probable lung cancer recurrence

worriedonthebayou Member Posts: 2
edited February 2016 in Colorectal Cancer #1

My Mom was diagnosed with stage IV colorectal cancer in 2012 the tumor was contained she had surgery to remove it and underwent chemo and radiation treatments.  She was doing well, levels were staying in normal range then at a check up in 2014 she had a cough which she thought was just a cold, it wasnt bad just irritating well her oncologist didnt like the sound of it and sent her for a scan. The scan found 3 spots on her left lung. They were small and contained and her surgeon removed them. All looked good after surgery she did have 12 chemo treatments and finished last summer. At her check up in October everything looked good her scan was clear, blood levels normal range. Now last week she had a check up and her level rose to 6.2  she had a scan this morning. This afternoon had an appointment with her regular Dr. for a new scrpit of Xanax when she told him what was all going on he went check and got her scan results and gave them to her.  Told her there was a spot on her left lung. Im furious that a regular Dr. could give out that information. She tried calling her Oncoligist when she got home to find out more from him but he had already left the office for the day. So now we have to wait to find out more about this spot tomorrow. This is so frustraiting I dont know if this is the way its done everywhere  but last time she was told over the phone from her doctors about the cancers. Maybe im foolish but why cant the oncoligist call you in to the office and give you results and diagnoses.

I've been reading these boards for years just never posted. I dont even know why im posting today but just need to get this out I guess. Since my Dad works a lot and my Sister lives out of state Im my moms primary caregiver I feel soscared and helpless.


  • beaumontdave
    beaumontdave Member Posts: 1,289 Member
    I like my news quick and over

    I like my news quick and over the phone, hate waiting for doctors, hate little exam rooms, if it's bad news I like being outside. Xanax is my drug of choice for this stuff, maybe you should get a script as well to help with the fear and frustration. I read these boards for six years before deciding to "talk", but the last two years were brutal, and being here, and sharing my pain with beautiful people who know and care made it all so much more bearable. Read the posts, there's folks here battling the very same issues as your mom, and you, and your not alone. "Get it out" anytime, and tell us what the onc says and what the plan will be...............................................Dave

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member

    I like my news quick and over

    I like my news quick and over the phone, hate waiting for doctors, hate little exam rooms, if it's bad news I like being outside. Xanax is my drug of choice for this stuff, maybe you should get a script as well to help with the fear and frustration. I read these boards for six years before deciding to "talk", but the last two years were brutal, and being here, and sharing my pain with beautiful people who know and care made it all so much more bearable. Read the posts, there's folks here battling the very same issues as your mom, and you, and your not alone. "Get it out" anytime, and tell us what the onc says and what the plan will be...............................................Dave

    I'm with you, Dave

     if it's bad news I like being outside. 

    I used to be able to pick up my CEA results. I would fold them up, unseen, head up to the canyon and sit on a log by the creek and read. 

    Once, I was out bird watching when my Oncologist called to tell me about 'a spot'. 

    But, we're all different, and some would just want to be in with the Oncologist so that they can fire off all of the questions that floor you when you hear more bad news. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    Welcome to the forum

    I am glad that you decided to speak out, even if its just to get things off of your chest. 

    I'm so sorry for your mum's struggle, which of course, is going to worry you as well. 

    I am guessing, just from my own expereince, that the Oncologist just wants the news to get to your mum fast. I live 160 miles from my Oncologist, and he also called me one day when he found something worrysome on my scan. I think it was just a matter of getting the information to the patient in a timely manner, and not letting them wait until they came in to an office visit, which, because of scheduling, might not be for days. 

    I know that information is passed from one Doctor to another, thus your mum's GP found out before she did. 

    I hope the appointment with the Oncolgist goes well today, and that you are able to go in with your mum. 

    Pop back and talk with us whenever you feel the need. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • Thank you Dave & Sue.
    At the

    Thank you Dave & Sue.

    At the time I was just upset she got results when she was by herself but its a good thing her regular Dr. gave her the results cause her oncologist had to cancel appointments on friday so she didnt hear from him until this evening.  The ct scan showed there is a recurrence, one spot in the same area as the previous cancer.  They will call her tomorrow to schedule a petscan sometime this week.  Her Onc. asked her if she would have surgery again. The first surgery was a bit rough for her I assumed thats why he asked. My mom at this point thinks they should take a portion of her lung just to make sure it doesnt come back. Last time the nodules were on the outer part of her lung so they just removed those with no cutting directly into the lung.  I just pray they dont find more on the petscan and she can go through surgery and more chemo.