Port out and done with chemo

EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member

I went in this morning for a 20 minute appointment and it took two hours.  I told my gyno/oncologist I was stopping chemo.  He said he didn't blame me; I was having a lot more bad side effects than most.  He had recommended the chemo to kill off any microscopic cancer cells and with three chemos, it was a good chance that had happened.  He said six is not a magic number but commonly used.  He didn't recommend radiation since my cancer was limited to my uterus with a small part of my cervix no where near my vagina.

Then....the port removal.  My port was so infected, they couldn't get the area numb.  The nurse said usually one injection is needed but she did multiple ones which was very painful.  The doctor came in, made a cut and I could feel it - OMG, I screamed as he cut into me.  He apologized and says he can't believe I still had any feeling there.  So, he got a different drug and injected it and I could still feel those injections.  Finally he started again and I could still feel it once in awhile but nothing like the first time.  I told him to get get it out!  

When he tried to stitch me up he said there is so little good skin he didn't think the stitches were going to hold and it would open up by itself.  He put a butterfly bandage over the stitches to try to hold it together but told me I'd probably have to come back to have it packed and heal on its own.  Then they couldn't get the bleeding stopped.  My last blood test showed my blood wasn't clotting right and it sure wasn't.  I had to lay there on my back while the nurse applied pressure to the wound.  As soon as she'd stop it would start bleeding again.  Finally she went and got my chemo nurse and they decided to put a pressure bandage on it.  It seemed to stop but when they sat me up, it started again.  All this time, my poor husband is in the waiting room where they told him I'd be done in 15 minutes and over 45 minutes has gone by.  

I finally got home and went right to bed.  I have been so tired and losing blood sure doesn't help.  I have to go back in three months to see my gyno/oncologist for tests for the next three years.  I'm going to make an appointment with my GP to get my thyroid, A1c and triglycerides tested to see what the chemo did to them.  Hopefully my stomach will get better soon and my eyesight in my right eye will get better.

I know quitting the chemo ups my chances for recurrence but it is what it is and we all know the chemo doesn't guarantee anything.

Thank you, my friends, for being with me all the way!




  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    What an ordeal

    I am glad that is over for you and hope it now starts to heal.  I can't imagine someone cutting on me and me not being numb.  My husband would have been so upset with a wait like that he probably would have tried to come look for me.  It sounds like your dr understood and didn't try to change your mind .  Take time to heal, rest and get your strength back.  May you always dance with NED.

    Hugs and prayers, Lou Ann

  • Sandy3185
    Sandy3185 Member Posts: 229 Member
    What an ordeal!

    Im so sorry you had to suffer so after all you've been through! I hope you will be able to recover quickly. Best wishes for a merry Christmas. Sandy

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    Sandy3185 said:

    What an ordeal!

    Im so sorry you had to suffer so after all you've been through! I hope you will be able to recover quickly. Best wishes for a merry Christmas. Sandy

    What an ordeal is right.

    You have been through so much.  I cringed when I read about being able to feel the cutting.  I hope you heal fast and and feel better soon.  Thanks for posting.  I'd been thinking about you all day.

  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member
    Eldri, you have had such a

    Eldri, you have had such a hard time.   Wouldn't you know getting the port out would be another complication?  I'm such a wimp I wouldn't have let them take it out without being put under.  But at least it's out, chemo is done, and you are on your way to healing.  Rest, heal, and hopefully eat.  Hoping that you can enjoy Christmas, knowing that this particular ordeal is behind you.


  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Editgrl said:

    Eldri, you have had such a

    Eldri, you have had such a hard time.   Wouldn't you know getting the port out would be another complication?  I'm such a wimp I wouldn't have let them take it out without being put under.  But at least it's out, chemo is done, and you are on your way to healing.  Rest, heal, and hopefully eat.  Hoping that you can enjoy Christmas, knowing that this particular ordeal is behind you.



    Heal Fast!  I'm glad you were able to get through the 3 chemos. You gave yourself a fighting chance. But, so sorry for all of the pain you have endured You are so strong.

    I'm with Chris. Can't imagine getting a port out without it being numb.

    I hope you are now able to enjoy Christmas with some energy.

    Love and Hugs,


  • Abbycat2
    Abbycat2 Member Posts: 644 Member
    Incredible, Eldri, what all you've been through!

    I've read here about women getting their ports out at the doctor's office. My dearest friend who had breast cancer, went to a surgy center to have her's remove under general anasthesia. After cringing while reading your post, I will definitely have mine removed at a surgical center.

    Hopefully, your body will heal quickly and you will be as good as new. If there is a problem with your skin healing over your port, you may want to consider seeing the experts on skin -a plastic surgeon.

    I hope all goes well with you and that you have happy holidays.


  • giggs100
    giggs100 Member Posts: 91 Member
    Abbycat2 said:

    Incredible, Eldri, what all you've been through!

    I've read here about women getting their ports out at the doctor's office. My dearest friend who had breast cancer, went to a surgy center to have her's remove under general anasthesia. After cringing while reading your post, I will definitely have mine removed at a surgical center.

    Hopefully, your body will heal quickly and you will be as good as new. If there is a problem with your skin healing over your port, you may want to consider seeing the experts on skin -a plastic surgeon.

    I hope all goes well with you and that you have happy holidays.


    Hoping from here on your healing process will go well

    Your right about we all take our chances even with chemo.  I hope all goes well with your healing.  Please keep in contact with the rest of us so we know how you are doing.  Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a very Happy New year and to all of you out here.


  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    I made an appointment with my

    I made an appointment with my GP for Monday.  She can refer me to their wound center for treatment.  This wound is a mess and it's still draining.  I feel so much better knowing I see Dr. Roth and I'm not alone in this.  My Oncologist office finally called me this morning (I'm sure Dr. Roth had something to do with it) to report on my blood test I had Monday to say my numbers were better and apologized for not calling me on Monday as they said they would.  So...that meant I could go out for a Christmas luncheon with friends today.  My feet still feel like they're on fire but I didn't care.  It was just so nice to see friends and get out of the house.

    i hope you all have a good Christmas!!!



  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    Abbycat2 said:

    Incredible, Eldri, what all you've been through!

    I've read here about women getting their ports out at the doctor's office. My dearest friend who had breast cancer, went to a surgy center to have her's remove under general anasthesia. After cringing while reading your post, I will definitely have mine removed at a surgical center.

    Hopefully, your body will heal quickly and you will be as good as new. If there is a problem with your skin healing over your port, you may want to consider seeing the experts on skin -a plastic surgeon.

    I hope all goes well with you and that you have happy holidays.


    I wish I would have been out.

    I wish I would have been out.  I've read where people said it was nothing to have it removed but I bet theirs wasn't infected.

    Merry Christmas!



  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member

    I made an appointment with my

    I made an appointment with my GP for Monday.  She can refer me to their wound center for treatment.  This wound is a mess and it's still draining.  I feel so much better knowing I see Dr. Roth and I'm not alone in this.  My Oncologist office finally called me this morning (I'm sure Dr. Roth had something to do with it) to report on my blood test I had Monday to say my numbers were better and apologized for not calling me on Monday as they said they would.  So...that meant I could go out for a Christmas luncheon with friends today.  My feet still feel like they're on fire but I didn't care.  It was just so nice to see friends and get out of the house.

    i hope you all have a good Christmas!!!



    So glad

    you are going to see your GP about the wound.

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    Spent last night throwing up

    Spent last night throwing up and it's almost three weeks after my last chemo.  I am so unsteady on my feet and dizzy - I bent over to get a sock out of the dryer, lost my balance and fell, hitting my head on the dryer door so now have a nice size lump on my noggin!

    My port-site is still draining too so hopefully tomorrow my GP will put me on some kind of antibiotic and refer me to wound care.  Yesterday it was draining so bad it soaked through the bandage and stained my shirt.  

    I just want to feel halfway human again!!  I can't imagine how some of your worked through your chemo treatments.  I'm lucky if I can manage working an hour or so a day and I don't trust what I do during that hour.  It's like my brain has gone on vacation leaving me here to limp along.

    Sorry for being so negative!  On a positive note, I did get to see our grandkids today for Christmas which was really nice.  We made lasagna yesterday and just heated it up for dinner.  My husband and son have pretty much taken over running the house and I am extremely greatful for that too.



  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member

    Spent last night throwing up

    Spent last night throwing up and it's almost three weeks after my last chemo.  I am so unsteady on my feet and dizzy - I bent over to get a sock out of the dryer, lost my balance and fell, hitting my head on the dryer door so now have a nice size lump on my noggin!

    My port-site is still draining too so hopefully tomorrow my GP will put me on some kind of antibiotic and refer me to wound care.  Yesterday it was draining so bad it soaked through the bandage and stained my shirt.  

    I just want to feel halfway human again!!  I can't imagine how some of your worked through your chemo treatments.  I'm lucky if I can manage working an hour or so a day and I don't trust what I do during that hour.  It's like my brain has gone on vacation leaving me here to limp along.

    Sorry for being so negative!  On a positive note, I did get to see our grandkids today for Christmas which was really nice.  We made lasagna yesterday and just heated it up for dinner.  My husband and son have pretty much taken over running the house and I am extremely greatful for that too.



    I'm concerned

    will be waiting to hear how things go.

  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member

    Spent last night throwing up

    Spent last night throwing up and it's almost three weeks after my last chemo.  I am so unsteady on my feet and dizzy - I bent over to get a sock out of the dryer, lost my balance and fell, hitting my head on the dryer door so now have a nice size lump on my noggin!

    My port-site is still draining too so hopefully tomorrow my GP will put me on some kind of antibiotic and refer me to wound care.  Yesterday it was draining so bad it soaked through the bandage and stained my shirt.  

    I just want to feel halfway human again!!  I can't imagine how some of your worked through your chemo treatments.  I'm lucky if I can manage working an hour or so a day and I don't trust what I do during that hour.  It's like my brain has gone on vacation leaving me here to limp along.

    Sorry for being so negative!  On a positive note, I did get to see our grandkids today for Christmas which was really nice.  We made lasagna yesterday and just heated it up for dinner.  My husband and son have pretty much taken over running the house and I am extremely greatful for that too.



    I feel bad for you.   They

    I feel bad for you.   They should be taking care of that wound.   Don't go too long before having someone take a look at it again.   If it's not better tomorrow I would get it checked out again.   You don't want to mess around with that.   I had an open wound from a surgery and it took at least 4 weeks to heal.  I had a visiting nurse come daily to pack it as it was very large. And they always checked for oozing.   And what you say I feel concerned about your situation.  

  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    Kaleena said:

    I feel bad for you.   They

    I feel bad for you.   They should be taking care of that wound.   Don't go too long before having someone take a look at it again.   If it's not better tomorrow I would get it checked out again.   You don't want to mess around with that.   I had an open wound from a surgery and it took at least 4 weeks to heal.  I had a visiting nurse come daily to pack it as it was very large. And they always checked for oozing.   And what you say I feel concerned about your situation.  

    What happened?

    did you see your GP?

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    I saw my GP today and her

    I saw my GP today and her nurse called this afternoon with my test results and posted them online with my GP's comments.  My red blood count is still extremely low but better than last week.  She doesn't think my port site is infected but it is far from healed and she thinks the anemia has a lot to do with that.  My A1c (diabetes) is the highest its ever been and she thinks that's also contributing to the port site problems.  Even though I've been diagnosed with T2 diabetes I've always had a normal A1c.  During chemo I was in the 300-400 range quite a bit (normal is 90-110).  My folic acid level was really high too which she said is probably causing the tingling and pain in my hands and feet.  High level of vitamin B12 and folate which she said is caused because my liver isn't working right but....she thinks my liver will come back but it might take awhile.

    She agreed 100% with my decision to discontinue chemo.  She said the oncologist looks at the best way to fight the cancer and many times, not the damage that the chemo causes such as my liver damage - especially since I was having the chemo as a preventative; not to treat specific tumors.  

    She wants me to continue with the magnesium supplements and the probiotics along with my other meds.  I have to go back in a few weeks and she will do some retesting to see if things are getting better.  I also have to submit a stool sample because she thinks my stomach troubles may be caused by an infection from the chemo and the antibiotics they gave me for the port infection.  

    I'm still walking around like a 90 year old woman but am hopeful after my appointment today. 



  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member

    I saw my GP today and her

    I saw my GP today and her nurse called this afternoon with my test results and posted them online with my GP's comments.  My red blood count is still extremely low but better than last week.  She doesn't think my port site is infected but it is far from healed and she thinks the anemia has a lot to do with that.  My A1c (diabetes) is the highest its ever been and she thinks that's also contributing to the port site problems.  Even though I've been diagnosed with T2 diabetes I've always had a normal A1c.  During chemo I was in the 300-400 range quite a bit (normal is 90-110).  My folic acid level was really high too which she said is probably causing the tingling and pain in my hands and feet.  High level of vitamin B12 and folate which she said is caused because my liver isn't working right but....she thinks my liver will come back but it might take awhile.

    She agreed 100% with my decision to discontinue chemo.  She said the oncologist looks at the best way to fight the cancer and many times, not the damage that the chemo causes such as my liver damage - especially since I was having the chemo as a preventative; not to treat specific tumors.  

    She wants me to continue with the magnesium supplements and the probiotics along with my other meds.  I have to go back in a few weeks and she will do some retesting to see if things are getting better.  I also have to submit a stool sample because she thinks my stomach troubles may be caused by an infection from the chemo and the antibiotics they gave me for the port infection.  

    I'm still walking around like a 90 year old woman but am hopeful after my appointment today. 



    I am glad to hear that


    I am glad to hear that your port site seems ok and not infected.  That was concerning me.   It will take several weeks for that to heal.    I am also glad that you are hopeful after your appointment today and that you were your own advocate and stopped the chemo as you know your body.

    Sending you hugs!


  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    Kaleena said:

    I am glad to hear that


    I am glad to hear that your port site seems ok and not infected.  That was concerning me.   It will take several weeks for that to heal.    I am also glad that you are hopeful after your appointment today and that you were your own advocate and stopped the chemo as you know your body.

    Sending you hugs!


    great news!


    So glad things are finally moving in the right direction for you. I hope each day brings you a little bit more energy and overall feeling better!

    Love and Hugs,


  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member

    I saw my GP today and her

    I saw my GP today and her nurse called this afternoon with my test results and posted them online with my GP's comments.  My red blood count is still extremely low but better than last week.  She doesn't think my port site is infected but it is far from healed and she thinks the anemia has a lot to do with that.  My A1c (diabetes) is the highest its ever been and she thinks that's also contributing to the port site problems.  Even though I've been diagnosed with T2 diabetes I've always had a normal A1c.  During chemo I was in the 300-400 range quite a bit (normal is 90-110).  My folic acid level was really high too which she said is probably causing the tingling and pain in my hands and feet.  High level of vitamin B12 and folate which she said is caused because my liver isn't working right but....she thinks my liver will come back but it might take awhile.

    She agreed 100% with my decision to discontinue chemo.  She said the oncologist looks at the best way to fight the cancer and many times, not the damage that the chemo causes such as my liver damage - especially since I was having the chemo as a preventative; not to treat specific tumors.  

    She wants me to continue with the magnesium supplements and the probiotics along with my other meds.  I have to go back in a few weeks and she will do some retesting to see if things are getting better.  I also have to submit a stool sample because she thinks my stomach troubles may be caused by an infection from the chemo and the antibiotics they gave me for the port infection.  

    I'm still walking around like a 90 year old woman but am hopeful after my appointment today. 



    Sounds like you and your

    Sounds like you and your doctor have a plan to deal with all of these issues, which is good.  Glad to hear that you are hopeful and hoping as well that you feel a little bit better every day.
