Need advice from medical professionals on my wife's treatment

Khadkaji Member Posts: 1
  • My wife is victim of Ovearien Cancer. It was dignosised 8 months ago. She received 3 cycle of ( NACT)chemothatapy. Than she went for Cyto Reductive surgery than got another 3 cycle of (AJCT)Chemo Therapy. 
  • after completing this while we screened anagin PET/CT scan reports says "A small peripheraily enchanceing hypodence lesion with irregular margins and increased FDG uptake is noted in relation to sigment VIII of liver, measuring 3.6X208 cms, SUV max 11.19"
  • Her cancer marker CA 125 is 65U/ml which is increasing trand.

Our Doctor says, she is almost finished and she havent more survival times. He had planed to put her in Maintinace Chemotharapy for another 3 month.

Can some one tell me, or guide me for further treatments to her. I want to extend her survival times.

If some one wants to check her previous medical reports, I can send that in email.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,535 Member
    khadkaji, I am so sorry to

    khadkaji, I am so sorry to hear about your wife and such a wonderful husband she has who will go to any lenghths to help her in her fight.  Please know, no one here are medical professionals, we are just lay folks who share our experiences and lend a shoulder.  

    I hope you can find some help.