None the Wiser


Hi Ladies,

I've finally had my MRI scan, the hospital scanner kept breaking down and appointments cancelled. Five weeks seems such a long time, so I had to pay for one. The results are sent to my consultant. I now have to have a PET CT scan. which I don't know very much about so any info would be very helpful.

I still am none the wiser of any spread, or my treatment options.



  • AWK
    AWK Member Posts: 364 Member
    The waiting...

    Sucks.  The CT scan and PET scans are two different things.  Usually they start with ct scan to identify new growths, changes in existing ones.  The PET scan uses technology to identify areas by lighting them up.  I just had a CT scan yesterday, something new popped up and  I am going to have a PET scan next week.  You fast for both and for the PET my doctors recommend no exercise 24 hours prior.  For the CT scan you drink a barium like liquid at the facility an hour in advance.  They will also give you a contrast via iv at the beginning of the scan.  The PET has an iv also prior to the exam and you usually are put in a calming room in a reclined position just to relax.  The ct you pass through a hole that is about 12 inches deep, it takes 20 Or so minutes.  The pet is in a tube, sometimes they have people take Ativan for anxiety Prior to it, I just meditate and try to focus on breathing.  It can take up to an hour.  You'll be fine either way.  Hugs - Anne

  • EZLiving66
    EZLiving66 Member Posts: 1,483 Member
    I have been lucky

    I have been lucky that everything has been done very quickly.  The waiting is terribly stressful.  I had a CT scan and it was very easy.  I drank half a bottle of this stuff that tasted like a vanilla shake (really!) an hour and a half before the test; then I drank the rest 45 minutes prior to the test.  They inserted an IV and this ring went over me about three times while I got warm - it sort of felt like I had wet my pants - LOL!!  I was in and out of there within 20 minutes.  I sat there for a few minutes to make sure I wasn't dizzy and I left.  The next day I met with my doctor and he said they found NOTHING.  That was such a relief.  That was last Thursday and I get my port in on Monday and start chemo on Tuesday.  

    I hope you get some answers soon!!!

    Take care,


  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member

    pET/CT can be done several ways.  I just had a PET scan.   It depends on where you have it done on the procedure.   with mine because it was a PET only I only got the isotope.  It is injected and then you wait about an hour and the scan takes approximately 10-15 minutes.   I was not in a totally enclosed chamber.  Just a machine that moved back and forth through a tube.   

    with a PET CT besides the isotopes they also give you a drink sort of like crystal light and you have to sut quietly for an hour. Bathe place where I had this done also put a catheter in so your muscles would be more relaxed.  They do the ct portion first and then the pet portion.  Basically same amount of time.   The machine moves in and out   They may ask you to hold your breath for some of the scans

    i also had a PET MRI done.  It is a new machine which combines a PET with an MRI. It was a trial.   They give you an isotope.  However for this scan they put like a body suit over you, a mask with holes over your face and you go through an enclosed tube.  It is a long scan.  I wasn't anticipating that.   I did it though!

    a CT scan they give you the barium drink.  They also can give you a contrast during the scan which feels weird at first cause it feels warm through your veins.   They move the machine in and out and you have to hold your breath at certain times


    The MRI is a loud test.  These ones are not.   Also you may have to hold your arms over your head. 

    I I hope this helps




    ps.  I have had a CT, 4 PET scans, a PET MRI, and ultrasound, and x-Rays since Feb of 2014