck in my throat,  i visited two ENT doctors and they told me that i have hypertrophy od base of tongue i was looking on line and there's a linked between hpv and base tongue cancer.  Please any advice.  Thank you! !


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,723 Member


    I had 2 PEG’s, 1 very bad and 1 very good.  I only keep it for 2 weeks following treatment, as I proved to my doctors I was getting enough calories.

    Take DF advice and keep your team informed on all changes and continued luck staying ahead of nausea.

    Good luck,


  • Drivingdaisy
    Drivingdaisy Member Posts: 263
    Nino regarding your above questions

    Hello Nino,   First I would recommend starting a new thread/post of your own.  That way more will see it and can hopefully help direct you.  There are fantastic individuals on this forum with a wealth of knowledge.  They have been there done that or are going thru it right now.  Lots of valuable information.....make sure to take notes.

    Yes, hpv 16+ does contribute to this type of Cancer.  I just went through treatment and I just found out I am now in remission.  I am very lucky it was caught early.  They found my HPV from a sample of the biopsy.  Make sure they do the test.  This is no a Cancer you want to fool with and delay, it can grow fast.  As for Insurance, I was very fortunate to have excellent coverage.  No Insurance, I Would ask your General GP if you have one or the ENT you went to Who to contact.  Also check with a large Hospital near you and see if they have a Cancer Information Office.  Also contact the American Cancer Society.  Best I can offer since I did not have to go that way so not the most knowledgesd.  Good luck and know we will try and answer the questions you ask the best we can.

  • RottiesMom
    RottiesMom Member Posts: 167
    edited June 2016 #19
    matt and donfoo

    I called my doctor about the nausea and as long as I can keep it under control, stay hydrated, and eat no worries.  If I start vomiting they want me to go right to the ER where I will get iv Anti nausea meds and hydrate.  They said there is no reason for me to vomit with all the meds available.  There is a very slight ringing in my ears.  My hearing was tested before treatment started and will be periodically through treatment.  Oh Matt..I am going to do my best to do the samething you did to get the tube out!  

  • nino5
    nino5 Member Posts: 29
    edited June 2016 #20

    Nino regarding your above questions

    Hello Nino,   First I would recommend starting a new thread/post of your own.  That way more will see it and can hopefully help direct you.  There are fantastic individuals on this forum with a wealth of knowledge.  They have been there done that or are going thru it right now.  Lots of valuable information.....make sure to take notes.

    Yes, hpv 16+ does contribute to this type of Cancer.  I just went through treatment and I just found out I am now in remission.  I am very lucky it was caught early.  They found my HPV from a sample of the biopsy.  Make sure they do the test.  This is no a Cancer you want to fool with and delay, it can grow fast.  As for Insurance, I was very fortunate to have excellent coverage.  No Insurance, I Would ask your General GP if you have one or the ENT you went to Who to contact.  Also check with a large Hospital near you and see if they have a Cancer Information Office.  Also contact the American Cancer Society.  Best I can offer since I did not have to go that way so not the most knowledgesd.  Good luck and know we will try and answer the questions you ask the best we can.

    Thank you for your answer i

    Thank you for your answer i will consider all your advices!  I would like to keep in touch with you. 

    Thank you again