I survived but our Dalmatian didn't.


A few days ago I posted about surviving colon cancer for over six years. I wanted to encourage others that they could do the same, but life has a way of slapping us down, and I really have no other place to post this and so I'm posting it here, maybe just to vent. Our four year old Dalmatian named Pepper would have been five in two months. She started throwing up two days ago. At first she threw up food and then yellow bile Thursday afternoon. We talked about taking her to an Emergency Hospital on Thursday evening, and I had called them to make arrangement, but then we decided to wait until Friday morning to take her to her regular vet.  She must have thrown up 30 times by the time we got her to the vet at 8 am Friday morning. The vet put her on an IV, did a blood test, and gave her shots and she stopped throwing up and he released her that evening back to us. Then she started throwing up during the night. We had her back at the vet on Saturday morning and he did more blood test and an X-Ray. He called late in the day to say she had just gone into cardiac arrest. She had been sitting on a mat and one of the staff members saw her fall over. They were able to bring her out of cardiac arrest, but then an hour later she went back into it and died. She was the sweetest, most happy and loving dog ever. She loved each day and my wife and I have broken hearts. I keep telling myself I should have taken her to an Emergency Hospital. I did talk to one nearby again on Saturday and they said they wouldn't have specialist until Monday, but if I had gotten Pepper in there on Thursday night I'm thinking a specialist might have been there. I think they might have been able to have saved her if I had done that. I made a very bad and very stupid call when I decided to wait to take her to a regular vet. Has anyone had a dog that has died like this? I just can't understand how this could have happened. She was so lively and so happy just days ago and now she is dead. Righ now I wish it was me who didn't survive and that it was her.



  • Semira
    Semira Member Posts: 381 Member
    so sorry

    for your loss. A silent hug from germany 
    Petra and her 2 cat-furbabies

  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,800 Member
    So very sorry

    I know how much one can love their pets, and the heartbreak at losing one so young, is a sad as losing a friend. 

    Please don't beat yourself up over the 'what ifs'. It was a choice you made in good faith and not out of maliciousness, therefore, you cannot blame yourself for her death. 

    I am sure that, even though your wife loved little Pepper, she would not want to hear you say that you wished it had been you. I'm sure with the struggle she has journeyed with you through the Cancer, that would break her heart. 

    Mourn little Pepper and remember the happy dog that she was. 

    My deepest sympathies. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    OMG, how traumatic and

    OMG, how traumatic and shocking! Do they have any idea what happened? Dalmations are such lovely dogs and you don't see them very often anymore. At least not where we live.

    Don't beat yourself up about not making the decision to go to the emergency vet. How could you have known and it might not have made any difference anyway.  

    Anyway, sending you big hugs. My dogs and horse mean the world to me. I'd be devastated if anything happened to one of them. They were all helpful in my recovery from the cancer and the blood clot. My horse even came to the hospital to see me when I was in the ICU. I'm so sorry you've had such a horrible thing happen to your family. They're like our children and the loss is huge.



  • thingy45
    thingy45 Member Posts: 632 Member
    So very sorry

    i lost a doh just like that. Throwing up then bloody urine and stool. 2 operations later, she died. The vet did an autopsy and thought she was bitten by a tick. I still think she ate some grass in the neighbours yard who just had a day ago their grass sprayed for dandelions. 

    Sad part is we lost our baby. It hurts, I still miss her. We know that our pets  life span is shorter them ours, but it is always to soon.

    hugs my friend, so sorry about your dog.


  • Lovekitties
    Lovekitties Member Posts: 3,364 Member
    Second guessing is bad

    The loss of our furry family members is just so very hard.  Made more so as we have no idea what is going on in their bodies...no like experience...no way to know how sick they may be.

    Your sweet Pepper would not want you to second guess your decisions about her care.  She knew you loved her.

    There is no way to know if there was any way to have made her better. 

    I have had a number of pets through the years, cats and dogs, and with the passing of each one I swear that I will have no more because the loss is too great.  Yet, there is always another because of the love we can share with each other...the adoring looks...the silly things.

    Your loss is fresh and strong right now, but give it some time.  In the mean time concentrate on the wonderful moments shared.

    Do not blame yourself for your actions or inactions.  We do the best we can for those furry loved ones.


    Marie who loves kitties (and dogs)

  • jen2012
    jen2012 Member Posts: 1,607 Member
    I'm so sorry about Pepper.

    I'm so sorry about Pepper.  So sad to lose our best friends,

  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,427 Member
    So Sorry

    I am a big dog fan and had them all my life.  The last two dogs in my life, and also another pet, passed away in circumstances that were somewhat similar.  Out of nowhere the became sick, literally a matter of hours, and then were gone within 24 hours.  I was devastated and each time questioned and wondered how it happened.  It actually turns out each of them had a form of cancer, some freakish thing for the dogs where it is there and hidden and something triggers it so it expands overnight and out of control.  I begged the vets for something, particularly with the second dog where in one day the deciision was whether to put her to sleep.  I so wanted to hear there was something.  And in each case, they were perfectly fine the day before.  

  • Cynthia64
    Cynthia64 Member Posts: 9
    I am so sorry.  My prayers

    I am so sorry.  My prayers are with you and sweet Pepper.  I went through EXACTLY what you describe with our Chihuahua Nina.  We decided not to take her ot the emergency vet also after she vomitted all evening and night.   Our girl died (cardiac arrest) on the way to the vet the next day.  It was Addison's disease.  Our girl was only about 8 years old (young for a chihuahua.)  I still wish I could do it differently.  I am so sorry that you are going through this.  Do not blame yourself.  You loved Pepper....and this is something that no one would have known would be that serious....

