Just beginning

Kazenmax Member Posts: 463 Member

Tuesday I finally saw a GI for what I thought was a fissure. She felt a mass and ordered a colonoscopy for Wednesday. Today is Thursday and her office called to see me tomorrow morning.  I'm very scared.

I'm 63,female who has had ibs symptoms for a couple of years. Just dealt with it until an extended period of constipation that ended with the fissure. The GI said that it was the tumor that caused the fissure. 

I'm afraid to go see what she has to say.


  • z
    z Member Posts: 1,414 Member

    Hello, I know its scary, but there is a lot that can be done if it is determined to be cancer.  I thought I had a hemi but the PA for my gyno said this is not a hemi and refferred me to a gastroligist who said this could be a hemi, then he refferred me to a surgeon who said he was 95% sure it was anal cancer.  Well it was stage II anal cancer which I completed treatment for on  6-30-2009 and so far so good.  My surgeon told me if you have to get cancer this is a curable one.

    I am sending positive thoughts your way and keep us updated.  Lori


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    Waiting for a diagnosis, test results, or treatment is very stressful.  I hope that you'll get all of your questions answered tomorrow.  The people on this site are very supportive, so if you need us, we will be here for you.  I wish you all the very best and hope you'll let us know what your doctor says.


  • Tracy figg
    Tracy figg Member Posts: 36
    I know how you feel i just

    I know how you feel i just found in dec i have anal cancer. Its very scary. The people on this sight have been a get help. My doctor told me the same if you going to get cancer this is a very good place to get it and most people have good out come. I start my treatment on monday and i have had ibs for years to. But this hurts so i hope the treatment help. Im stage t2 and looks like its in my lymph nodes and now they found a lump on my gion. So all the best to you and let me know how its going.

  • Ouch_Ouch_Ouch
    Ouch_Ouch_Ouch Member Posts: 508 Member

    I know how you feel i just

    I know how you feel i just found in dec i have anal cancer. Its very scary. The people on this sight have been a get help. My doctor told me the same if you going to get cancer this is a very good place to get it and most people have good out come. I start my treatment on monday and i have had ibs for years to. But this hurts so i hope the treatment help. Im stage t2 and looks like its in my lymph nodes and now they found a lump on my gion. So all the best to you and let me know how its going.

    Similar scenario.

    Tracy figg - Your situation sounds very similar to mine. My groin nodes were slightly suspicious on PET scan. Since they were never biopsied, though, I don't know if I was stage 3a or 3b. But the radiation oncologist planned treatment to include those lymph nodes into the treatments in case they were effected.

    I spent all of 2014 sick from cancer, cancer therapy, or post-treatment recovery. But so far, I have had several follow-up biopsies and CT scans that show scarring and other effects, but no cancer. Whew!

    Staging (scroll down) - http://general.surgery.ucsf.edu/conditions--procedures/anal-cancer.aspx