Checking in


I just want to come by and say hello to you all. I have not been writing on here for awhile and feel guilty about not sharing what is going on with me. I want to help others that might be going through my issues. I am fighting the vaginal cuff beast. Is anyone else going through this too? I see a lot of familiar names and I am happy to see them. I miss seeing a lot of sisters that have gone, but never forget all their help they gave all of us. Calaudia, I miss reading your helpful posts. Glad to be back to share.



  • debrajo
    debrajo Member Posts: 1,095 Member

    So glad to see your post!  I am fighting the same beast and loosing badly.  Nothing has worked for me and has, in part, cost me my marriage of 45 years.  In my chemo brain fog I cannot find the word to explain to him that this is not something I chose to do.  There is even less to work with now than what was expected since I tend to have more scare tissue build-up than the average person.  It's hard to explain sickness to someone who has never been sick a day in his life and would rather "die" than be made like I am.  Hope your troubles are less severe and more correctable than mine.  Would I do all of it over again?  You bet I would!  I may be in the rocking chair, but I'm not ready for the grave!  Don't be a stranger!  Best, Debrajo

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,448 Member
    Sharon, don't feel guilty

    Sharon, don't feel guilty about not posting.  I think we are all happy you are out and hopefully busy. 

  • california_artist
    california_artist Member Posts: 816 Member
    Hi, Sharon,

    Nice to have input from you. Been thinking about all of us who began here in late '08 and '09. Wonder how many of us are left alive and well.

    I tend not to think about cancer anymore unless I meet someone who has it and then, can't seem to shut up, remember how I was.

    Still do think one of the best drinks for cancer fighting is:


    I/4 tsp of turmeric

    1 tblspn warmed olive oil

    ten turns of the black pepper mill

    Add those and some italian seasonins, maybe a clove of garlic for good measure, to some tomato sauce, blend it up and drink it. Make two of these a day, or double the turmeric/pepper/olive oil amount and have it one time.

    Any who, love all you women out there.

    You are all extremely brave to try and tackle this stupid disease.


    Anyone who wants to copy and paste or print out my painting, is more than welcome to do so and hope you enjoy it. Maybe it will remind you that I'm alive and kicking after 7 and half years. so there's that.


  • california_artist
    california_artist Member Posts: 816 Member
    Ah, Sharon

    I was thinking about the vaginal cuff thing and wanted to share a thought I had a while back.

    You know I'm a firm believer in all things food, as a slow down or stop measure. ONe of the things I read a long time ago was that ginger, just plain old ginger was as good as chemo in killing cancer when used directly. So, I wondered if some sort of ginger, ah, shall we say, internal through the external application, if you know what I mean, might have some encouraging results. Ah, put it where the vaginal cuff issues are and either leave it there for a bit or use it as a wash. Give it a go if you want and let me know how it works. Will most likely sting like the dickens.


    I used this procedure on a very black nasty looking black mole that appeared rather suddenly on my lower eyelid. I would slice off a piece of ginger root and hold it on the mole for possibly 15 to 30 seconds. I remeber it was a very short time. Then the next day, I was able to scrape off the tissue that had died from the previous days application and would repeat the process. Did this for a week to ten days, each day scraping to expose the next layer til it was gone. Has not come back in a number of years, maybe four.





  • Editgrl
    Editgrl Member Posts: 903 Member

    Ah, Sharon

    I was thinking about the vaginal cuff thing and wanted to share a thought I had a while back.

    You know I'm a firm believer in all things food, as a slow down or stop measure. ONe of the things I read a long time ago was that ginger, just plain old ginger was as good as chemo in killing cancer when used directly. So, I wondered if some sort of ginger, ah, shall we say, internal through the external application, if you know what I mean, might have some encouraging results. Ah, put it where the vaginal cuff issues are and either leave it there for a bit or use it as a wash. Give it a go if you want and let me know how it works. Will most likely sting like the dickens.


    I used this procedure on a very black nasty looking black mole that appeared rather suddenly on my lower eyelid. I would slice off a piece of ginger root and hold it on the mole for possibly 15 to 30 seconds. I remeber it was a very short time. Then the next day, I was able to scrape off the tissue that had died from the previous days application and would repeat the process. Did this for a week to ten days, each day scraping to expose the next layer til it was gone. Has not come back in a number of years, maybe four.





    Claudia, I am relatively

    new to this board, having been diagnosed in June, but I have read many of your past posts with great interest.  While I have for the moment chosen to do chemo, I am also convinced that what we put in our bodies and the stresses that we subject our bodies to has a great deal to do with our health and functioning in general.  Thank you for your very informative posts over the years.  I am thrilled to hear that you are doing so well.


  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member

    Ah, Sharon

    I was thinking about the vaginal cuff thing and wanted to share a thought I had a while back.

    You know I'm a firm believer in all things food, as a slow down or stop measure. ONe of the things I read a long time ago was that ginger, just plain old ginger was as good as chemo in killing cancer when used directly. So, I wondered if some sort of ginger, ah, shall we say, internal through the external application, if you know what I mean, might have some encouraging results. Ah, put it where the vaginal cuff issues are and either leave it there for a bit or use it as a wash. Give it a go if you want and let me know how it works. Will most likely sting like the dickens.


    I used this procedure on a very black nasty looking black mole that appeared rather suddenly on my lower eyelid. I would slice off a piece of ginger root and hold it on the mole for possibly 15 to 30 seconds. I remeber it was a very short time. Then the next day, I was able to scrape off the tissue that had died from the previous days application and would repeat the process. Did this for a week to ten days, each day scraping to expose the next layer til it was gone. Has not come back in a number of years, maybe four.





    Always nice to hear from you

    Always nice to hear from you Claudia!    I bounce off and on here too.   I also am hanging in there!   Always love looking at your paintings.   Can't think at the moment.  Having a PET scan tomorrow and feel hungry - lol





  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hi Sharon!
    I don't know how I

    Hi Sharon!

    I don't know how I missed your post.   Nice to hear from you too!   


