Have a date!

daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member

I finally got a call for the date of the surgery 2/16..  I am scared but cant wait to get the buggar out!!

Still worried about the prognosis because of the location and difficulty of removal, but one step at a time.



  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    Enjoy Valentine's Day




    Enjoy Valentine's Day. Go to Disneyland or somehing like that. May the force be with you.






  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    icemantoo said:

    Enjoy Valentine's Day




    Enjoy Valentine's Day. Go to Disneyland or somehing like that. May the force be with you.






    Kim, great to know there is a

    Kim, great to know there is a DATE to end this tumor~

    You have a wonderful attitude.

    Did I mention (previously) that I wore a velcro lumbar wrap following two abdominal surgeries

    and it truly helped support those recoverying abdomen. I also placed dry ice inside wrap, but

    not right on skin and that reduced the swelling which resulted in less pain meds for me.

    My tumor was in a precarious place so I had to have a radical nephrectomy.

    Just glad its out and I am NED 2 years later!

    Keep us posted hon.

    Warmly, Jan

  • Pandabear1011
    Pandabear1011 Member Posts: 123 Member
    You Go Girl!!! It will be

    You Go Girl!!! It will be over and done with before you know it! Keep us posted...Hugs, Panda

  • hardo718
    hardo718 Member Posts: 853 Member

    You Go Girl!!! It will be

    You Go Girl!!! It will be over and done with before you know it! Keep us posted...Hugs, Panda

    The wait is horrible....

    ....but it'll be behind you soon.  In the meantime it gives you time to prepare for the things you won't be able to do for a little while after surgery.

    I'm with Jan, grab one of those lumbar supports, definitely helps.  (I wasn't aware of the dry ice thing)

    I'll be praying for you Kim,


  • daisybud
    daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member
    Jan4you said:

    Kim, great to know there is a

    Kim, great to know there is a DATE to end this tumor~

    You have a wonderful attitude.

    Did I mention (previously) that I wore a velcro lumbar wrap following two abdominal surgeries

    and it truly helped support those recoverying abdomen. I also placed dry ice inside wrap, but

    not right on skin and that reduced the swelling which resulted in less pain meds for me.

    My tumor was in a precarious place so I had to have a radical nephrectomy.

    Just glad its out and I am NED 2 years later!

    Keep us posted hon.

    Warmly, Jan

    I am definitely going to


    I am definitely going to use the lumbar wrap.  I know what it is bc my husband has a bad back and uses one.

    My mood swings are worse then menopause.  I feel up and positive out the outcome and then I find myself crying like a baby.

    Dr also said I might end up with a radical bc of the location. We shall see....

    Guess its just  part of the process.


  • daisybud
    daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member
    hardo718 said:

    The wait is horrible....

    ....but it'll be behind you soon.  In the meantime it gives you time to prepare for the things you won't be able to do for a little while after surgery.

    I'm with Jan, grab one of those lumbar supports, definitely helps.  (I wasn't aware of the dry ice thing)

    I'll be praying for you Kim,


    Panda, Can't wait for it to

    Panda, Can't wait for it to be over with. 


    Donna, Thanks for the prayers!  The waiting is the worst part. 

  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    daisybud said:

    Panda, Can't wait for it to

    Panda, Can't wait for it to be over with. 


    Donna, Thanks for the prayers!  The waiting is the worst part. 

    Well done Daisy

    You discovered a problem and are dealing with it. Well done

  • medic1971
    medic1971 Member Posts: 225 Member
    Waiting was the worst

    In retrospect, waiting one of the worst things about my experience…  I know you are concerned about losing an entire kidney, but if that happens you can live a normal life with only one.  Yeah you will have to make some dietary changes and drink more water, but that’s something everyone should be doing regardless of health status.   About three years ago a friend of mine donated a kidney for his sister and he is doing great.  In fact one week post–op he was out mowing the grass.  His wife came home, saw what he had done, and she almost killed him, but that’s another story. Sealed

    Once surgery is over and you have the pathology report back you will feel better.  Mainly because all of those unanswered questions will be answered and there is peace in that.  It took about a week to get my path report back and the doctor called me on the phone to tell me that I did in fact have cancer.  After I got off of the phone with him i felt peaceful and that really surprised me.

    Things you can do to get ready for surgery:

    1. Start some type of exercising, if you don't already.  Go for 20-30 minute walks every day.  

    2. Netflix is a good thing.  I actually used my renal mass as an excuse to but an Xbox One Cool

    3. Food prep after surgery is different for everyone.  I didn't have much of an appetite for about 3 week post-op.  Just kind of keep that in mind if you are going to meal prep.

    4. I would suggest buying a couple of flats of the 500mL bottled water.  Your doctor will give you an amount of water you will need to drink post-op, mine was min 2 litters a day.  I found it a lot easier to track my water intake using those 500mL bottles.  I started off using one litter bottles, but it took me longer to drink them and then they would get warm and since, as my wife puts it, I am a diva and I like ice cold water I started using the smaller bottles…


    I'll be praying for you.  

  • daisybud
    daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member
    medic1971 said:

    Waiting was the worst

    In retrospect, waiting one of the worst things about my experience…  I know you are concerned about losing an entire kidney, but if that happens you can live a normal life with only one.  Yeah you will have to make some dietary changes and drink more water, but that’s something everyone should be doing regardless of health status.   About three years ago a friend of mine donated a kidney for his sister and he is doing great.  In fact one week post–op he was out mowing the grass.  His wife came home, saw what he had done, and she almost killed him, but that’s another story. Sealed

    Once surgery is over and you have the pathology report back you will feel better.  Mainly because all of those unanswered questions will be answered and there is peace in that.  It took about a week to get my path report back and the doctor called me on the phone to tell me that I did in fact have cancer.  After I got off of the phone with him i felt peaceful and that really surprised me.

    Things you can do to get ready for surgery:

    1. Start some type of exercising, if you don't already.  Go for 20-30 minute walks every day.  

    2. Netflix is a good thing.  I actually used my renal mass as an excuse to but an Xbox One Cool

    3. Food prep after surgery is different for everyone.  I didn't have much of an appetite for about 3 week post-op.  Just kind of keep that in mind if you are going to meal prep.

    4. I would suggest buying a couple of flats of the 500mL bottled water.  Your doctor will give you an amount of water you will need to drink post-op, mine was min 2 litters a day.  I found it a lot easier to track my water intake using those 500mL bottles.  I started off using one litter bottles, but it took me longer to drink them and then they would get warm and since, as my wife puts it, I am a diva and I like ice cold water I started using the smaller bottles…


    I'll be praying for you.  

    I will definitely be loading

    I will definitely be loading up on cases of water.  Thanks for the tip.

    Also, will be walking my pug dog, Joey.  Both of us need the exercise. :)

    I am more concerned about if I end up with a enucleatio during a partial that dr can't get clean margins bc of the location.  But I will just have to wait and see how it goes. Sometimes I think just yank the whole thing out and then I don't have to worry.  The dr says its much better to keep part of it if possible.

    Have a great day!


  • todd121
    todd121 Member Posts: 1,448 Member
    daisybud said:

    I will definitely be loading

    I will definitely be loading up on cases of water.  Thanks for the tip.

    Also, will be walking my pug dog, Joey.  Both of us need the exercise. :)

    I am more concerned about if I end up with a enucleatio during a partial that dr can't get clean margins bc of the location.  But I will just have to wait and see how it goes. Sometimes I think just yank the whole thing out and then I don't have to worry.  The dr says its much better to keep part of it if possible.

    Have a great day!


    Having a date

    Great news you have a surgery date and it's soon!

    You really shouldn't have to worry about a partial without clean margins. I'd share what I wanted with the surgeon and make sure he understands your priority is clean margins even if it means losing the kidney. It can be difficult to tell the doctors what we want, but we have every right to make sure we are getting our health taken care of the way we want it. I would imagine his priority is the same.

    Is he pretty sure he can do a partial with clean margins?

    Wishing you the best. You'll do fine. The surgery is doable. It's inconvenient, but you will be ok.

    Look through the old threads about recovery post-surgery. There are plenty of them.



  • daisybud
    daisybud Member Posts: 541 Member
    todd121 said:

    Having a date

    Great news you have a surgery date and it's soon!

    You really shouldn't have to worry about a partial without clean margins. I'd share what I wanted with the surgeon and make sure he understands your priority is clean margins even if it means losing the kidney. It can be difficult to tell the doctors what we want, but we have every right to make sure we are getting our health taken care of the way we want it. I would imagine his priority is the same.

    Is he pretty sure he can do a partial with clean margins?

    Wishing you the best. You'll do fine. The surgery is doable. It's inconvenient, but you will be ok.

    Look through the old threads about recovery post-surgery. There are plenty of them.




    Funny you said to look back at old threads!!  Would you believe I am on Page 72. Already past where Icemantoo and Fox joined.. Lol  This site is so valuable.  All the great information and experiences of all the people who have posted recently and in the past.  Its a boat load of information for anyone in our shoes.

    Take care,


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Hey Kim!
    So happy the date is

    Hey Kim!

    So happy the date is set. It will be all behind you before you know it!! Think of this....by the time you are recovered, spring is just around the corner!!

    You have already received lots of good advice, just prep as much ahead of time and then relax and heal afterwards.



  • Denisedh
    Denisedh Member Posts: 28
    daisybud said:


    Funny you said to look back at old threads!!  Would you believe I am on Page 72. Already past where Icemantoo and Fox joined.. Lol  This site is so valuable.  All the great information and experiences of all the people who have posted recently and in the past.  Its a boat load of information for anyone in our shoes.

    Take care,


    Best wishes to you

    And remember, it could be benign and is probably early stage if it is cancer because it's small.  I was scared too and up and down emotionally.