Liver mets recurrence - Looking for help and similar experiences

Good morning to you all

I’m new in the forum and decided to write looking for some support and help. Hope I can help someone else too

Here my story (my moms story)

My mom was diagnosed June 2014 with colon cancer with liver mets. Colon Cancer with KRAS Mutation.

Same June she had a Partial colon resection and started chemotherapy in August

After 12 cicles of FOLFOX (5-FU, leucovorin, and oxaliplatin)+bevacizumab she underwent right liver resection (April 2015)  and was “cancer free” for some months

Unfortunately 8 months after her liver resection a PET SCAN revealed 3 new small spots in her liver (biggest less than 1 cm). New mets. Small spots Big deception

Now she is again in FOLFOX (5-FU, leucovorin, and oxaliplatin)+bevacizumab. Doctors say removing mets is not possible but they said the same before the first surgery and finally the made it

Would be great to hear similar experiences

Any similar story of someone with several liver recurrences that were cleaned time after time?

Would be great to know the story when those recurrences happened and how mets were removed

I would be wonderful to read some advice about possible techniques to remove mets? I have in mind the following

Thermal liver ablation, cryoablation

Radioembolization y90

Should I consider that If she had a recurrence it is impossible to be again NED and even if we remove the new mets new ones will appear soon?

Maybe this is post is too big and I should split my questions in several threads…


Whishing all of you the best from Spain (And sorry for my bad English)


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Welcome to the forum

    You're post is perfect, and your English is just fine. Most of us have chemo brain, and even if English is our first language, some of our posts are riddled with misspelling and bad pronunciation. 

    You are a sweet daughter (or son?) you to come looking for advice with a desire to share knowledge. 

    I have been very blessed as to only have one liver met, which I got ablated (thermal) almost two years ago. I have, of course, been very happy with the ablation.  

    There are others here that are all over the board with their diagnosis, and you'll find they will pop in and reply over the coming days. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • Steve444
    Steve444 Member Posts: 105 Member

    I've had multiple occurrences of liver mets.  I was diagnosed as stage iv with liver mets from the start. Folfox plus Avastin got rid of them the first time.  They eventually started coming back while on Avastin alone.  Upon stopping Avastin to prep for the y90 spheres, they grew and multiplied very quickly. The spheres git rid of the tumors again (left big necrotic areas).  Tumors came back elsewhere and I started Folfiri plus Avastin.  My oncologist stopped treatment halfway through to see if I can get healthy and out of bed.  I've been mostly in bed since July after my first y90 treatment.  I'm told most people fare fine, but it hit me hard with abdominal and back pain (severe) and fatigue. I wrapped up my third sphere treatment in October and am still coping with a fentanyl patch and other pain pills.  I'm also filled with fluid in my abdomen I assume from liver issues. I've never had surgery.

  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,289 Member
    Have only had resection

    Have only had resection surgery, I guess I was lucky where the mets popped up. The onc surgeon made it sound like the initial chemo didn't work,folfox, but he also made the first liver surgery sound optional [or did I want ablation or radiation?]. That rattled me a bit. None of this really helps you with your questions, but those who've walked a similar treatment path should be along to share their experience. Good luck to you....................................Dave

  • MS2014
    MS2014 Member Posts: 58
    Trubrit said:

    Welcome to the forum

    You're post is perfect, and your English is just fine. Most of us have chemo brain, and even if English is our first language, some of our posts are riddled with misspelling and bad pronunciation. 

    You are a sweet daughter (or son?) you to come looking for advice with a desire to share knowledge. 

    I have been very blessed as to only have one liver met, which I got ablated (thermal) almost two years ago. I have, of course, been very happy with the ablation.  

    There are others here that are all over the board with their diagnosis, and you'll find they will pop in and reply over the coming days. 

    Sue - Trubrit

    Thanks for the reply

    Thanks so much for the reply and your time Sue

    You are rigth, I've seen two more people have answered my question. Every bit of information is helpfull. I have been reading up and down in the forum and also bumped into some usefull experiences.

    Kisses , hughs and hope to everyone who unfortunately is here, and specially to you Sue. I've noticed you are always very active and also trying to push people to be positive

    All the best from Spain

  • MS2014
    MS2014 Member Posts: 58
    Steve444 said:


    I've had multiple occurrences of liver mets.  I was diagnosed as stage iv with liver mets from the start. Folfox plus Avastin got rid of them the first time.  They eventually started coming back while on Avastin alone.  Upon stopping Avastin to prep for the y90 spheres, they grew and multiplied very quickly. The spheres git rid of the tumors again (left big necrotic areas).  Tumors came back elsewhere and I started Folfiri plus Avastin.  My oncologist stopped treatment halfway through to see if I can get healthy and out of bed.  I've been mostly in bed since July after my first y90 treatment.  I'm told most people fare fine, but it hit me hard with abdominal and back pain (severe) and fatigue. I wrapped up my third sphere treatment in October and am still coping with a fentanyl patch and other pain pills.  I'm also filled with fluid in my abdomen I assume from liver issues. I've never had surgery.

    Thanks Steve

    Thanks for your information Steve: It is sad to be here but great to know there is a lot of people willing to help

    y90 is one of my options. I have to make a methal scheme of all the possible options to cure the lives mets.

    If you don't mind maybe I'll ask you some questions about that treatment

    All the best


  • Steve444
    Steve444 Member Posts: 105 Member
    MS2014 said:

    Thanks Steve

    Thanks for your information Steve: It is sad to be here but great to know there is a lot of people willing to help

    y90 is one of my options. I have to make a methal scheme of all the possible options to cure the lives mets.

    If you don't mind maybe I'll ask you some questions about that treatment

    All the best



    Sure, I'm happy to answer any questions you may have. 

  • MS2014
    MS2014 Member Posts: 58

    Have only had resection

    Have only had resection surgery, I guess I was lucky where the mets popped up. The onc surgeon made it sound like the initial chemo didn't work,folfox, but he also made the first liver surgery sound optional [or did I want ablation or radiation?]. That rattled me a bit. None of this really helps you with your questions, but those who've walked a similar treatment path should be along to share their experience. Good luck to you....................................Dave

    Thaks Dave

    Just taking some time to share your experience with me says a lot of you.

    It is great to know you are doing well after one surgery. My mom had one but unfortunatelly some new mets popped up. I wonder if you can take them again and again till finally no other mets appear.

    All the best to you and thanks again for sharing you case with me


  • MS2014
    MS2014 Member Posts: 58
    Steve444 said:


    I've had multiple occurrences of liver mets.  I was diagnosed as stage iv with liver mets from the start. Folfox plus Avastin got rid of them the first time.  They eventually started coming back while on Avastin alone.  Upon stopping Avastin to prep for the y90 spheres, they grew and multiplied very quickly. The spheres git rid of the tumors again (left big necrotic areas).  Tumors came back elsewhere and I started Folfiri plus Avastin.  My oncologist stopped treatment halfway through to see if I can get healthy and out of bed.  I've been mostly in bed since July after my first y90 treatment.  I'm told most people fare fine, but it hit me hard with abdominal and back pain (severe) and fatigue. I wrapped up my third sphere treatment in October and am still coping with a fentanyl patch and other pain pills.  I'm also filled with fluid in my abdomen I assume from liver issues. I've never had surgery.

    Starting to learn

    Hi Steve

    I have read your story about y90 in other threads. I am sorry you had such a bad experience with microspheres. I hope you are having good results for your tumor with y90. As my mother had luck at first (good result with chemo and surgery) I didn't go deep into other possibilities and now I'm starting to learn that after chemo there are other options.

    Please Setve get well soon: I hope to read soon you get rid of your tumor after this y90 session

    Best whishes from Spain




  • takingcontrol58
    takingcontrol58 Member Posts: 272 Member
    Help for Liver Mets

    Please look at my new post "How my liver mets went away on their own."
    I just posted today at 3:28PM


  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,289 Member
    Actually it was one sigmoid

    Actually it was one sigmoid colon resection, then 2-3 year later 3 mets spread around in my liver, "scoops" taken in surgery, then 2-3 years, one met found 3cm, another "scoop" taken from the liver, now just over 18 months clear, and biding my time. If this stuff has any consistancy, and I get 3 years NED, I figure I have a shot at beating it, but that's just my guess, haven't had any medicos say anything like that or offer any prediction. Best of luck to your mom.............................Dave

  • sflgirl
    sflgirl Member Posts: 220 Member

    Actually it was one sigmoid

    Actually it was one sigmoid colon resection, then 2-3 year later 3 mets spread around in my liver, "scoops" taken in surgery, then 2-3 years, one met found 3cm, another "scoop" taken from the liver, now just over 18 months clear, and biding my time. If this stuff has any consistancy, and I get 3 years NED, I figure I have a shot at beating it, but that's just my guess, haven't had any medicos say anything like that or offer any prediction. Best of luck to your mom.............................Dave

    Question for Dave

    Did you have additional chemo after the initial rounds when the new liver mets showed up?  Or did you get the "scoops" alone without more chemo?  I know Easyflip/Richard did it without additional chemo and I believe Trubrit/sue did as well.


  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,289 Member
    I had no chemo after either

    I had no chemo after either of the two liver operations, with the second reoccurance, the met popped up near one of the first three had formed, so maybe they thought clear margins would be enough. When I asked about chemo the Onc said that they'd already given it their best shot [FOLFOX].................................Dave

  • Sue_2015
    Sue_2015 Member Posts: 19
    Y-90 (SIRT) works (so far) for me,

    My 7 cm liver tumor was treated on Nov 24, 2015.  On Feb 24, 2016 an MRI scan shows the tumor is now 4.7 so it shrunk quite a bit (not enough yet though, as I'm told tumors have to be smaller for resection.)  I had some pain for about 5 days from the radioemobilization procedure, a bit of nausea and fatigue, but was back to taking my 2 mile walks in about a week. 

    Meanwhile, however, the MRI also showed NEW liver mets on the left side and they've sugggested they can do the Y-90 to those next.

    I'm not sure when I'll have this done because I'm getting a biopsy on the 24th of my new lung nodule and they want to see the results of the biopsy before we go on to the next step.

    Best wishes to you and stay positive! Keep us updated,
