New Guy On Board

rbbiker Member Posts: 4

I am new to the group.  I found out I had kidney cancer by accident Jan 13 2016.  I went to my famly doctor with some unexplained back pain.  After the X-ray did not show anything, he ordered a CT scan.  It came back showing a large 7cm growth on my left kidney along with imflamable lymp modes.  He sent me to an urologist. He reviewed the CT and ordered a biospy of the kidney.  That was done on Jan 22.  It came back as renal cell carcinoma.  During the next visit, we discussed surgery and the need for more testing. He ordered a PET scan and another CT.  The PET scan showed pretty much what the CT's did, but also some highlighted areas in my lower back which are not well explained as of yet.  I am going in for a radical nephrectomy on Monday 29, 2016. 






  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member



    Welcome to the club with many bikers (I am not  one of them). Out of the blue they tell you that you have Kidney Cancer and the first thing they want to do id=s yank your kydney out. We all have such fond memories of hearing those words. WTF Eebruary will end pretty shi--y and March will start out the same. After a week or so of this nonsense (Hell week) you will start feeling better each day with maybe a bad day in between. You will also gain a new appreciation of life. Good luck with the licquid  plumber tomarrow.




  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    icemantoo said:




    Welcome to the club with many bikers (I am not  one of them). Out of the blue they tell you that you have Kidney Cancer and the first thing they want to do id=s yank your kydney out. We all have such fond memories of hearing those words. WTF Eebruary will end pretty shi--y and March will start out the same. After a week or so of this nonsense (Hell week) you will start feeling better each day with maybe a bad day in between. You will also gain a new appreciation of life. Good luck with the licquid  plumber tomarrow.




    So sorry you have to join us

    So sorry you have to join us but welcome. It's the scariest thing hearing you have kidney cancer. Iceman is right; your first reaction is WTF? Who gets kidney cancer? But hopefully it'll soon be behind you and the surgery will be the end of it. Wishing you the very best!

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,079 Member
    APny said:

    So sorry you have to join us

    So sorry you have to join us but welcome. It's the scariest thing hearing you have kidney cancer. Iceman is right; your first reaction is WTF? Who gets kidney cancer? But hopefully it'll soon be behind you and the surgery will be the end of it. Wishing you the very best!

    Welcome and sorry you are

    Welcome and sorry you are joining. 

    Scary time indeed, but it will be better after surgery, which in many cases is a curative one. Read these boards, there are many good advices on how to survive nephrectomy, etc. 

    Good luck with your surgery!

  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    Allochka said:

    Welcome and sorry you are

    Welcome and sorry you are joining. 

    Scary time indeed, but it will be better after surgery, which in many cases is a curative one. Read these boards, there are many good advices on how to survive nephrectomy, etc. 

    Good luck with your surgery!

    Welcome rb

    The words "you have cancer" really suck but rest assured, cancer is not necessarily a death sentence.  Many here can confirm that.  Although we all understand the anxiety linked to that.  You are not alone.  As Icemantoo says the first week or two is hell, for sure but then every day will get better and better.  We'll be with you along the way.

    I'll keep you in my prayers.


  • rbbiker
    rbbiker Member Posts: 4
    Thank You All

    Yes I have been reading many of everyones stories.  My doctor pretty much hit it on the head based on what I have read so far.  I am very fortunate to have very good health, phyically active and on the low side of the weight scale for a male my height.  I want to thank all of you for responding so quickly.  I look forward to posting my recovery the good and bad with you all.  I guess it will have to wait until I get home from the hospial.  I now have one of those new smart phones but have not leaned to use all of the new stuff yet. 

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    rbbiker said:

    Thank You All

    Yes I have been reading many of everyones stories.  My doctor pretty much hit it on the head based on what I have read so far.  I am very fortunate to have very good health, phyically active and on the low side of the weight scale for a male my height.  I want to thank all of you for responding so quickly.  I look forward to posting my recovery the good and bad with you all.  I guess it will have to wait until I get home from the hospial.  I now have one of those new smart phones but have not leaned to use all of the new stuff yet. 

    Will be keeping you in my

    Will be keeping you in my thoughts tomorrow! May you have an easy surgery, quick recovery, and a good path report.

  • rbbiker said:

    Thank You All

    Yes I have been reading many of everyones stories.  My doctor pretty much hit it on the head based on what I have read so far.  I am very fortunate to have very good health, phyically active and on the low side of the weight scale for a male my height.  I want to thank all of you for responding so quickly.  I look forward to posting my recovery the good and bad with you all.  I guess it will have to wait until I get home from the hospial.  I now have one of those new smart phones but have not leaned to use all of the new stuff yet. 

    Good luck tomorrow.  You

    Good luck tomorrow.  You sound like you have a good perspective and frame of mind.  My diagnosis was the greatest shock of my life.  I wish I had found this place sooner. 

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member

    Good luck tomorrow.  You

    Good luck tomorrow.  You sound like you have a good perspective and frame of mind.  My diagnosis was the greatest shock of my life.  I wish I had found this place sooner. 

    Sorry for all you are going

    Sorry for all you are going through, but glad you came here.

    We'll help you along the way if you want us to.

    Remember ICE is your friend, reduces swelling over the incisions.I hope you are getting a robatic, laproscopic surgery incisions?

    I also used a lumbar, velcro wrap. Its used for bad backs but was sohelpful to hold those sore abdominal muscles up. It is so helpful in getting up from a chair or bed. Recliners help too.

    I would put dry ice packs inside this lumbar wrap and it felt so good.As a result I needed les and less narcotics/opiates for pain.

    Remember, when you start to feel much better, do not rush your recovery.There will be no exercising except walking for at least a month.

    I will be thinking of you tomorrow~will be with you in spirit!

    Warmly, Jan

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member

    Welcome to the club nobody wants to join. You already have received some great advice. Take it easy the first few weeks.

    If you have any questions, concerns or just need to vent, we are here for you!

    Will be thinking about you tomorrow!



  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    Jojo61 said:


    Welcome to the club nobody wants to join. You already have received some great advice. Take it easy the first few weeks.

    If you have any questions, concerns or just need to vent, we are here for you!

    Will be thinking about you tomorrow!



    Good luck

    Tomorrow. Make sure you do your breathing exersizes

  • daisybud
    daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member

    Good luck

    Tomorrow. Make sure you do your breathing exersizes

    Good luck tomorrow.

    Good luck tomorrow.

  • rbbiker
    rbbiker Member Posts: 4
    The day is here

    Thanks for all your wishes.  I have taken notes from all of you.  My open suregry is not until 2:00 so I have the morning to continue reading and trying to relax. I will get back to you as soon as I am able to post my progress.


  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,054 Member
    rbbiker said:

    The day is here

    Thanks for all your wishes.  I have taken notes from all of you.  My open suregry is not until 2:00 so I have the morning to continue reading and trying to relax. I will get back to you as soon as I am able to post my progress.


    By now, the surgery is finished

    and you are coming out of a groggy haze.  There will be ups and downs, literally, as they get you up to: check your wound, drain tubes, have you sip weak broth, sit in a chair, walk down the hall, suck air (inspirometer), and then pack your bags to go home.

    Hope all goes well.

    donna_lee   BTDT (been there done that)

  • Coldbiker
    Coldbiker Member Posts: 23 Member
    rbbiker said:

    The day is here

    Thanks for all your wishes.  I have taken notes from all of you.  My open suregry is not until 2:00 so I have the morning to continue reading and trying to relax. I will get back to you as soon as I am able to post my progress.


    hopefully you are awake by now and cussing the nurses for pushing you to walk. Waiting to hear from you.

  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    I was diagnosed with a 10 cm

    I was diagnosed with a 10 cm tumor almost 19 months ago, had a successful open radical neph and am NED. I'm very sorry you for all you are going through but meanwhile I am happy you found us so soon, it's good to have people who really undrestand us, May you had a successfull surgery and uneventfull recovery

    Keep us posted


  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member
    foroughsh said:

    I was diagnosed with a 10 cm

    I was diagnosed with a 10 cm tumor almost 19 months ago, had a successful open radical neph and am NED. I'm very sorry you for all you are going through but meanwhile I am happy you found us so soon, it's good to have people who really undrestand us, May you had a successfull surgery and uneventfull recovery

    Keep us posted


    So happy it's over...

    Let recovery begin.  Take it easy, don't push it......although they'll be pushing you to get up and walk.  Walking is important and so is drinking enough water.

    Prayers will continue.


  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    hardo718 said:

    So happy it's over...

    Let recovery begin.  Take it easy, don't push it......although they'll be pushing you to get up and walk.  Walking is important and so is drinking enough water.

    Prayers will continue.


    don't over do it.

    I was very fit when I had my radical neph. So within a month I was back to jogging and golfing. And I have never recommended that anyone else progress that quickly. Look forward to september. It will not have mattered if your recovery was 4 weeks or 12. The only important thing is to heal without screwing things up. I was one of those who felt that if I got back to normal quickly, I could make believe my cancer never happened. How has that worked out for me?

  • rbbiker
    rbbiker Member Posts: 4
    Finally Home and Recovering

    I had my open radical on Feb 29.  But ended up staying in the hospital until March 12 due to several minor problems and getting back on soild food.  But all has been going well since I have been home. I am now up to walking twice a day, can do pretty much all my usual daily things, slowly.   I do have to take a short nap after lunch to recharge but other than that all is going well.  Still have some problem sleeping at night.  Just can't sleep the entire night without waking several times.  But I do fall back to sleep for another few hours.  Still have a few aches and pains that pop up on and off, so I still take a half of a pain pill when they happen.  I like to thank you all for you messages and replies. 



  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    rbbiker said:

    Finally Home and Recovering

    I had my open radical on Feb 29.  But ended up staying in the hospital until March 12 due to several minor problems and getting back on soild food.  But all has been going well since I have been home. I am now up to walking twice a day, can do pretty much all my usual daily things, slowly.   I do have to take a short nap after lunch to recharge but other than that all is going well.  Still have some problem sleeping at night.  Just can't sleep the entire night without waking several times.  But I do fall back to sleep for another few hours.  Still have a few aches and pains that pop up on and off, so I still take a half of a pain pill when they happen.  I like to thank you all for you messages and replies. 



    What a trip

    Intteresting story rbbiker. Lets hope the rest is uneventful.

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    foxhd said:

    What a trip

    Intteresting story rbbiker. Lets hope the rest is uneventful.

    It is all an adjustment for

    It is all an adjustment for your body....which might explain the night time sleeping. I had issues with that too.

    Glad you are on the road to recovery!

