
foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member

here is a new one I don't remember seeing here. Last week while doing minor yard work, my right knee swelled up significantly. Unable to put weight on right leg. Very painful. I was very confused as the integrity of my knee structures appear unaffected. Yesterday I realized that this may be gout. I'll get blood work today and see my doc. I've never had anything like this before and it has taken me by surprise. Smart patients have had discussions about this but I haven't seen anything here. I'll bet footsie has had this. Anyone have 2 cents worth of info or experience with this? The last thing I need is an ortho consult.


  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Ouch, I know that is very

    Ouch, I know that is very painful. Thought it liked toes first?

    This happened to my brother (former drinker) and both his knees, ankles and toes had goutPLUS he has a bad knee. Still on Gout meds, given list of foods to avoid. BUT he was not takingvery good care of himself and again is staying with me while he gets his health in order.

    Why not get an ortho check?

    And was it confirmed (blood test) that it is gout?

    Feel better soon,


  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Jan4you said:

    Ouch, I know that is very

    Ouch, I know that is very painful. Thought it liked toes first?

    This happened to my brother (former drinker) and both his knees, ankles and toes had goutPLUS he has a bad knee. Still on Gout meds, given list of foods to avoid. BUT he was not takingvery good care of himself and again is staying with me while he gets his health in order.

    Why not get an ortho check?

    And was it confirmed (blood test) that it is gout?

    Feel better soon,






    Been there. done that about 5 years ago had gout in my ankle. Confirmed wit blood test for uric acid. Take Allipurinol for gout.




  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    icemantoo said:





    Been there. done that about 5 years ago had gout in my ankle. Confirmed wit blood test for uric acid. Take Allipurinol for gout.




    Secondary-my husband has had it for years.

    Your PC can manage the meds for you, as it will usually show up in blood work.  First, get the inflammation under control, generally with colchrys-a more expensive lab created version of Colchicine.  And since Colchicine is just a little beetle that lives on cactus, the FDA doesn't sanction it any longer. (Unless you go to Mexico.)

    Once under control, Allopurinol is the generally accepted maintenance drug.

    Hubby gets it in his ankle and joints in the foot, usually because he has overindulged in a food that creates the crystals.

    Fox, hope you get it under control soon.  Good Luck.


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    donna_lee said:

    Secondary-my husband has had it for years.

    Your PC can manage the meds for you, as it will usually show up in blood work.  First, get the inflammation under control, generally with colchrys-a more expensive lab created version of Colchicine.  And since Colchicine is just a little beetle that lives on cactus, the FDA doesn't sanction it any longer. (Unless you go to Mexico.)

    Once under control, Allopurinol is the generally accepted maintenance drug.

    Hubby gets it in his ankle and joints in the foot, usually because he has overindulged in a food that creates the crystals.

    Fox, hope you get it under control soon.  Good Luck.


    That isn't any fun! This

    That isn't any fun! This gout/knee thing better not cramp your style!

    However....is there a chance that this is a side effect of your cancer meds? Feel better, Foxy!!



  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    That isn't any fun! This

    That isn't any fun! This gout/knee thing better not cramp your style!

    However....is there a chance that this is a side effect of your cancer meds? Feel better, Foxy!!



    Sorry to hear this Foxhd

    My dad use to take a concentrated cherry supplement that helped with the gout, assuming that's what you're dealing with.  I'm so sorry cause I remember how my dad suffered with that.  But, like you, he was a tough nut to crack and nothing much slowed him down.

    Best wishes and I'll pray for relief.


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    hardo718 said:

    Sorry to hear this Foxhd

    My dad use to take a concentrated cherry supplement that helped with the gout, assuming that's what you're dealing with.  I'm so sorry cause I remember how my dad suffered with that.  But, like you, he was a tough nut to crack and nothing much slowed him down.

    Best wishes and I'll pray for relief.



    Yesterday I went for my treatment and it was held because of my docs concern about the size and pain in my knee. So I spent 8 hours in the ED and had it drained. It was all blood. It feels better now but I will have to just hang around watching march madness for a few days.

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    foxhd said:


    Yesterday I went for my treatment and it was held because of my docs concern about the size and pain in my knee. So I spent 8 hours in the ED and had it drained. It was all blood. It feels better now but I will have to just hang around watching march madness for a few days.

    OUCH again!! What else could

    OUCH again!! What else could you experience?

    Are you in any medical journals yet? I bet you are!

    Hope you get some relief..and it doesn't return.

    Sending you healing vibes my dear!


  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    Jan4you said:

    OUCH again!! What else could

    OUCH again!! What else could you experience?

    Are you in any medical journals yet? I bet you are!

    Hope you get some relief..and it doesn't return.

    Sending you healing vibes my dear!



    Did you fall on St. Paddy's Day or something?  Tongue Out

    Sorry to hear about this, and hoping & praying you'll not have to deal with this again.


  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    Ante Gout

    My Onc didnt like my kidney levels  and put me on gout medicine so I dont get gout.

  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member

    Ante Gout

    My Onc didnt like my kidney levels  and put me on gout medicine so I dont get gout.

    Get well soon Foxy!

     Knee problems are a bummer, it runs in my family and I get a swollen knee from time to time but it's rotula trouble (no idea of the english word for that part of the knee... it's the round part that moves around that dislocates and swells for me).  Did they tell you what it is?  Is it gout?   Im wishing you a very fast recovery.

    Spring is in the air and that bike needs some riding!!! 

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    marosa said:

    Get well soon Foxy!

     Knee problems are a bummer, it runs in my family and I get a swollen knee from time to time but it's rotula trouble (no idea of the english word for that part of the knee... it's the round part that moves around that dislocates and swells for me).  Did they tell you what it is?  Is it gout?   Im wishing you a very fast recovery.

    Spring is in the air and that bike needs some riding!!! 

    Marosa, Foxy said its

    Marosa, Foxy said its "hemarthrosis"   not gout.

    It was drained and he's in the hospital for it.


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    Jan4you said:

    Marosa, Foxy said its

    Marosa, Foxy said its "hemarthrosis"   not gout.

    It was drained and he's in the hospital for it.


    no no

    Jan not in the hospital. But it did take 8 hours in the ED.  Morosa, do you mean patella? I'm home and just staying off of it. Playing with my TENS unit. It's a little electrical stimulator that can be set to generate a pulse that nuetralizes pain. Several theories on how it works. 1. it is a counter stimulant. 2. gate theory. It works by blocking the pain impulse from crossing the spinal synaptic junction. 3. endorphins. The pulsing produces release of endophins. Our bodies natural pain relief chemicals. It works pretty good for knee injuries.

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    foxhd said:

    no no

    Jan not in the hospital. But it did take 8 hours in the ED.  Morosa, do you mean patella? I'm home and just staying off of it. Playing with my TENS unit. It's a little electrical stimulator that can be set to generate a pulse that nuetralizes pain. Several theories on how it works. 1. it is a counter stimulant. 2. gate theory. It works by blocking the pain impulse from crossing the spinal synaptic junction. 3. endorphins. The pulsing produces release of endophins. Our bodies natural pain relief chemicals. It works pretty good for knee injuries.

    nada, zip, no more!!

    We don't want anything more to happen to you.  Take care and recover rapidly.]


  • marosa
    marosa Member Posts: 334 Member
    donna_lee said:

    nada, zip, no more!!

    We don't want anything more to happen to you.  Take care and recover rapidly.]


    Ups! I didn't get that right!

    Thank you Jan for expalining!   I just went to the dictionary, I did not understand that word was already a diagnosis!   And Foxy, so happy to hear you are home and doing what it takes to get better.  I went to the dictionary also for "patella" and it sounds like it could well be that for me.  I get my diagnostics in french so whatever word they told me I already forgot... and this little annoyance I honestly did not pay too much attention to since it's been around since I was 20 and I guess I got used to.

    Donna_lee is soooo right.  We don't want anything else to happen to you!  Only good things!  Take care, we love you!

  • pamstayner
    pamstayner Member Posts: 111 Member
    Sorry I am late getting into this topic.

    I have been enjoying life so much this last month, since starting Nivo Feb. 18th, and having NO side effects remotely related to those on Sutent.  Not that I meant to, or even need to, but I gained 12 pounds... and food is good.  

     I have just had infusion three on March 17th.  I too got hit hard last night with knee pain.  Cannot put much weight on it even now... it just plain hurts.!   I promptly looked up what the most common side effects of Opdivo in people with renal cell carcinoma included.  The booklet is the one BMS sent me when I signed up on line at their website.  Here they are:  shortness of breath; pain in muscles, bones, and joints; decreased appetite; cough; nausea; diarrhea; constipation; and rash.

    I had a short preview of this common side effect last round too... feels like my knee swelled up tight like an inflated balloon, hurt like hell, and could hardly bend it.... or fully extend it.  Reminded me of  arthritis pains I get in my ankles.  However, 6 hours later... nothing.  Just nothing, like it never happened.  I did not do anything... except toss and turn all night because it hurt... and bingo, in the morning it was gone.  Not so this time... going on 20 hour.  

    Called the oncologist, and his only question was if it was red, and hot.  Since it is not, no issues.  So I too two 500mg Acetamineophen, and will likely call him in the morning (lol)  If I force myself to move it (like PT moving) it hurts, but less, and if I walk, it just stays numb.  I have read of other Nivo patients taking big pain killers, and it not working, or other proven in the past,  sore muscle remady , and not getting full releif, or lasting releif.

    Perhaps it is the imunotherapy hitting my degenerating arthritic joints.. attacking them as invaders... would it no be great if it cures that?  I think though, if this becomes debilitating, cronic side effect, they will make me stop for awhile.  Have not even had a scan yet to see if my lung mets are retreating ....

    Anyway, I wanted you to know you are not alone in this one.




  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member

    In the months following my nephrectomy, I started getting really bad pain in the joint in the big toe of my right foot. They've xray'ed it and I did the gout test, but it was not conclusive. They assume it's gout. Comes and goes. Is there a connection between kidney disease and gout? No doc has mentioned this.

    I've been having inflammation in my hands ever since my nephrectomy. It also comes and goes. The joints seem inflamed. The hands get a little numb or tingly. It's a little difficult to close my hands. Docs have no idea what it is. It's in both hands. It gets worse when I walk a lot, particularly in the heat. My doc did blood tests for lupus but it was inconclusive also.

    Wheee! Isn't aging fun. I just wish I knew which was aging, which was the stuff they've cut out, etc. :)

    Hope you're better soon!


  • Scorpion_John
    Scorpion_John Member Posts: 8
    todd121 said:


    In the months following my nephrectomy, I started getting really bad pain in the joint in the big toe of my right foot. They've xray'ed it and I did the gout test, but it was not conclusive. They assume it's gout. Comes and goes. Is there a connection between kidney disease and gout? No doc has mentioned this.

    I've been having inflammation in my hands ever since my nephrectomy. It also comes and goes. The joints seem inflamed. The hands get a little numb or tingly. It's a little difficult to close my hands. Docs have no idea what it is. It's in both hands. It gets worse when I walk a lot, particularly in the heat. My doc did blood tests for lupus but it was inconclusive also.

    Wheee! Isn't aging fun. I just wish I knew which was aging, which was the stuff they've cut out, etc. :)

    Hope you're better soon!




    That's a good question about kidney disease and gout?

    Since i had my right kidney removed 1/27/16  i have had gout twice. Once in my left toe, once in my right ankle... I've been put on allipurinol to get rid of the uric acid.. I'm going for blood tests Wednesday to check uric acid leve along with my current kidney function. 

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    todd121 said:


    In the months following my nephrectomy, I started getting really bad pain in the joint in the big toe of my right foot. They've xray'ed it and I did the gout test, but it was not conclusive. They assume it's gout. Comes and goes. Is there a connection between kidney disease and gout? No doc has mentioned this.

    I've been having inflammation in my hands ever since my nephrectomy. It also comes and goes. The joints seem inflamed. The hands get a little numb or tingly. It's a little difficult to close my hands. Docs have no idea what it is. It's in both hands. It gets worse when I walk a lot, particularly in the heat. My doc did blood tests for lupus but it was inconclusive also.

    Wheee! Isn't aging fun. I just wish I knew which was aging, which was the stuff they've cut out, etc. :)

    Hope you're better soon!


    So sorry you are going

    So sorry you are going through all this, Todd, ENUFF!

    Did they do ALL the tests for inflammation and ANA?

    Look up an anti-inflammatory diet to help reduce it.  Certain foods need to be eliminated due to Gout.

    NSAIDS are usually ordered, but if you only have 1 kidney cannot use now.


    Not sure if this pertains to you, but watch the alcohol consumption as that often can lead to gout too.

    Good luck. Hope they figure this out. Could see a Rheumatologist as they know more about this and can rule in/out other issues.

    Let us know how you are doing, hon.
