Radiologist says :highly suspicious for RCC

ponzlaw Member Posts: 14

So I had CT 2 days ago...w/wo contrast.  Shows 1.6 cm cyst that radiologist says is "highly susoicious for RCC" I see urologist today then second opinion Friday with Sloan Kettering. First noticed cyst in 2012 whe i had kidney stones. Should have followed up earlier. I went into hospital August 23 2015 for perforated appendix. They did CT at er and the cyst was noted again as complex. Appendicitis resokved (no surgery) and another scan was scheduled for Oct 5 2015 w/wo contrast. The cyst was at that point characterized by Radiologist as "highly suspicious for RCC" 1.6 cm Right Kidney upper lobe. All other organs normal. Some benign cysts on left kidney. So, I probably have RCC We'll see what doc says. Freaking out!!!


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    I had my 3.5 cm tumor removed

    I had my 3.5 cm tumor removed via partial nephrectomy at Sloan Kettering and I highly recommend you go there. The doctors and the staff are amazing. You are most likely a candidate for a partial nephrectomy, depending of course on its location. Yes, a diagnosis of RCC would suck but the fact is that it's extremely small and apparently pretty slow growing if it was already noted three years ago. Chances are excellent that the surgery will be the end of it. Your prognosis based on tumor size is excellent. And since it is growing so slowly it also most likely low grade. Surgery while not fun was nowhere near as bad as I had feared. Mine was an open procedure and I was up walking the same night, and home two days. My four inch scar is barely visible and my recovery was pretty uneventful.

  • Dave418
    Dave418 Member Posts: 95 Member
    Sorry you had to join our

    Sorry you had to join our club... I understand you are freaking out but 1.6cm is considered quite small, they should be able to remove it with a partial nephrectomy. Looks like it was found early and that is a really good thing. Have a look at posts in this group, you will find a lot of infos by people with mass the size of yours. Don't be afraid to ask questions here, people understand and they care. 

    Keep us posted and take care!








  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,310 Member
    Dave418 said:

    Sorry you had to join our

    Sorry you had to join our club... I understand you are freaking out but 1.6cm is considered quite small, they should be able to remove it with a partial nephrectomy. Looks like it was found early and that is a really good thing. Have a look at posts in this group, you will find a lot of infos by people with mass the size of yours. Don't be afraid to ask questions here, people understand and they care. 

    Keep us posted and take care!








    Welcome - and sorry about the

    Welcome - and sorry about the initiation! It is very scary to hear that news, but yours was caught at a very good time!

    This is a good place to vent, share your concerns and get some advice! We are here for you!



  • Shecka1121
    Shecka1121 Member Posts: 117 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Welcome - and sorry about the

    Welcome - and sorry about the initiation! It is very scary to hear that news, but yours was caught at a very good time!

    This is a good place to vent, share your concerns and get some advice! We are here for you!



    Even though they say highly

    Even though they say highly suspicious they have to take it out to know for sure.  Tumors/cyst that size have a 20% or even more of being bengin.  My tumor was 1.2 cm and I had a partial in June.  Mine did come back as RCC.  I have a great oncologist that shared the following information so I hope it provides you some comfort while you wait.


    - Early detection is key.  Stage 1, especially under 3 cm has a very small chance of ever becoming metestatic.  Localized recurrence supports the stats of a 5% recurrence on RCC for the small renal mass.

    - Stage 1 even above 3 cm still have EXCELLENT outcomes


    In the end I know it is so hard to think about this and not worry. I did so much worrying and still do, but it has gotten so much better over time.  I was thankful to this group for support when I was first told about my mass.



  • mrupe
    mrupe Member Posts: 5

    I know this won't help you from freaking out but....

    1.6 cm is small....has it grown since the scan in 2012? If not, probably nothing to worried about but still needs to checked out, If it has, like the Radiologist states it is still only "Suspicious" but doesn't say it has to be RCC. If it is RCC, thank your lucky stars that you have caught it early.



  • ponzlaw
    ponzlaw Member Posts: 14
    APny said:

    I had my 3.5 cm tumor removed

    I had my 3.5 cm tumor removed via partial nephrectomy at Sloan Kettering and I highly recommend you go there. The doctors and the staff are amazing. You are most likely a candidate for a partial nephrectomy, depending of course on its location. Yes, a diagnosis of RCC would suck but the fact is that it's extremely small and apparently pretty slow growing if it was already noted three years ago. Chances are excellent that the surgery will be the end of it. Your prognosis based on tumor size is excellent. And since it is growing so slowly it also most likely low grade. Surgery while not fun was nowhere near as bad as I had feared. Mine was an open procedure and I was up walking the same night, and home two days. My four inch scar is barely visible and my recovery was pretty uneventful.

    thank you

    Thank you for your well written post. I also have a 20x16mm solid cyst at the tip of my appendix. That's how this all started, with a perforated appendix which they initially treated withiv antibiotics.The bariatric surgeon says probaly a mucocele but the appendix is coming out too. The urologist says he is not concerned about the tumor for the same reasons you articulated. I'll keep you posted. Cool

  • ponzlaw
    ponzlaw Member Posts: 14
    Dave418 said:

    Sorry you had to join our

    Sorry you had to join our club... I understand you are freaking out but 1.6cm is considered quite small, they should be able to remove it with a partial nephrectomy. Looks like it was found early and that is a really good thing. Have a look at posts in this group, you will find a lot of infos by people with mass the size of yours. Don't be afraid to ask questions here, people understand and they care. 

    Keep us posted and take care!








    Thanks Dave


  • ponzlaw
    ponzlaw Member Posts: 14
    Jojo61 said:

    Welcome - and sorry about the

    Welcome - and sorry about the initiation! It is very scary to hear that news, but yours was caught at a very good time!

    This is a good place to vent, share your concerns and get some advice! We are here for you!



    Thank you


  • ponzlaw
    ponzlaw Member Posts: 14
    mrupe said:


    I know this won't help you from freaking out but....

    1.6 cm is small....has it grown since the scan in 2012? If not, probably nothing to worried about but still needs to checked out, If it has, like the Radiologist states it is still only "Suspicious" but doesn't say it has to be RCC. If it is RCC, thank your lucky stars that you have caught it early.



    thanks mark


  • ponzlaw
    ponzlaw Member Posts: 14

    Even though they say highly

    Even though they say highly suspicious they have to take it out to know for sure.  Tumors/cyst that size have a 20% or even more of being bengin.  My tumor was 1.2 cm and I had a partial in June.  Mine did come back as RCC.  I have a great oncologist that shared the following information so I hope it provides you some comfort while you wait.


    - Early detection is key.  Stage 1, especially under 3 cm has a very small chance of ever becoming metestatic.  Localized recurrence supports the stats of a 5% recurrence on RCC for the small renal mass.

    - Stage 1 even above 3 cm still have EXCELLENT outcomes


    In the end I know it is so hard to think about this and not worry. I did so much worrying and still do, but it has gotten so much better over time.  I was thankful to this group for support when I was first told about my mass.



    thank you


  • ponzlaw
    ponzlaw Member Posts: 14

    Even though they say highly

    Even though they say highly suspicious they have to take it out to know for sure.  Tumors/cyst that size have a 20% or even more of being bengin.  My tumor was 1.2 cm and I had a partial in June.  Mine did come back as RCC.  I have a great oncologist that shared the following information so I hope it provides you some comfort while you wait.


    - Early detection is key.  Stage 1, especially under 3 cm has a very small chance of ever becoming metestatic.  Localized recurrence supports the stats of a 5% recurrence on RCC for the small renal mass.

    - Stage 1 even above 3 cm still have EXCELLENT outcomes


    In the end I know it is so hard to think about this and not worry. I did so much worrying and still do, but it has gotten so much better over time.  I was thankful to this group for support when I was first told about my mass.



    thank you


  • Loftydweller
    Loftydweller Member Posts: 10

    Even though they say highly

    Even though they say highly suspicious they have to take it out to know for sure.  Tumors/cyst that size have a 20% or even more of being bengin.  My tumor was 1.2 cm and I had a partial in June.  Mine did come back as RCC.  I have a great oncologist that shared the following information so I hope it provides you some comfort while you wait.


    - Early detection is key.  Stage 1, especially under 3 cm has a very small chance of ever becoming metestatic.  Localized recurrence supports the stats of a 5% recurrence on RCC for the small renal mass.

    - Stage 1 even above 3 cm still have EXCELLENT outcomes


    In the end I know it is so hard to think about this and not worry. I did so much worrying and still do, but it has gotten so much better over time.  I was thankful to this group for support when I was first told about my mass.


    Best spot is also spot is also very small at 1.3 cm with 2 mm growth noted in the last couple of months.  Did your dr. Give you the option of active surveillance by just having regular CT scans or did you just immediately decide to have yours removed?  

  • nancybuck
    nancybuck Member Posts: 117 spot is also spot is also very small at 1.3 cm with 2 mm growth noted in the last couple of months.  Did your dr. Give you the option of active surveillance by just having regular CT scans or did you just immediately decide to have yours removed?  

    I was told with my small

    I was told with my small tumor that I could "wait and see" , partial nephrectomy or cryosurgery.  Urologist, urology oncologist and brother who is a surgeon, all agreed to get it out. Since the five year recurrence was the same as if I would have a partial nephrectomy or cryosurgery, it was a no brainer for the freezing and blasting. I will only be in the hospital for a night or two and much easier recovery period. I just could not live with the wait and see approach,