I don't know what to do

Ok I am kinda confused here my girlfriend said to me yesterday that someone very close to her has cancer and I just really want to help her through this time but I don't know we're to start we lie very close and see each other allot and so far I have told her that if she ever needed someone to talk to she could talk to me. Is that enough I don't know Wht to do from here please help me 


  • HOPE610
    HOPE610 Member Posts: 28
    Just keep trying.  I think

    Just keep trying.  I think all you can really do is let her know you are there to help and to listen.  It may just take some time before she wants to really open up about how she feels.  Cancer is hard.  Keep posting.  There are a lot of great people on here that can offer advice. 

    Thoughts and prayers.  Take care.


  • Gilberto_Farthing
    Gilberto_Farthing Member Posts: 15
    Give her time to ready

    Give her time to ready herself to seek help. The only way by which you can do to reduce her stress at this movement is - Be available to listen to your girlfriend when she needs you.