


  • brissance
    brissance Member Posts: 192
    edited June 2016 #22
    MoeKay said:

    Hi brissance, I had low dose

    Hi brissance, I had low dose brachytherapy 17 years ago shortly after completing five weeks of external radiation.  It's been a long time, so my memory has faded, but I believe mine was two full days in isolation.  I do recall getting kind of anxious having to lay somewhat flat for the duration.  I forget what the angle was that the bed could be elevated, but I'm thinking somewhere around 30 degrees.  I do remember that I told everyone not to visit, even though they could have stayed in the room a short while behind a shield.  Instead, I spoke to relatives and friends over the phone. 

    I know the experience wasn't too bad, because what I remember most was that after getting out of the hospital, I went to the pharmacy to pick up a prescription, and while I was there, someone sideswiped the whole side of my car, which had me more upset than anything having to do with the brachytherapy! 

    Best of luck to you.

    Your Car

    What luck...  your car was side swiped.  Sort of Rosanna Danna, "If it is not one thing it is another".  Hope I fare as well as you did.  Thanks for the input.  :)

  • brissance
    brissance Member Posts: 192
    Editgrl said:

    Thanks for the update on this.

    I was wondering what the doctor's rationale was.  Good to hear that he was open to a discussion about it and willing to entertain another option if you desired. 



    Thank you

    I thank you and hope you are doing well.  
    Believe me I am still reading and the jury is out..  but right now I am on schedule for the low dose. 


  • MoeKay
    MoeKay Member Posts: 499 Member
    The missing pieces to the puzzle

    Hi Patty, I really appreciate your providing us with your oncologist's rationale for preferring low dose brachytherapy.  I was happy to see his comment that he believes medical studies "leaned" in favor of low dose, since that is consistent with the results of the one endometrial cancer study I found (included in my May 28 post).  I must admit that having been treated 17 years ago when LD was the only brachytherapy option presented to me, I was more than a little envious of the women who were able to have HD in later years when HD became more common than LD.  I thought that HD seemed like so much easier of a treatment option.   But now I realize that even if I had been given a choice between LD and HD, based on all the information you now have been provided by your treatment team, in all likelihood I would have opted for the inpatient LD anyway. 

    I'm glad that your oncologist thoroughly explained the basis of his recommendation to you.  Whatever you ultimately decide, it appears that you now have a much fuller picture on the pros and cons of both options, so that you are in the best position to make a fully informed decision. 

    Wishing you all the best,



  • Kvdyson
    Kvdyson Member Posts: 790 Member
    edited June 2016 #25
    brissance said:

    Thank you

    Appreciate this.. have increased the probiotics and you are right, it has helped on the tippy tummy syndrome.

    Glad to hear it!

    Brissance, so glad to hear that increasing the probiotics helped! How are you doing otherwise?

  • brissance
    brissance Member Posts: 192
    edited June 2016 #26
    Kvdyson said:

    Glad to hear it!

    Brissance, so glad to hear that increasing the probiotics helped! How are you doing otherwise?


    All is wonderful.. no complaints.  Just finished #14 of 25 radiation.  During chemo and radiation I have had 5 abscesses (boils) most have just been bothersome. (There are testing me for staff MRSA etc)  This Thursday had one on my bum and Friday saw Onc and he sent me to the emergency room...   16 hours later I emerged sans infection in my posterior.   But what a pain to keep clean from infection...  as the diarrhea has hit at this time.  Can't use tape as the radiation has really sensitized the area...  so basically I am on a continual sitz bath regime.  Worse part is my family has shown no mercy in their teasing me...  I am the "butt" of the jokes.  So bottom line ...  I am fine.. having the routine ouches and issues but nothing overly serious.  Thank you so much for asking.  I certainly hope all is well with you.