Just having anxiety

swood9008 Member Posts: 116 Member

Hi all

My mom is 7 months out of treatment. She hasn't had any scans just exams, she is suppose to go the beginning of October she mentioned they were only scanning the pelcic area. Maybe I'm wrong but shouldn't they do a body scan for preventative care? Any input? I know all drs are different just want to make sure we are covering all bases! Other than me being a worry wort she is doing well, says she feels pretty good, just some hip pain and says her joints hurt her oncologist says she's deconditioNed maybe some PT will help. I think she over does it she's back to work in Boston as a case manager 5 days a week she truly loves her job but I scared it's taking a toll 


  • mp327
    mp327 Member Posts: 4,440 Member

    My medical oncologist has always ordered CT scans for me that include chest, abdomen and pelvis, the reason for this being that anal cancer that becomes metastatic most often goes to the liver or lungs.  I would definitely ask why only the pelvic area is being scanned.  In T3 or T4 tumors, chest, abdominal and pelvic CT scans are recommended annually for 3 years.  I don't recall your mom's stage was.  Regardless, I would ask.


  • nicotianna
    nicotianna Member Posts: 209

    I think the XRT (radiation) affects the joints in the pelvic region.  From my own experience, I had "tightness" in the hips for several months after treatment.  You are being a great advocate for your mom!  Also, I agree w/Martha re:  scans for the chest & abdomen in addition to the pelvis.


  • swood9008
    swood9008 Member Posts: 116 Member
    mp327 said:


    My medical oncologist has always ordered CT scans for me that include chest, abdomen and pelvis, the reason for this being that anal cancer that becomes metastatic most often goes to the liver or lungs.  I would definitely ask why only the pelvic area is being scanned.  In T3 or T4 tumors, chest, abdominal and pelvic CT scans are recommended annually for 3 years.  I don't recall your mom's stage was.  Regardless, I would ask.


    She was stage 2 no lymph node

    She was stage 2 no lymph node Involvement, she is s nurse and I know she knows what she's doing but is so stubborn! 

  • lizdeli
    lizdeli Member Posts: 569 Member


    I think the XRT (radiation) affects the joints in the pelvic region.  From my own experience, I had "tightness" in the hips for several months after treatment.  You are being a great advocate for your mom!  Also, I agree w/Martha re:  scans for the chest & abdomen in addition to the pelvis.



    I was scanned the same way as Martha for 5 years.  Wishing your Mom goood news and healing.


  • BirdGrrl
    BirdGrrl Member Posts: 10 Member

    Hi Swood -

    My doctors said that anal cancer has a 10% chance of showing up in lungs/liver. Every six months in January and July, I get scoped to make sure the anal cancer hasn't come back. And every six months in March and September, I see my oncologist who checks my lymph nodes. Nobody has suggested a pelvic or body scan.

    Joint pain is not uncommon, mostly due to radiation, but it sounds like your mom is doing really well. Remember that this is one of the most curable cancers caught early enough. Best of luck to you both, and as long as she's happy and not feeling any pain, it sounds like she's doing great!