any remedy for cracked lips, due to chemo

christald21 Member Posts: 55



      I am done with my 4th treatment of 6.  I still get the sore mouth, and and my tastebuds are nuts for about 10 days after treatment.  It is so hard to eat.  I am dealing with the nausea o.k, I guess, with taking 3 different nausea drugs as needed.  But now the last two treatments I have been getting really bad cracked lips on the sides of my lips.  So sometimes when i open my mouth wide it crackes and bleeds.  Does anyone have a rememdy for this.  It is quite embarassing at times when i have these sores and cracks on each side of my lips.  I have been using some reallly good jelly creams at night, and chapstick.  Aquafor is one of them, it helps a little, but if anyone can add, please do. 

Also after i am done with my last treatment,  6th one,,, can't wait, I then have surgery then back on herceptin for remainder of my year.  My doctor says the treatments will be like a vacation.   How true is that?  Am i still going to have the nausea, mouth sores, tiredness, etc....  ?


  • Puffin2014
    Puffin2014 Member Posts: 531 Member
    cracked lip corners

    Since it's just the corners of your lips that are cracked, I think you have Perleche, or angulr cheilitis.

    I was diagnosed by a dermatologist and had it off and on over the years. Immunosuppression can cause an outbreak, my chemo brought on a relapse.

    Here's an article on treating it. My Dr had me use a q-tip to dap an antifungal cream, then a steroid cream, then bacitracin cream to the corners of my lips twice a day for a week, then just the antifungal and bacitracin creams. Cleared it up.

    Also, for anyone having problems with dry lips during chemo, don't use any lip product with peppermint or menthol in it, it'll burn. Try the lip balm by Nivea A Kiss of Smoothness. It even has SPF15 sunscreen. It comes in a "chapstick" like tube, bought mine at CVS.