Day to day living

Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member


Man somedays are just so hard to hold it all together when dealing with family, living, doctors, drugs and who knoews what else comes in our life everyday                   



But don’t let it get to you, find something to keep focus on, as for me it is prayer and talking to my Lord everyday. Just don't know where i would be with out my Lord God and friend by my side everyday.



God bless you all in your day to day trails and don’t give up, it may change things, the way you smell the way you taste the way you hear and most important the way you LOOK. I am ok with this ugly body right now becuase i know i have a new one waiting on me when i get to heaven.


God be with you all

Tim Hondo





  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    Tim you are so correct

    The things I have seen first hand, most would never believe, but I know. I know two who have almost crossed over as she flatlined. She was only 38 at the time and we were in the middle of adopting our two children and needed to be here. She made it, and scarred the heck out of the EMT's but what the heck it is there job. She said it was the most peaceful she had ever been in her life. The white light was almost blinding, and so many past realitives were there to guide her, but she needed to be her. She has told me many times it is living that is scarry, the other is just peacefull.

    I do know before I went into surgery I was at total peace and just knew I would wake up and be ok. Sure there are days that are harder than others, and I have trouble talking as I get so much stomach acid into my throat, but it passes.

    Tim you have gone through hell and back a few times, yet you smile. You my friend have touched so many lives you will never really know. I for one am glad you touched mine, for I feel I am better for it.

    Thank you for just being who you are.


  • Carolinagal
    Carolinagal Member Posts: 91
    I'm just so very glad


    I'm just so very glad to see you. I check in at least once a month to quietly check on the people who helped me along the journey with my Dad. You and many others, including newer people, encourage my heart when I feel discouraged. Your fight and the fact that you live with great purpose inspires me and gives me such hope.

  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member

    Hondo, you've shown us all the most beautiful parts of you- your soul and heart. Thank you! 

  • lifeisDHA
    lifeisDHA Member Posts: 64
    Some days are hard.

    I see how my boyfriend struggles and get frustrated and down for so many times. Sometimes you just have to focus on one thing at a time.

    When he was first diagnosed I found this website and searched for NPC,  your name came up. Reading your story has inspired us throughout the whole journey. I am so thankful for the hope that you brought us.


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member
    Family & Friends

    Family and good Friends are truly a blessing to all of us because they are there for us in our time of need. I am truly a very blessed person to have so many wonderful friends & family always there to help and support me and my caretaker wife along our journey in life.


    Thank you all for your kindness and support as we all are one big family
