My moms diagnosis

Last month my mother was diagnosed with uterine cancer. She is stage 3 and she has had two weeks of radiation. I am trying to be there for my family and I am scared and angry for her. Does anyone else feel this way and if so does the anger ever go away?


  • MrsBee
    MrsBee Member Posts: 43
    My Mom was recently diagnosed

    My Mom was recently diagnosed Stage 3A also.

    I don't think I'm angry, just scared.

    My guess is that extreme emotions from extreme life situations will eventually go away

    or at least become much more manageable.

    Another way of saying it, we adjust to things in life-but when the adjustment itself is too dificult-we adjust to that too in time.



  • molimoli
    molimoli Member Posts: 514
    Anger and fear is debilitating and serves no purpose

    Melwb,sorry to hear of your mom's trouble ,hope together the storm will be weathered. with time the feelings will subside ,sometimes  will go away completely  only to make brief visits. You will manage them better as time goes by.We have all been there ,done that, it is not what changes outcomes,it's you being level headed and  proactive, daunting task but can be done. We will be here for you when you are stumbling ,imagine us there bracing with you against the storm all the while.Good luck to mom with her treatment.

    Moli, I am hugging. blessings.

  • TeddyandBears_Mom
    TeddyandBears_Mom Member Posts: 1,814 Member
    molimoli said:

    Anger and fear is debilitating and serves no purpose

    Melwb,sorry to hear of your mom's trouble ,hope together the storm will be weathered. with time the feelings will subside ,sometimes  will go away completely  only to make brief visits. You will manage them better as time goes by.We have all been there ,done that, it is not what changes outcomes,it's you being level headed and  proactive, daunting task but can be done. We will be here for you when you are stumbling ,imagine us there bracing with you against the storm all the while.Good luck to mom with her treatment.

    Moli, I am hugging. blessings.


    Sorry to hear about your mom. But glad she has you on her side to help her through this. Feel free to come back and ask any questions or express concerns or whatever else may be lurking... there are a lot of women on this site with loads of experience to help you through this.  I think any and all emotions are normal. We learn how to work through them to be stronger for the fight. Take care and wishing your mom a successful battle.

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    Your fear and anger are totally understandable

    I can understand your fear and anger about your mother's cancer.  I felt like that when our daughter was diagnosed many years ago.  There is such a feeling of helplessness...and then the anger of feeling helpless.  The negative feelings did fade as she went through her treatment and recovery but we were told the cancer would probably come back, which it has.  It's hard putting on a brave front and then having to cry alone. Your feelings are totally understandable!!

    I never had anything like this board to go to vent, get information and commiserate with people going through the same thing.  

    Take care,



  • Lou Ann M
    Lou Ann M Member Posts: 996 Member
    I do believe that fear and

    I do believe that fear and anger are very normal.  I think it is a lot like grief, we have to work through differnt phases.  It will get better, but may not complete go away. After 3 years with this, I am pretty accepting of this as God's plan for me, once in a while I still ask"Why Me?"

    so sorry your mom has to go through this and you too.  I think it might me as hard on family as it is on us.  Hoping her treatment goes well.  Take care of your self.  Sending hugs and prayers to both of you. Lou Ann