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BillO60 Member Posts: 72

Haven't been on here for awhile mostly because too brain foggy and tired during this last 6 months of Cisplatin treatment.  But now back to doing research after about 15 months of radiation and oral chemo, surgery, and the above mentioned 6 month adjunctive course of Cisplatin as a mop-up.

I was to have a reversal of a temporary ileostomy but surgeon wanted me to complete CT Scan, colonoscopy, barium enema (to make sure the anastamosis was properly sealed) and a CEA before setting a surgery date.  Had met with oncologist about a month after I completed the course of Cisplatin and he was pretty optimistic.

When I was first diagnosed with colo-rectal cancer the scans had also showed some inconclusive sub-centimeter lesions on the liver that the oncologist was pretty sure were not cancer. His thinking was that if it was metastatic CA the Cisplatin would wipe it out so no biopsy was done and no other course of treatment was discussed.

Then I had the CT scan a week ago and the oncologist called me and said it showed 3 new lesions on my liver.  I'm now scheduled for a liver biopsy next week where they will biopsy one of the lesions. In the meantime I asked the surgeon for a copy of the CT scan report and discovered, in addition to the liver lesions, I also have a new 5cm node in left lower lung.  The oncologist didn't mention it or mention anything about having it biopsied or removed.  The report stated that the new liver lesions were highly suspicious for metastatic disease and the lung nodule was suspicious for pulmonary metastatisis. 

These lesions showed up after a CT scan was done in December and during Cisplatin treatment so I'm pretty sure the Cisplatin might not have been the best option.

I was hoping others would be willing to share what treatments they've been on in a similiar situation (with liver and/or lung involvment) and what the outcomes have been.  I know metastasis is not the end of the world and I know there are new treatments (for example, I've already discussed ablation for the liver lesions) but the oncologist seems to be focused on chemo as the answer. 

I'm going to ask him about the lung node and what the plan is to deal with it.  I have a feeling it's going to be chemo and wait and see.  I'd rather have it removed, if possible, and then do the chemo but I'd like to know what others have experienced in this situation.





  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member
    Treatment plan

    If you don't like what the Drs. tell you, you can always get a second opinion.  The hospital assinged me an Oncologist  who was a real jerk. I asked my surgeon for a different Onc offering a few choices from the hosspital staff.  She gave me the best ever Oncologist that I was totally happy with. It is you who is hiring these people!

  • BillO60
    BillO60 Member Posts: 72
    edited June 2016 #3
    danker said:

    Treatment plan

    If you don't like what the Drs. tell you, you can always get a second opinion.  The hospital assinged me an Oncologist  who was a real jerk. I asked my surgeon for a different Onc offering a few choices from the hosspital staff.  She gave me the best ever Oncologist that I was totally happy with. It is you who is hiring these people!

    I've Considered this but...

    Hi Danker,

    Thanks. I'd already planned on having a conversation with my surgeon, who has been great, to see what my options are for switching oncologists.  I'm receiving care through the V.A. but it's a teaching hospital (the surgeon is an associate professor at UCLA's school of medicine) so I'm hoping she can recommend someone. 

    I'm still interested in other treatment plans that others have been through. Even with a new oncologist I'd feel better if I had an idea of what treatments others have been through that have been effective.  Granted, treatments and how well they work is kind of hit and miss but the more information I have the better chance I'll have of discussing alternatives with whatever oncologist I wind up with.

     Oh yeah.... and happy birthday!

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    edited June 2016 #4
    Worrying news

    I'm sorry to hear your news, Bill. 

    You sound like you are a real upbeat kind of person (male/female? We had a lady post once, named Bill), which takes you such a long way when you have Cancer. 

    I can't help you with any advice, just let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers, and hoping for a good outcome. 


  • BillO60
    BillO60 Member Posts: 72
    Trubrit said:

    Worrying news

    I'm sorry to hear your news, Bill. 

    You sound like you are a real upbeat kind of person (male/female? We had a lady post once, named Bill), which takes you such a long way when you have Cancer. 

    I can't help you with any advice, just let you know that you are in my thoughts and prayers, and hoping for a good outcome. 


    Thanks Sue

    Hi Sue,

    Thank you for the kind words.  The odd thing is that I feel better now physically than I have in the last couple of years.  I know it's going to be another uphill battle but since I've been through it once, and these lesions aren't causing me anything like  the miserable sysmptoms I'd had with the colo-rectal tumor, I think I'm in better shape to deal with it.

    I'm male by the way.


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    You were interested in

    You were interested in hearing about my lung mets being radiated. I didn't realize that your spots were that big. Mine were only 5 and 6 mms. 5 cms might be too big for that type of treatment. I could be totally wrong, it's just a thought. With the radiation going right through it would turn a rather big area into scar tissue. Best of luck with whatever the course of action is.
