Mammograms and Ports

Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member

Just wondering...  So, I'm coming due for my mammogram in a couple of months and I'm wondering about how that all works with the port.  I can't tell whether it is in the way or not.  I have small breasts and it is not uncommon for my chest and ribs to get almost bruised when they smash everything down.  Anybody got experience here?  As it is, I'm considering asking my OB/GYN who I see next month about an MRI or ultrasound instead since I do have dense breasts.  Or maybe since I just had a PET scan I can skip the mammogram this year?



  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Funny, I asked if I could

    Funny, I asked if I could skip mine since I had the scans. And the answer was...... get the mammogram. Dang it!

    No clue about the port. But, it sure seems like they wouldn't put it where it would be in the way considering we are "expected" to keep it in place for a couple of years....

    It will be interesting to see what your doc says.

    Hope you are doing well Chris.

    Love and Hugs,


  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    Mammogram and port

    I have had several mamagrams now and my port has never gotten in the way.  The girl who does them is careful.

    Lou Ann

  • Abbycat2
    Abbycat2 Member Posts: 644 Member
    Like Lou Ann, I haven't had any problems

    I have had several mammograms without a problem and I have small breast as well. Somehow, the technician can work around it. 

    I hope it goes well for you, Chris.

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    I'm glad someone brought this

    I'm glad someone brought this up. I'm due for my mamo and I've been wondering. I'm not small breasted.

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    I'm so used to having the

    I'm so used to having the port now that I seldom think about it except when I start thinking about things like this.  Or, when I recently flew, the fact that I have this metal thing implanted in my chest alerted TSA.  Hadn't even occurred to me.

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    edited June 2016 #7
    Editgrl said:

    I'm so used to having the

    I'm so used to having the port now that I seldom think about it except when I start thinking about things like this.  Or, when I recently flew, the fact that I have this metal thing implanted in my chest alerted TSA.  Hadn't even occurred to me.

    Just curious,

    did you have to show them the bump or did they take your word forit?   Did they use the wand?

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    They didn't ask to see it,

    They didn't ask to see it, they just indicated there was something that was showing up.  I had a v-neck t-shirt on, so I just pulled it over slightly so they could see it.  Even so, they did the wipe-down on my hands and a brief patdown, female agent.

  • Abbycat2
    Abbycat2 Member Posts: 644 Member
    edited June 2016 #9
    Chris, my port is made

    of plastic so I have not set off any alarms at the airport. I am planning to have my port removed in the fall and decided that I will not have my gyn onc remove it in his office. I'll have it removed at a hospital. I also plan to have my brother fix my trigger fingers on one hand around the same time since both surgeries will force me out of the pool while I still have stitches. Bummer, since I swim regularly.

  • CindylovesMike
    CindylovesMike Member Posts: 50
    I had my port

    taken out surgically in Jan. It hurt at times. My doc said is best to get them out because of infection. that was my surgeon my onc I think would have left it in.

  • txtrisha55
    txtrisha55 Member Posts: 693 Member
    I had my port in for two

    I had my port in for two years until it was finally removed.  I jsut told the nurse before hand and she worked around it but did not flatten it as bad as the other one that did not have the port.  The nurses I had both times were understanding and it worked out ok.

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    Good to hear

    Good to hear the stories about mammograms.  I probably wouldn't have thought much about it except I am so slender.  We'll see how it goes.  Not gonna happen for another couple of months anyway.

    As far as removal, I'm not planning on that for quite some time with the high rate of recurrence.  BTW, mine is purple titanium.

  • txtrisha55
    txtrisha55 Member Posts: 693 Member
    Editgrl said:

    Good to hear

    Good to hear the stories about mammograms.  I probably wouldn't have thought much about it except I am so slender.  We'll see how it goes.  Not gonna happen for another couple of months anyway.

    As far as removal, I'm not planning on that for quite some time with the high rate of recurrence.  BTW, mine is purple titanium.

    Mine was purple too!  I had a

    Mine was purple too!  I had a triangle.  Once it was removed I told the technican that removed it that I wanted it to keep.  He looked at me stragly but I have it in with all my other cancer journey stuff.  After Chemo was done and I still had the port in me I went to my GP dr for a cold and they did chest xrays, he was so excited, come see this because it showed up on the xray.  I saw the device and all the tubing going into my neck and down through the blood vein into my heart.  Have to admit it was pretty cool because while you know where it is going so that it saves your veins in your arms it is still pretty amasing to actually see it.  trish

  • BC Brady
    BC Brady Member Posts: 70
    edited June 2016 #14

    I'm still in active treatment, but my dr says not to worry about mammograms right now. I'm PET scanned every 3-5 months so I guess they can see everything they need to. The PA always asks, tho, when my last one was, now going on three years, and tells me the port makes no difference. 

  • DrienneB
    DrienneB Member Posts: 182

    Mine was purple too!  I had a

    Mine was purple too!  I had a triangle.  Once it was removed I told the technican that removed it that I wanted it to keep.  He looked at me stragly but I have it in with all my other cancer journey stuff.  After Chemo was done and I still had the port in me I went to my GP dr for a cold and they did chest xrays, he was so excited, come see this because it showed up on the xray.  I saw the device and all the tubing going into my neck and down through the blood vein into my heart.  Have to admit it was pretty cool because while you know where it is going so that it saves your veins in your arms it is still pretty amasing to actually see it.  trish

    Xray of Port Paraphernalia

    Trish I would have loved to have seen that Xray! I got a great big kick out of seeing the outline of the tube at my jugular vein. I developed a red rash outlining that part. Did not think to have my port saved or to ask to see its image while inside. My port area was always black and blue, as I suspect everyone's is. I am glad that my mother encouraged me to have it out when I was done. I just hit the 3-year mark last month. Believe it or not, though, my scar in that place is still red and sore. It's a big keloid. Yuck.

    Did you ever get hugged by a man who had sunglasses hanging in his front shirt pocket? OUCHHH.


  • joannewtta
    joannewtta Member Posts: 43
    edited June 2016 #16

    I saved mine too. I'm that kinda girl. Mine was the purple power port. Hard to get out as lots of scar tissue built up. It was in for about 20 months from start to finish. 18 chemos so it really saved the veins. UPSC stage 3, grade 3b diagnosed 3 years ago this month. Doing great and I expect no less.

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    Yep, the purple powerport!

    When I finally do get mine out, I want to save it, too.  And yes, that tube to the vein is rather striking.  Now that I'm wearing lower cut tops, it is much more obvious.  Well, it could be a conversation starter lol.

  • joannewtta
    joannewtta Member Posts: 43

    I just referred to it as my third ninny.

  • Charissa
    Charissa Member Posts: 129 Member
    Oh my goodness, ladies. What

    Oh my goodness, ladies. What is the port? Am I going to have to have one of these too for chemo treatment? Is it difficult and painful to put in? Where exactly is it? I thought they just injected us through a vein in the arm? I am so ignorant to all of this.

    I'm also still awaiting my pathology report. I called yesterday (Monday - three weeks since my DaVinci hysterectomy) and they said it showed pending in the computer system. Not sure if that is good news or bad news?  I meet with my oncologist this Thursday the 9th. I will have all the information then and will share it with all of you, as I'm sure I will have lots of questions.

    Thank you, ladies, for being so active in checking and replying so quickly to messages. I get busy with my girls and family and can't get on here every day. But, I have gained so much knowledge through all of you and am comforted to know you are always here. Love and hugs to all.

  • Charissa said:

    Oh my goodness, ladies. What

    Oh my goodness, ladies. What is the port? Am I going to have to have one of these too for chemo treatment? Is it difficult and painful to put in? Where exactly is it? I thought they just injected us through a vein in the arm? I am so ignorant to all of this.

    I'm also still awaiting my pathology report. I called yesterday (Monday - three weeks since my DaVinci hysterectomy) and they said it showed pending in the computer system. Not sure if that is good news or bad news?  I meet with my oncologist this Thursday the 9th. I will have all the information then and will share it with all of you, as I'm sure I will have lots of questions.

    Thank you, ladies, for being so active in checking and replying so quickly to messages. I get busy with my girls and family and can't get on here every day. But, I have gained so much knowledge through all of you and am comforted to know you are always here. Love and hugs to all.

    Yes-you'll probably be getting a port

    Don't worry though, for most of us, except Eldri, the port was a vein savior.  I had mine put in as outpatient at the hospital with a surgeon.  It didn't hurt, just a little, and healed quickly.  I can't imagine sitting through chemo for 5+ hours with a needle in my vein.  Also, the chemo is very caustic, if it leaks, it can cause problems, so you'll definately want a port.  Tomorrow you'll have all the answers you need, so hears hoping your answers are good news.  Hugs Nancy

  • Soup52
    Soup52 Member Posts: 908 Member
    Yes, I had my port put in at

    Yes, I had my port put in at the hospital under conscious sedation, so no pain for me. I decided that I wouldn't try to hide it. If it shows with what I'm wearing, I won't worry about it:)