One More To Go

Red Corvette
Red Corvette Member Posts: 114 Member

Hello beautiful ladies.

We've been quiet the past few weeks but still check the board most days. My wife and I took a cancer break and went away to a little island near Barbados for a week to get some much needed rest between chemos. She slept between 10 and 12 hours a day and really got her strength back. Thanks to icing and cold caps she still has a lot of her hair but no eyebrows or lashes. Haven't figured out a way yet to ice those babies!  And no neuropathy so far. Blood test numbers today were very good so we're on for chemo 4 with the final one on Friday. One more on Friday and hopefully done with that part. Strength and peace to us all.

Red Corvette


  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member
    edited May 2016 #2
    Just what she needed!

    That trip was just what she needed to recoup! The hours of sleep may have done her more good than chemo!  Really glad the cold cap worked for her!  My aunt did that, but she had no luck!  The lack of neuropthy is wonderful!  I am over five years out of chemo and while my head hair grew back, I have no lashes or brows.  I draw on some brows when I think of it, but it's the lashes I miss!  Not for the looks, those babies are there to keep the dirt out!  I need to take out stock in the Murine Company!  Wishing you and your wife the very best for the end of chemo and the healing process!  Best, Debrajo

  • molimoli
    molimoli Member Posts: 514
    Yes strength and peace we crave , may they be our constant co.

    These little breaks does a marvelous job in replenishing our bodies and soul.So close to the end of chemo ,seems like yesterday that you started.Happy that she is tolerating it so well ,happy that you are such a great captain.

    Moli--Caring and hugging you both.

  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    I am glad that you and your

    I am glad that you and your beautiful bride got to get away for a little rest and relaxation .  I am sure it did wonders for both of you.  Hoping chemo goes well and I am glad that the cold packs are working.  I used the ones for your feet, didn't need them for my hands and didn't have th head ones available.

    Hugs and Prayers for both of you.  Lou Ann

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    Oh yes!

    Getaways are the best.  Away from the daily grind, away from doctors, away and maybe, just maybe able to live a life that isn't measured by doctor appointments, blood tests, scans.  So glad you were able to do that and that your wife could luxuriate in blessed sleep.  Great timing in that she could come back strong for that last infusion. Only one more to go then done with this particular madness.  
