Chemo brain

How do you deal with a spouse who is experiencing anger, aggression, resentment, and horrible mood swings?  He is unwilling to even begin to think this is related to the cancer/treatment and claims he is being pushed to act this way (by wife, family, friends).  The hospital says "keep the peace" and "reduce the stress".  There are no caregiver support groups in the area.  Walking on egg shells and keeping silent while be treated horribly cannot be the only option for caregivers - especially for months and months on end.  It is a rollercoaster of not knowing when the next explosive episode will occur or what will set him off next.


  • HOPE610
    HOPE610 Member Posts: 28

    First, I am sorry that you are here, but be comforted that there are a lot of us are in similar places.  It isn't an easy place to be even in the best circumstances.  Please keep posting and I am sure someone will have good advice for you.

    Second, I have been blessed that during my husband's 5 1/2 year fight that he is typcially very upbeat and postitive.  He has certainly had some very difficult moments.  Unfortuantely he will have to be on treatments for the rest of his life.  The side effects are subtle in cmparisson to traditional chemo, but he has had them for 5+ years.  It is very tough on him to continue to deal with the side effects. We have argued and fought over money concerns, his side effects and continuing treatments.  We still try to find a reason to laugh and be thankful everyday.  I have turned to God often and listen to uplifting church services on the radio to and from work.  It helps keep me focused and positive.  I can't say it is perfect and that I don't struggle often. 

    Have you tried finding a resource for him to talk to?  The American Cancer Society may be able to help you.  They have many resources.  I also participate in ACS Relay For Life, which puts me in contact with many people in similar situations.  The people that I have met have become an awesome network of friends and people that can help and support me.  Find people to talk to wherever you can!!  As much as he needs support you do too!  Keep searching and again, please keep posting.  ]

    I am not sure I have been incredibly helpful, but know that someone cares and is praying for you and your family.