Body fuilds

Tracy figg
Tracy figg Member Posts: 36

I had read when doing chemo that you should take caution that your body fuilds shouldnt touch others like get sick and even kissing. I was wandering because i have my gran baby who lives with me and other gran children i sure dont want to hurt them.your if they take a drink from my glass. Please help.


  • Tracy figg
    Tracy figg Member Posts: 36
    Im so tried

    I havent even started treatment and im so tried is this normal i know im bleeding all the time and in alot of pain even on oxy but and i have achehead to has any one else been like this.

  • nicotianna
    nicotianna Member Posts: 209

    Im so tried

    I havent even started treatment and im so tried is this normal i know im bleeding all the time and in alot of pain even on oxy but and i have achehead to has any one else been like this.

    I'm so tired

    Tracy - Do you have any family or friends to help you?  You need help now.  Please tell your friends & family you need help.  Most people are happy to help but may not realize you need help or how to help you.  My guess is that you will need the standard protocol for anal cancer which is chemo & radiation at the same time.  It is brutal!  Ask to meet with the social worker or call the hospital & speak to one about your situation.  Do not share your cups or utensils with anyone, especially children!  Your wbc's will decrease with chemo & you will be more susceptible to infections.  Your hemoglobin is probably low from blood loss.  Try to include foods which are high in iron.....liver, red meat, raisans, dark greens.  I think this is enough info for the moment.  We are here to help you.  Keep us posted & ask us any questions you may have.  Best wishes!  I hope the MRI does not show node involvement.  


  • mxperry220
    mxperry220 Member Posts: 494 Member
    Caution on High Fiber foods

    During treatment you will most likely have diarrhea.  I would advise stayig clear of high fiber foods.  Your immunity system will be compromised.  You should avoid contact with people as much as possible.  The doctors told me to avoid large crowds during the time of treatment due to the fact my immunity system was compromised from the chemo.  As far as harming your granchildren it is the other way around.  They could harm you if they are exposed to other people with illness.


  • Tracy figg
    Tracy figg Member Posts: 36

    I'm so tired

    Tracy - Do you have any family or friends to help you?  You need help now.  Please tell your friends & family you need help.  Most people are happy to help but may not realize you need help or how to help you.  My guess is that you will need the standard protocol for anal cancer which is chemo & radiation at the same time.  It is brutal!  Ask to meet with the social worker or call the hospital & speak to one about your situation.  Do not share your cups or utensils with anyone, especially children!  Your wbc's will decrease with chemo & you will be more susceptible to infections.  Your hemoglobin is probably low from blood loss.  Try to include foods which are high in iron.....liver, red meat, raisans, dark greens.  I think this is enough info for the moment.  We are here to help you.  Keep us posted & ask us any questions you may have.  Best wishes!  I hope the MRI does not show node involvement.  


    Thanks i have family but

    Thanks i have family but there really busy 

  • Tracy figg
    Tracy figg Member Posts: 36

    Caution on High Fiber foods

    During treatment you will most likely have diarrhea.  I would advise stayig clear of high fiber foods.  Your immunity system will be compromised.  You should avoid contact with people as much as possible.  The doctors told me to avoid large crowds during the time of treatment due to the fact my immunity system was compromised from the chemo.  As far as harming your granchildren it is the other way around.  They could harm you if they are exposed to other people with illness.


    Thanks it get to talk about

    Thanks it get to talk about it

  • eihtak
    eihtak Member Posts: 1,473 Member

    Im so tried

    I havent even started treatment and im so tried is this normal i know im bleeding all the time and in alot of pain even on oxy but and i have achehead to has any one else been like this.

    Tracy figg....


    The tiredness is probably a combination of all thats going on, but as said by Nic, try to get some good foods that are high in iron into you before the treatment causes you to lose your appetite. It was recommended to me to take 2 ferrus sulfate (iron) pills a day before/during/for a while after treatment because I was so anemiac making me very tired as well. I had been bleeding quite heavy prior to treatment also.  If you do not have family that can adjust schedules to help, many churches (even if you're not a member) will offer support, as well as other groups through the American Cancer Society.  Its difficult to ask, but it will be better for you and those grandbabies.  As far as sharing during chemo you are most likely at more risk for infection from the kids, then they are from chemo effects from you, although that should be considered too. There are other parents and grandparents who do not need to give up time spent with family during treatment, but be extra careful about hygiene. I used mainly plastic or paper disposable cups and utensils which also meant less dishes to do as I just didn't have the energy. 

    People told me I needed to put all my family concerns on hold and focus on me as my family would survive and would need me more down the road.  I did not listen well at first.....I had a daughter pregnant with her second baby while her husband was deployed with the Army, I had another daughter living mostly at my house who had just had a baby and the daddy was not in the picture, my husband had recently had a transplant for a blood cancer, and it was I that carried the health insurance through work, along with other life stuff! I thought none of these things would make it without me but I soon struggled and ended up in the hospital and then a nursing home during treatment for a while. Oddly, they all found the help they needed and I was forced to concentrate on me. While I learned a lot about the importance of self care, I do not want you to learn the hard way. You may not need much help and there are people who do very well with little complications, but its best to have some support in place if you do.

    I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers that before long you'll be on your way to healing.


  • nicotianna
    nicotianna Member Posts: 209

    Im so tried

    I havent even started treatment and im so tried is this normal i know im bleeding all the time and in alot of pain even on oxy but and i have achehead to has any one else been like this.

    I'm so tired

    Tracy - Find out if ACS has Road to Recovery (RTC) in your area.  RTC is a volunteer service to cancer patients through ACS.  I used RTC to get to the hosp. for my doc appointments, chemo & daily XRT (radiation therapy).  I had diarrhea & was on narcs so it really was not safe for me to drive myself.  This will be helpful to you.  I hope you have someone to watch the baby?


  • Tracy figg
    Tracy figg Member Posts: 36

    Caution on High Fiber foods

    During treatment you will most likely have diarrhea.  I would advise stayig clear of high fiber foods.  Your immunity system will be compromised.  You should avoid contact with people as much as possible.  The doctors told me to avoid large crowds during the time of treatment due to the fact my immunity system was compromised from the chemo.  As far as harming your granchildren it is the other way around.  They could harm you if they are exposed to other people with illness.


    Thanks a lot im on welfare

    Thanks a lot im on welfare they well get me a cab and i hope my daughter well be able to be home with her son. It well be good for them just in case. Thanks for all your help it nice to be able to talk even that you can read my text because i terible at it

  • Tracy figg
    Tracy figg Member Posts: 36
    eihtak said:

    Tracy figg....


    The tiredness is probably a combination of all thats going on, but as said by Nic, try to get some good foods that are high in iron into you before the treatment causes you to lose your appetite. It was recommended to me to take 2 ferrus sulfate (iron) pills a day before/during/for a while after treatment because I was so anemiac making me very tired as well. I had been bleeding quite heavy prior to treatment also.  If you do not have family that can adjust schedules to help, many churches (even if you're not a member) will offer support, as well as other groups through the American Cancer Society.  Its difficult to ask, but it will be better for you and those grandbabies.  As far as sharing during chemo you are most likely at more risk for infection from the kids, then they are from chemo effects from you, although that should be considered too. There are other parents and grandparents who do not need to give up time spent with family during treatment, but be extra careful about hygiene. I used mainly plastic or paper disposable cups and utensils which also meant less dishes to do as I just didn't have the energy. 

    People told me I needed to put all my family concerns on hold and focus on me as my family would survive and would need me more down the road.  I did not listen well at first.....I had a daughter pregnant with her second baby while her husband was deployed with the Army, I had another daughter living mostly at my house who had just had a baby and the daddy was not in the picture, my husband had recently had a transplant for a blood cancer, and it was I that carried the health insurance through work, along with other life stuff! I thought none of these things would make it without me but I soon struggled and ended up in the hospital and then a nursing home during treatment for a while. Oddly, they all found the help they needed and I was forced to concentrate on me. While I learned a lot about the importance of self care, I do not want you to learn the hard way. You may not need much help and there are people who do very well with little complications, but its best to have some support in place if you do.

    I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers that before long you'll be on your way to healing.


    Thanks alot for your help i

    Thanks alot for your help i know i have to weir about my self but it hard my daughter still having trouble think im sick she just blocking it our and the post portem blue are terrible but she has to theres no one else . thanks and so every one know im fron ontario i could find a site to talk to people i hope that is ok i need some to talk to.

  • Ouch_Ouch_Ouch
    Ouch_Ouch_Ouch Member Posts: 508 Member
    Post chemo & fluids.

    Tracy figg - You are right that following chemo (& PET scans), you will have to keep your bodily fluids away from others. The chemo is mostly passed out of your body through your kidneys. I don't remember how long I had to be careful, but just ask the infusion center staff if they haven't given you any hand-outs that give you the information. I carried a notebook with me to appointments so I could write down everything. It's easy to forget instructions and information in the emotion of the moment.

    You will also have to drink at least a quart of fluids every day to keep those kidneys functioning well. I am bad about drinking, so I had to keep a chart to make sure I met my goal.

    You will be tired from the chemo and from the radiation. You will be muffled by the pain meds. You will need rides to and from treatment and you will need to sleep a lot. It's time for others to help you. Do you attend a church? Perhaps other members could help you. Ask the minister about it.

    All the best and keep in close touch.