Esophageal cancer doctors in NY



My uncle was just recently diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Was hoping I would be able to get some insight on recommended doctors in the NYC area. Any input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


  • LorettaMarshall
    LorettaMarshall Member Posts: 662 Member
    Patty~Hope this info helps from a survivor entering his 14th yr.

     Hello Patty,

    While you haven’t given us much information, we hope that we can be of some help.  There is so much I would like to say, but I don’t know how much research you have already done. 

    Allow me to say that my husband, William Marshall, is now entering his 14th year of survival.  His diagnosis was Adenocarcinoma at the GE (GastroEsophageal) junction.  It was “T3N1M0”.  He underwent pre-op chemo of Carboplatin and 5-FU, as well as 25 radiation treatments.  He then had an Ivor Lewis MINIMALLY INVASIVE ESOPHAGECTOMY.  His thoracic surgeon was Dr. James D. Luketich at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC).  He is the pioneer of the totally laparoscopic procedure.  This MIE is the surgery of choice at UPMC.  So I would first and foremost recommend that your brother find a surgeon that has been trained to perform the minimally invasive procedure.  Be sure it is at a hospital that performs the MIE on a regular basis and at a “high volume” hospital.

    So my first advice would be, if at all possible, for newly-diagnosed patients to contact UPMC and set up a consultation with Dr. Luketich.  All patients should have a “SECOND OPINION” as well.  But there is so much I could share, so if you want to know more, please let us know.  The surgeon of choice makes all the difference.  Many surgeons are not trained to perform the newest laparoscopic surgeries.  No doubt they are good at what they do, but it is the patient that must recover from this massive major surgery. 

    So if travel is not limited to the NYC area, UPMC is a great choice.  While I don’t know any particular surgeon in the NY area, I note that Memorial Sloan Kettering has a surgeon that is trained to perform the Ivor Lewis Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy.  I will put her reference below my name.

    We wish the best for your brother.  We know how much it hurts to have your brother diagnosed with this cancer.  But please know that there are many survivors and we pray your brother will be as well.


    Loretta Marshall

    Wife of William, MIE @ UPMC on May 17, 2003 by Dr. James D. Luketich


    Locations - New York City - West Harrison - New Patient Appointments - 646-497-9163 -  Phone 212-639-3870

    I note that she has had a fellowship @ UPMC.  I suppose that’s where she trained to perform the MIE.  I note that she has been a partner in 49 written articles that have been accepted for publication.  That is one thing I use for determining how much expertise they have in a given field.  However, I do not know anyone personally who has been treated by Dr. Molena.  I recently was researching surgeons in the NYC area that performed the MIE.  Others may read your letter and have additional recommendations. 



    Becoming a Patient at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC)



    Dr. James D. Luketich explaining MIE



     This is a 45 minute video narrated by Dr. Nguyen who studied with Dr. Luketich in the mid 1990s when the surgery was first introduced by Dr. Luketich.  If anyone is on the West Coast, they can’t find a more experienced surgeon. 

    Uploaded on May 4, 2011-

      Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy featuring Ninh T. Nguyen, MD, Professor of Surgery Chief, Division of Gastrointestinal Surgery, University of California, Irvine Medical Center (SDMK13CD0800259)



  • rjollie
    rjollie Member Posts: 9
    edited May 2016 #3

    I know this is months later . I'm sure you found a Dr in NY by now . My brother was diagnosed last week. I sent an email to my GI Dr asking for his recommendation. I'll put it here in case you need it , though I doubt you do at this point.



    Memorial Sloan Kettering :  He  recommends Dr. Valerie Rusch, her phone number is 646-497-9163.