Worried about my friend and just need to unload

JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member

This is the only place I can think of to talk about this. My friend of over 30 years has been having all the symptoms of colon cancer for almost a year. She's been waiting to have a colonoscopy because where she lives there's quite a backlog for these things so the wait has been over 6 months. She finally had it yesterday morning and they removed 10 polyps and said there's a small orange sized mass that they took a biopsy of. Her doctor has been giving her information on colon cancer since she first saw her about the symptoms so she must think that's what she has. I Googled it and the odds of a mass in there not being cancer sound pretty slim. Now she has to wait 2 to 3 weeks for the results of the biopsy. I am so worried about her and concerned about how long they're taking to do anything.

Thanks, I just needed to get this off my chest. She is one of my dearest friends and I hate to think of her worrying and going through all of this. She's a 7 hour drive away so I can't be there with her. I am really frustrated with how long things take there. My husband had a routine colonoscopy and got in 2 months after the doctor ordered it. They suspect she has colon cancer and it took over 6 months to get her in? How long will it take to treat her? I'm just sick to my stomach with worry.



  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    Should NOT be allowed

    Anybody who suspects, or whose Doctor's suspect of having Cancer, should be fast tracked through. Every month counts with this diagnosis. Yes, I know, they say 'don't worry, Colon Cancer is slow growing'. Slow growing my foot! For some, maybe, for others it can be a matter of weeks for it to pop from one stage to another. 

    I am appauled at the amount of time that she has had to wait, and that she is now waiting for results. Heck! I had my pathology report within two days of my surgery. It CAN be done. I bet if it was your State govenor, or someone with a name, the wait would not be so long. 

    I know you want to worry, but take a deep breath. Your worry will not change the outcome. Try to do something pro-active. Research online to see if things can be fast forwarded for her. Is there a way she can get her results STAT? Its too late to do anything about her six month wait, but maybe there is something you and she can do now. 

    Gird up them loins, and bully ahead. 

    Thinking of your friend and you. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • So sorry to hear of your

    So sorry to hear of your friend. I take all my friends health issues right to God and ask him to work a direct miracle or to use the medical communities skills and treatments for my friends healing.  God gives great peace during such tough times and ive certainly been a recipient of that.  Them too. 

  • vtspa6
    vtspa6 Member Posts: 172 Member
    Sure can relate!  My

    Sure can relate!  My husband's was found with his colonostomy and with the scan that followed found spots in his lungs.  Well that took another 2 months before they made sure what the spots were in his lungs before the chemo started!  They said they had to make sure it was mets to the lungs to find out what chemo to take.  That was the longest time!  I wanted them to start chemo asap!

  • MS2014
    MS2014 Member Posts: 58
    Sorry to hear about that

    Good morning. It is sad to hear how the medical system can delay therapys and diagnosis

    I don't know about chances of that mass of being cancer or not . The mother fo a friend, 3 years ago, had removed a mass and part of the colon. Fortunately It was not cancer, so chances maybe exits

    Attitude is very important so don't let your friend fall being hopeless. For your friend having you will be a great luck so try to push the doctors to provide the best care possible.

    Keep pushing and all the best for you and your friend


  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,290 Member
    Those are awful wait times

    Those are awful wait times for a colonoscopy and test results Jan. I had the sigmoidoscopy at 9am and after finding the mass, was sent 30 minutes away to have the full colonoscopy at noon, the doc worked through his lunch hour. The surgery was 2 1/2 weeks later, and that felt long. All my test results are a couple of days at most, this is through Kaiser, I doubt they're on the cutting edge, but they do move things along. I'm sorry for your friend, but it's also why I relate my CRC experience to any that ask, or when it comes up. People can't wait with certain symptoms, families with a history need to share that history. My extended family doesn't talk about their health issues, and that nearly cost me everything. Anyway, Jan, your friend should have been "fast tracked", and it's lousy that she has to wait and worry. Tell her to check out the blog here, we all know what the scary stuff feels like, if it turns out to be CRC. I hope it isn't..............................Dave

  • GSP2
    GSP2 Member Posts: 103 Member
    Jan do you know if the primary

    physician who referred her, offered her alternatives to get in sooner.

    Could she have gone to a bigger city / larger GI group ?

  • lizard44
    lizard44 Member Posts: 409 Member
    Those wait times

    are unbelievable!  Two to three weeks  for biopsy results? Is she in a very remote area with no labs, no internet, and are the results are transmitted by  runners or dogsled?  My biopsy results and scan  reports  were available within 24 hours and available to all my docs via the internet.  Admittedly, they all took place at a  large medical facility,  but even my PCP got the reports on his system within a day. Is there any thing she can do to push her doc for results earlier?  I wish her well.


  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Unfortunately I don't know

    Unfortunately I don't know all the details. She's about 7 or 8 hours away from me. She lives in BC in Kelowna. It's one of the places that my husband wants to retire to but with those wait times we won't be. Here in Alberta I get in right away. My results from my first colonoscopy took a few days. I'm shocked and dismayed at her wait times. I'm worried that it's just going to spread while she waits. I feel so helpless. She's now talking about being treated and sounds more positive so that at least is helping settle my mind. But I wish I could call her doctor and ask what the hell is going on and why the wait? Ugh, I'm so upset.
