Essiac Tea

JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member

I searched it on here and it's been years since anyone has suggested it. Out of all the ideas people send me that are supposed to get rid of cancer it's the only one that I've really wondered about. But I'm finding different information and supposedly the tea you can buy isn't as good as when nurse Caisse made it with fresh herbs. It's about 80 bucks a month to buy it so I dont want to spend money we can't afford on something that might not work. If it actually worked it's a small price to pay, though.

Any thoughts on it? Thanks!



  • annalexandria
    annalexandria Member Posts: 2,571 Member
    I like Sloan Kettering's integrative oncology site

    for looking up alternative stuff.  They have all the studies that have been done and lots of other helpful info.

    My stepmom gave me a bag of Essiac tea but I never used it.  There didn't seem to be much to support it, but if it was more affordable, it might fall into the "can't hurt" realm.

    Essiac overview is here:

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member

    I like Sloan Kettering's integrative oncology site

    for looking up alternative stuff.  They have all the studies that have been done and lots of other helpful info.

    My stepmom gave me a bag of Essiac tea but I never used it.  There didn't seem to be much to support it, but if it was more affordable, it might fall into the "can't hurt" realm.

    Essiac overview is here:

    Thank you so much for the

    Thank you so much for the link! I figured it was just another supposed magical cure but I'd hoped maybe it was one that actually worked. Silly me...

  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,428 Member

    I like Sloan Kettering's integrative oncology site

    for looking up alternative stuff.  They have all the studies that have been done and lots of other helpful info.

    My stepmom gave me a bag of Essiac tea but I never used it.  There didn't seem to be much to support it, but if it was more affordable, it might fall into the "can't hurt" realm.

    Essiac overview is here:

    I have looked there also

    Checked on a few things (I am a patient there) and there were some studies which indicate benefits of things under certain circumstances, which I think is very cool.  They redidd the site in the last couple of months and it used to be easier to find completed studies, but acknowleding certain things (off the top of my head) about meditation and acupuncture as being of some help is a big plus in my mind for them and looking into these things for cancer patients.  Seems everything moved to here now.
