Newly unemployed

Kent Cass
Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member

Now the insurance problem lands on my doorstep. COBRA, or continued under my current plan, I will learn about in the next few days, but I've heard that's very expensive. So, do I explore Obamacare plans? Isn't there enrollment dates that are only for once/year?

Worked at the place for 21years, 10 months, and 9 days. There were 5 of us 60, or older, and the Co has done things to all of us to try and upset us. In the last two days they came down on me for a mistake I made, and which I was upfront about it being my fault. That mistake might have cost the Co $200 to fix, but they made like it was a $5K blunder. Plus, the temporary 2nd shift Foreman "doesn't like me." One of the co-workers in his early-50s could not believe what they had done to me, nor could I. Essentially, they put me in a position that opened-up all sort of possibilities of minor infractions, like being late for work, and I would get fired. So, I quit. Simple as that: they obviously did not value my working for them anymore, and that was the writing on the wall for me to read. 

Any suggestions on Obamacare plans, or what to do about insurance would be greatly appreciated.



  • Ladylacy
    Ladylacy Member Posts: 773 Member
    Insurance/Lost Job

    I am sorry to hear about your job.  I know what you mean about companies.  One of my sons after 20 years of work with his company lost his job over something that was stupid.  I told him to go to the EEOC and file a complaint but he wouldn't.  Stubborn is all I can say.  He had grounds.  Apparently he was at the top of the pay scale and they were bringing in new people at lower pay to do his job.   As far as insurance, he doesn't have it.  Didn't qualify for Obamacare help because he didn't make enough money, yes he got another job but at minimum pay, big big pay cut.  Apparently you have to make a certain amount of money in order to get Obamacare help with premiums.  Another son was forced into early retirement.  Small pension check, but too much to qualify for Medicaid and not enough to get help with premiums from Obamacare and he couldn't afford the premiums without help so he has no insurance.  Obamacare does not help many.  Premiums have gone up and deductions are out the door before they pay anything.

    When I took early retirement, without realizing Cobra only lasts for 18 months I stupidly thought I could get health insurance on my own.  Cobra was reasonable for me, thanks to the firm I worked for, it was what I had to pay for health insurance after that for 18 months until I went on Medicare.  Nine years ago I paid $1200 a month with a $2500 deductible because I was too scared to go without health insurance.  Thankfully we could live off my husband's retirement and SS until I went on Medicare.   What I collected from SS paid for my health insurance during that time and in all I only had to go to the doctor's twice and my medication wasn't all that expensive.  But the health insurance company made money off of me with the high premiums for 18 months and didn't have to pay out a dime.

    Health insurance in this country is a racket.  Besides the outrageous premiums and deductibles,  $205 for a doctor visit for a primary care doctor -- less than 15 minutes of their time, upwards of $450 for a specialist, depending on where you live and the costs of any test, surgery and hospitalization are outrageous.  I just got thru several tests for my heart, and those costs alone were outrageous.  Premiums vary state to state just like the cost of health care. 

    Wishing you the best

  • ratface
    ratface Member Posts: 1,337 Member
    start shopping today

    Hi Kent.I have been on the Federal excahange the last two days. Start today as it can take a bit of looking to find a plan. have till the 15 of this month if you want insurance to start by 01 Jauary 2016. You have till 30 December if you want insurance to start in February. You have to create an account and register first before you can look at the plans. It's fairly straightforward, with huge text boxes and simple individual questions on separate successive screens. It's really geared to be easy. However the hard part begins in comparison shopping. You first decide on a metallic color level that suits your needs, Bronze, Silver, Gold,Patnium by zip code. Once your choices populate decide between HMO and PPO and that should wittle it down some. Then comes the homework part, finding out where available plans are acceapted in relation to your doctors and proximity hospitals. I'm still shopping, had to call my doctor but they were of little help sating they acceapt hundreds of plans with no published list. Another tactic is to go to a particular hospital website and see what insurance they acceapt but they bury this information also. There are some provider links within the ACA website but I find them lacking and difficult to use. Also be aware that that the ACA site will time out every thirty minutes as you are in the middle of something making you log in again.

  • swopoe
    swopoe Member Posts: 492
    I am sorry

    kcass. I wish you luck and wish you were not in this position.

  • lifeisDHA
    lifeisDHA Member Posts: 64
    Kent, I am sorry to hear this

    My boyfriend was laid off during his treatment. He had to go with COBRA and it was quite expensive. I think over 1200 per month and it didn't cover all that much. He had to pay out of pocket a lot. He got another job after 3 months.  I think a part time job that gives you an insurance is good option.



  • phrannie51
    phrannie51 Member Posts: 4,716
    Oh WOW, Kent....

    I am so sorry....I'm afraid I would come out of that situation with a hell of a resentment! 

    What I'd do is go to an insurance company who brokers for the different Blue Cross Blue Shield, United Health who sells health insurance for many companies.  They have waded through all this stuff before for others, and know which companies have the best policies for the money.  (I wish I'd done this for Medicare....instead of wading through it on my own). 

    How old are you?  How long till you reach 65?  That would determine how much you might have to fork out for Cobra.  Going to a broker might also answer the question of.....if you do take Cobra, can you quit it at anytime, once you've found a ACA policy you can live with.  I would think you can....that you can buy yourself a little time by investing in Cobra for a couple of month, and really give yourself a chance to look over the ACA. 


    PS....NO HMO''ll never find a Dr.....PPO all the way.

    PPS....Have you 5 thought about contacting a lawyer??  5 people, over the age of 60 is a little obvious.

  • Kenny-
    Kenny- Member Posts: 99 Member
    sorry to hear

    kent - sorry to hear about your situation. Sounds like you had to ensure and were given a hard time for a while.

  • jtl
    jtl Member Posts: 456

    I once had COBRA, used it for the entire 18 months and then went on some kind of extended plan until I reached 65 and could get Medicare.  COBRA is just you paying whatever you were paying under the company plan plus whatever the company was contributing plus a small administrative fee (about 2%).  The big kicker was when COBRA ran out and I had to start paying the cost of the "extended" plan.  I was almost $1600 per month before I was able to enroll in Medicare.  Back in those days insurance companies could refuse coverage if you had pre-existing condition, which I did.  Today they cannot.  My wife who is 60 years old and has never had an illness pays $700 for a so-so policy from BCBS.  Under Obama care she would pay more because we make too much to get any subsidies.  Also Obmacare has huge deductibles.  

  • denistd
    denistd Member Posts: 597

    Cobra is the plan cost plus 2%, it will be expensive, you should look at medical assistance from your local welfare office, if you do not have any income, or minimal income you would probably qualify for that, go to your nearest welfare office and get it started. Obamacare will kill you financially even if you qualify for premium help, the deductible will be in the $6,500 range. Good luck friend, would have been better had they released you, you would have got unemployment.

  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    denistd said:


    Cobra is the plan cost plus 2%, it will be expensive, you should look at medical assistance from your local welfare office, if you do not have any income, or minimal income you would probably qualify for that, go to your nearest welfare office and get it started. Obamacare will kill you financially even if you qualify for premium help, the deductible will be in the $6,500 range. Good luck friend, would have been better had they released you, you would have got unemployment.

    Thank You

    Just turned 61, Phrannie. And being released, instead of quitting is not how the Company works: you either quit or get fired/point-out, as they say. And, Phrannie, I'm not sure how to take this, but this afternoon I went to the new James Bond film, Spectre, and it only cost me $4.99! I couldn't believe it was so cheap for a 140-minute 007 film. So then I look at the ticket, and "Senior Discount" is on it! The girl didn't ask me for my age, or even look at me that much- it was like, "Yep, another real old man..."

    And you all have been a big help with the info about Cobra. Didn't know it's what the actual cost is, and then the added 2%. Work is supposed to bring me in to discuss it all in the next couple days.

    Have saved up some $ over the years, and am almost a year from 62, so now I got a 62 retirement thought in my head. Honestly don't know anyone who would hire me. I have arthritis so bad in the lower-right back that there's no way I could hide that thru a Probationary time period, and I would not lie about it. Also, with the neck spasms and meds for it, and being a C survivor...would you hire me?

    Thanks again


  • Tragic-king
    Tragic-king Member Posts: 12
    Kent Cass said:

    Thank You

    Just turned 61, Phrannie. And being released, instead of quitting is not how the Company works: you either quit or get fired/point-out, as they say. And, Phrannie, I'm not sure how to take this, but this afternoon I went to the new James Bond film, Spectre, and it only cost me $4.99! I couldn't believe it was so cheap for a 140-minute 007 film. So then I look at the ticket, and "Senior Discount" is on it! The girl didn't ask me for my age, or even look at me that much- it was like, "Yep, another real old man..."

    And you all have been a big help with the info about Cobra. Didn't know it's what the actual cost is, and then the added 2%. Work is supposed to bring me in to discuss it all in the next couple days.

    Have saved up some $ over the years, and am almost a year from 62, so now I got a 62 retirement thought in my head. Honestly don't know anyone who would hire me. I have arthritis so bad in the lower-right back that there's no way I could hide that thru a Probationary time period, and I would not lie about it. Also, with the neck spasms and meds for it, and being a C survivor...would you hire me?

    Thanks again


    I'd hire you


    You seem pretty sharp to me, based on your comments on this thread and reliable and a hard worker too, so I'd hire you if I needed someone with your skills.

    As for the insurance, try to find an agent who sells a variety of company products.  I had a college buddy who did this and he was a great help navigating the insanity that is our health insurance system.  For me, it worked best with Cobra while it lasted and then an individual plan outside of Obamacare, but this was pre-cancer with a healthy family.

    Best of luck!


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member

    Sorry to hear about your job Kent.., they are over rated anways, LOL.. But I do have some wisdom and resolution prayers out there for you..


  • hawk711
    hawk711 Member Posts: 566
    Hi KC

    We haven't communicated in awhile.  I have been off the site for 6 months or so, just dropped by before Christmas to say Hi to all and saw your post.  Well Damnit, I don't know what to say.  The folks in the Quad Cities would be lucky to have is all I can say.  Why don't you go to the good side of the River and talk to some Hawkeyes about a job! 

    Considering your last post sounded like a nice short story, I think you may want to bring up that author occupation again.  It doesn't pay well, but maybe there's still a book inside you! What do you think?

    I changed jobs at 60 and at 64 am glad I did. My outlook on jobs and stress really changed after all the Big C happened to me and then the necrosis.  I think you will find happiness as you always have.  You were a big help to me 5+ years ago with your positive attitude and I'm just trying to say to you, relax, take some time, think about what you'd can do to enjoy the day and make a few bucks.  Or relax and write that book.

    Next time I get back to Iowa, summer of '16, I'll look you up and we'll share a cold one and just talk.

    All the best to you Kent


  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member

    Sorry to hear that, do they have a long term disability plan, if so you might want to try and get on it but you need to do it fast.



  • tommyodavey
    tommyodavey Member Posts: 728 Member
    Kent Cass said:

    Thank You

    Just turned 61, Phrannie. And being released, instead of quitting is not how the Company works: you either quit or get fired/point-out, as they say. And, Phrannie, I'm not sure how to take this, but this afternoon I went to the new James Bond film, Spectre, and it only cost me $4.99! I couldn't believe it was so cheap for a 140-minute 007 film. So then I look at the ticket, and "Senior Discount" is on it! The girl didn't ask me for my age, or even look at me that much- it was like, "Yep, another real old man..."

    And you all have been a big help with the info about Cobra. Didn't know it's what the actual cost is, and then the added 2%. Work is supposed to bring me in to discuss it all in the next couple days.

    Have saved up some $ over the years, and am almost a year from 62, so now I got a 62 retirement thought in my head. Honestly don't know anyone who would hire me. I have arthritis so bad in the lower-right back that there's no way I could hide that thru a Probationary time period, and I would not lie about it. Also, with the neck spasms and meds for it, and being a C survivor...would you hire me?

    Thanks again


    I Hate That

    Hi Kent,


    I hate reading stuff like what happened to you.  What really got me mad was about 8-10 years ago congress decided to remove the Age Discrimination part of the law.  So that means you can get fired or let go just because of your age.  I may have the info wrong but with my wife and I, we definately experience age discrimination out there.  The companies just don't hire you.  No word, no contact, nothing.  Then they hire some dumb youngster who has no clue of work ethics.  They call in all the time, complain like no tomorrow, etc.


    Keep trying to find a job.  There is a website that has helped me land two jobs in the last five years.  It's called and all the employers are non biased about age.  You just need to qualify for the job.


    Good luck with the insurance issue.  I don't envy you.





  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    Skiffin16 said:


    Sorry to hear about your job Kent.., they are over rated anways, LOL.. But I do have some wisdom and resolution prayers out there for you..




  • Kent Cass
    Kent Cass Member Posts: 1,898 Member
    hawk711 said:

    Hi KC

    We haven't communicated in awhile.  I have been off the site for 6 months or so, just dropped by before Christmas to say Hi to all and saw your post.  Well Damnit, I don't know what to say.  The folks in the Quad Cities would be lucky to have is all I can say.  Why don't you go to the good side of the River and talk to some Hawkeyes about a job! 

    Considering your last post sounded like a nice short story, I think you may want to bring up that author occupation again.  It doesn't pay well, but maybe there's still a book inside you! What do you think?

    I changed jobs at 60 and at 64 am glad I did. My outlook on jobs and stress really changed after all the Big C happened to me and then the necrosis.  I think you will find happiness as you always have.  You were a big help to me 5+ years ago with your positive attitude and I'm just trying to say to you, relax, take some time, think about what you'd can do to enjoy the day and make a few bucks.  Or relax and write that book.

    Next time I get back to Iowa, summer of '16, I'll look you up and we'll share a cold one and just talk.

    All the best to you Kent
