Cancer and a Virus Cure

JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member

I saw my GP today and we were discussing cancer. My long held belief is that the cure will end up being a virus that's introduced to the body. To me it explains why some people suddenly have their cancer basically go away. I suspect they run into something that just goes ahead and kills all the cells or tells the cells to die and a virus or bacterium of some sort would make sense.

He told me that one of the latest avenues they're checking into in the battle against cancer is warts. Apparently warts will crop up and the reason they sit there and stay but do eventually go away even without treatment is because they protect themselves with some sort of barrier and the body doesn't recognise them. Eventually the body does notice it's there and the immune system kicks in and gets rid of it.

He said they did a study with children with warts and they gave half the kids a band-aide to cover it. The other half were also given a band-aide but were told that this one was a magic band-aide that would get rid of their wart. The kids with the 'regular' band-aides still had the wart after. The kids with the 'magic' band-aides mostly had their warts go away. The theory is that the mind connected with the body and 'told' it that there was something there and to start up the immune system against it.

He said that they're trying to figure out how the wart virus manages to hide on the body and how cancer might do the same thing. He said that's why old-fashioned cures for warts work. The body figures out that it needs to fight the wart because the brain thinks it's being cured.

Any thoughts on this one?



  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member
    See cells, sea shells, she sells

    See cells, sea shells, she sells

    All a "cancer cell" is, is one of our good cells that's been damaged so badly that it can no longer respond to our body's instructions regarding how to stay alive.

    Most immune systems identify and removes the defective cell immediately and no harm follows.

    If and when the immune system neglects to do the job as it should, the damaged cell may attempt to stay alive on its own through a very basic method called "the fermentation process". It begins to take in glucose (sugar), stealing it away from our system, and using it in the fermentation process to stay alive.

    The glucose is taken in, used for survival and the waste is in the form of lactic acid. The lactic acid is converted back into glucose by our liver as part of the liver's normal job of processing.

    In the normal life of most living creatures, the immune system recognizes the damaged cell, and removes it from the body. With other people (like me), the
    immune system didn't pay attention to the damaged cell, and allowed it to continue growing by it's own means.

    The research now, seems to be indicating that our immune system can often become sensitized to the chemicals that are given off by a dying cancer cell. Once sensitized, the immune system is able to identify the difference between a good healthy cell, and one that has become defective, and using that ability, it can go after any other cells that are giving off that same chemical property.

    That's pretty amazing stuff. It might be proving what's been noticed by many researchers for quite some time...... That very often, after "chemo" or radiation is used to successfully kill cancer cells, the immune system seems to become energized, and does the rest of the work by itself! It's a matter of the system becoming sensitized to what it should have been paying attention to.

    Of course, that happens if the immune system is strong enough to do battle after the application of chemo or radiation. It's another reason why the industry is starting to use less treatments, and give some time between treatments.

    Leading Oncologists have noted for quite some time, that smaller doses given for a shorter period of time seem to have a better effect on the overall health of the cancer patient. And more often, they see a continued decline of cancer cells after treatment has stopped.

    Our immune system is an inherent part of our survival. A healthy immune system may not "see" a cancer cell initially, but it appears that it can be "taught" to "see" a cancer cell via sensitization of some of it's unique chemical properties.

    Unfortunately, toxic chemicals and radiation treatments can damage the immune system so terribly, that it can be rendered near useless to fight any ailment.

    One has to ask why..... why is it taking so long to see the problem and make the necessary corrections?

    Just a lil' brain fodder!

    Think healthy!


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    John, thank you for your

    John, thank you for your reply. I appreciate how you can make things so easy to understand. Are you a teacher? If not I'd say you missed your calling.
