Family Affair



  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Nana4life said:

    Size 5cm


    the size is around 5cm. this is the second opinion doctor and he is going to try to do partial but with the position and the fact that he had a rupture in the past he thinks they may not be able. So going in with options. He's going to Houston Methodist in Texas. Anyone familiar? Teaching hospital. I've checked out the doctor and he looks good. He will be doing robotic. He says my son will be up and about in two weeks. Not sure about that.  thank you for you input. All this info is helping Us to fight this.

    Wishing your son the very

    Wishing your son the very best and yes, there's always the risk that a partial will become a full one. I too was told that prior to surgery. Hoping all goes well for both of you!

  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    dhs1963 said:

    FOX, hate to disagree, but...

    Fox, I hate to disagree with you, but I think one of the issues is the role of genetics is not really understood.  When 10 people are exposed to the same envronment, why do only 3 get the cancer?  Is there a immunoresponse helping the others or am I just unlucky?

    The real answer is probably somewhere in between.  There are studies in Iceland -- where they a very closed society with closely tracked genetics -- that shows more than half of all kidney cancers there are following family liniages.


    When I was diagnosed, my oncologist suggested that my children get an ultrasound check on their kidneys every 5 years, as well as my siblings....I just assumed this was a normal reaction for any cancer diagnosis.



  • Nana4life
    Nana4life Member Posts: 78 Member
    mrou50 said:


    When I was diagnosed the first time I asked my ONC about how a person gets this disease.  He said there are many ways including genetics, and environmental, as well as contributing factors regarding body size.  He said the only way to tell if it was genetic was to run tests and even that would not be 100 percent conclusive.  His advise to me was to have my siblings checked out and my children as they get older.  My siblings all but one have been scanned and so far no problems.   He also told me that Genetic testing is expensive and insurance does not cover it in most cases.

    I have 10 siblings. Do you

    I have 10 siblings. Do you think I should ask them all to get checked?

    also two other children. One 33 and expecting another 24 yrs old. I'm afraid to create too much fear but on the other hand. Early detection is key.


  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    Nana4life said:

    I have 10 siblings. Do you

    I have 10 siblings. Do you think I should ask them all to get checked?

    also two other children. One 33 and expecting another 24 yrs old. I'm afraid to create too much fear but on the other hand. Early detection is key.


    Why not?

    Why not just tell them about the possibility of a genetic component to the disease and let them decide for themselves?