Hi some advice would be nice...should i go to the Er?

Hi guys, 

First of all I would like to say thank you all for your encouraging stories. I have not yet been diagnosed with cancer but I am VERY concerned. Here is what's been going on. For the last year to year and a half my periods have been very off. I have had everything from 40 days with no period to 3 months straight of bleeding to very heavy bleeding between periods (3 tampons an hour heavy) I am CONSTENTLY tired. I have been peeing very frequently and I have bloating so severe in my stomach that my waist line has gone from 37 inches to 43.5 . my stomach has this constant ache in it (about only a 2) and when I push pretty much anywhere on my stomach I get severe pain but it is certainly worse when I push on my ovaries and lower region. I have also had intermitent nausea and idigestion as well as a few episodes of fecal incontenace. Lastly I have also been getting full very easily ..one or two bites of a steak or the like and I am very full. I had an ultrasound in my doctors office on Wednesday that only showed blood in my uterus and an enlarged uterine cavity. I have been in and out of the ER since December and during that time I have had a normal pap smear and ct scan. When I had my ObGYN   appointment I didn't think to tell him about the pain when I push on it or the nausea or food thing...I called him back and told him and he said I should go to the ER....I'm just concerned that they aren't going to do anything and just send me home and tell me to wait and see him.... In just so very worried about this as I seems I have every symptom in the book and I was just wondering what you guys thought and also if any of you had similar symptoms...


Thank you for your replies in advance!


  • molimoli
    molimoli Member Posts: 514
    Dwestmore So very sorry you have left this so long.

    Go to your obgyn's office on monday morning and don't leave without requisition for appropriate scans.I am not diagnosing ,not trained to but you are in some trouble.

    Pap smear only picks up cervical cancers as a rule, my pap came back perfect and 1 week later I was diagnosed  with stage3 grade 3 Papillary serous endometrial cancer, had no symptom--so I thought ,now I know I missed some, they were little nuisances that I brushed off , like periodic pinching in area of my ovaries or fluttering feeling in my belly , it was my uterus adjusting to the tumor, and my ovaries doing it's cell knitting job.

    Get aggressive in your quest for answers--Now.

    Moli --hoping my gut feeling is very wrong.

  • BabyCoach
    BabyCoach Member Posts: 95
    Welcome to where you never

    Welcome to where you never wanted to be. I agree you may be right about the ER but if not that, you must get to a COMPETENT GYN by 8:40 Monday morning. You can be cordial but do not leave the office until you are thoroughly examined and the list of symptoms outlined in your message are revirwed completely. It's scary, we know. All of us have felt that fear. But you are your best advocate and you must move ahead.  Then you will be on a path familiar to many of us and we will walk alongside you the whole way. Make your Mondsy morning plan (including a written list of these symptoms) and be sure someone else goes with you to be a second set of ears. As an alternative, if you have a smart phone you can get a free app that you can use to record the appoinemt. You will want to remembet everything that is said. 

    Good luvk!

  • BabyCoach
    BabyCoach Member Posts: 95
    Welcome to where you never

    Welcome to where you never wanted to be. I agree you may be right about the ER but if not that, you must get to a COMPETENT GYN by 8:40 Monday morning. You can be cordial but do not leave the office until you are thoroughly examined and the list of symptoms outlined in your message are revirwed completely. It's scary, we know. All of us have felt that fear. But you are your best advocate and you must move ahead.  Then you will be on a path familiar to many of us and we will walk alongside you the whole way. Make your Mondsy morning plan (including a written list of these symptoms) and be sure someone else goes with you to be a second set of ears. As an alternative, if you have a smart phone you can get a free app that you can use to record the appoinemt. You will want to remembet everything that is said. 

    Good luvk!

  • dwestmor
    dwestmor Member Posts: 4
    BabyCoach said:

    Welcome to where you never

    Welcome to where you never wanted to be. I agree you may be right about the ER but if not that, you must get to a COMPETENT GYN by 8:40 Monday morning. You can be cordial but do not leave the office until you are thoroughly examined and the list of symptoms outlined in your message are revirwed completely. It's scary, we know. All of us have felt that fear. But you are your best advocate and you must move ahead.  Then you will be on a path familiar to many of us and we will walk alongside you the whole way. Make your Mondsy morning plan (including a written list of these symptoms) and be sure someone else goes with you to be a second set of ears. As an alternative, if you have a smart phone you can get a free app that you can use to record the appoinemt. You will want to remembet everything that is said. 

    Good luvk!

    While it's nice to know you

    While it's nice to know you guys don't think I'm crazy it's worrying that you guys seen so concerned....I didn't mention this in my first post but I'm only 24....it's why i wasn't even thinking cancer until this bloating started Wednesday.... Thank you all for your advice...unless the pain gets worse or I start bloating more I think I'll wait till Monday morning but then I'm gonna camp out at his office till I get some real answers since his last idea was "let's wait 3 months and see"...

  • dwestmor
    dwestmor Member Posts: 4
    BabyCoach said:

    Welcome to where you never

    Welcome to where you never wanted to be. I agree you may be right about the ER but if not that, you must get to a COMPETENT GYN by 8:40 Monday morning. You can be cordial but do not leave the office until you are thoroughly examined and the list of symptoms outlined in your message are revirwed completely. It's scary, we know. All of us have felt that fear. But you are your best advocate and you must move ahead.  Then you will be on a path familiar to many of us and we will walk alongside you the whole way. Make your Mondsy morning plan (including a written list of these symptoms) and be sure someone else goes with you to be a second set of ears. As an alternative, if you have a smart phone you can get a free app that you can use to record the appoinemt. You will want to remembet everything that is said. 

    Good luvk!

    Also I was wondering with a

    Also I was wondering with a clean CT and a MOSTLY clear ultrasound just a few days ago if it is cancer it would have to be an early stage but most everything I have read says that with these many symptoms I would have to be pretty far along... Have you guys ever heard of anything like that?

  • dwestmor
    dwestmor Member Posts: 4
    BabyCoach said:

    Welcome to where you never

    Welcome to where you never wanted to be. I agree you may be right about the ER but if not that, you must get to a COMPETENT GYN by 8:40 Monday morning. You can be cordial but do not leave the office until you are thoroughly examined and the list of symptoms outlined in your message are revirwed completely. It's scary, we know. All of us have felt that fear. But you are your best advocate and you must move ahead.  Then you will be on a path familiar to many of us and we will walk alongside you the whole way. Make your Mondsy morning plan (including a written list of these symptoms) and be sure someone else goes with you to be a second set of ears. As an alternative, if you have a smart phone you can get a free app that you can use to record the appoinemt. You will want to remembet everything that is said. 

    Good luvk!

    Also should I go ahead and

    Also should I go ahead and demand a D and C?

  • TAyers
    TAyers Member Posts: 86 Member
    dwestmor said:

    Also should I go ahead and

    Also should I go ahead and demand a D and C?

    D and C

    i would recommend a d and c because they will take a biopsy of your lining with it, that is the only thing that showed I had Uterine Papillary Serous. I also had a cat scan which showed nothing and my  ultrasound showed my uterine lining was thickened. I hope you get taken seriously by your doctor, be your own advocate!


    UPSC- grade 3;stage 3C-June 6,2012

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    TAyers said:

    D and C

    i would recommend a d and c because they will take a biopsy of your lining with it, that is the only thing that showed I had Uterine Papillary Serous. I also had a cat scan which showed nothing and my  ultrasound showed my uterine lining was thickened. I hope you get taken seriously by your doctor, be your own advocate!


    UPSC- grade 3;stage 3C-June 6,2012

    Another thing

    have you had lab work?  Ask for a ca 125.  Good luck.

  • BC Brady
    BC Brady Member Posts: 70
    agreed with other posters

    Dear dwestmor,

    I had similar symptoms. If you are of menopausal age, I believe the healthcare system marginalizes us and assumes we exaggerate. Your symptoms deserve attention and you have to be firm about insisting on further testing. My gyn didn't believe that a thickening uterus was any big deal and said my other symptoms were something for my GI doctor. I made that appt and thankfully the GI doc ordered a contrast CT where the tumors showed up clear as day. All sprang from a single cancerous polyp in my uterus that broke through to the omentum and spread throughout the abdomen by the time it was discovered. My gyn was dumbfounded - she was just going to schedule me for a d&c the following month and instead I was referred to a gyn onco/surgeon.

    You could be very right about it being early stage and NOW is the time to act. Maybe a good and inquisitive GI doc would give you the care you deserve like she did me? At the very least, your gyn sounds inadequate to me - as was mine (and I thought the world of her before this happened). I hope some medical personnel respond to you on this thread - it could be something else altogether not as sinister as what we are all going through - and I pray that is the case for you - but you MUST find out NOW - you deserve the best!

    Hugs and prayers,


  • BabyCoach
    BabyCoach Member Posts: 95
    ??? Did you camp out in the doc office?

    Please let us hear from you.  We are concerned.

  • 2changes
    2changes Member Posts: 24
    dwestmor said:

    Also I was wondering with a

    Also I was wondering with a clean CT and a MOSTLY clear ultrasound just a few days ago if it is cancer it would have to be an early stage but most everything I have read says that with these many symptoms I would have to be pretty far along... Have you guys ever heard of anything like that?

    how are you
    Was reading your post how are you hoping all is well when I started my journey in 2014 it was a concern over a discharge that wouldn't go away it turned out to be vaginal cancer I'm still battling just started chemo for 7th X yesterday I've learner that I should have listened to by body and that's my advice if you feel something is wrong be persisitant good luck and please let us know how you are doing
  • DrienneB
    DrienneB Member Posts: 182
    edited June 2016 #13
    Get a Biopsy from a Cancer Pro

    I'm sorry to see this so late. Find a gynecological oncologist who will give you a proper D&C biopsy in the hospital. Do not settle for a biopsy taken by your ob/gyn in his/her office. Even if your ob/gyn will give you a D&C biopsy, it would be better to have a gynecological oncologist perform the procedure. Keep looking till you find one, and get the biopsy as soon as you can.  My story is so bad, I do not want to share it right now.

    Even if you do not have a real problem, you will have done the best by yourself.

    - jane

  • zuke
    zuke Member Posts: 5
    Change gynecologists if yours is not listening to you

    However, if you are in pain or great discomfort, I WOULD go to the ER, and I wouldn't wait.

    But...I would also change gynecologists if yours is not taking you seriously or doesn't have the time for you. But if you do, be sure to write down all your symptoms and your history in a very cogent way. Do you know other women that could recommend a good gynecologist? Are you in a big enough town that there are several gynecologists to choose from? Also, have you visited your primary care physician? There may be several things going on, and it might not be solely a gynecological issue.

    I must say I disagree with many of the other posters. In my opinion, if you have a good doctor you have faith in, I would certainly ask about the advisability of a D&C and a CA-125 test, but I wouldn't demand it. Let the doc figure out what is wrong with you. Without knowing what is wrong, how could anyone know if any of test or procedure is right for you. And I don't understand why you are assuming it's cancer. Find a doctor who will properly diagnose your condition.