Chance for Life - the natural way

Hello all,


I haven't posted much over the past 2 years but have read many of the journeys everyone has gone

through mnay of times with tears.  The last few weeks have finally given me some hope.   

My wife (stage 4, mets to liver, lungs, lynph nodes, thyroid) has battled this the last 2 years with over

24 treatments of folfox, folfiri and TAS-102.   Being KRAS mutation, she has had limited options.  

She is at an integrative treatment center and her CEA dropped for the 1st time in over a year.  

She is on a totally raw vegan diet with lots of green juice.  

Not sure if this the total answer but when the dr's give you less than a year something has to

be done since they had no other Chemo options.    The clinic does a lot of the same things as

Gerson and Young did to help people with cancer.

These are the only Dr's in the last 2 years that talk about the future vs just trying to extend her life.

That is not the goal.    The goal is to grow old, see our girls graduate from high school and have lots more


If anyone is in same boat as we were, you may need to jump off the boat and find a better path. 

Western medicine is something we both believed n but it did fail us.    


Good luck everyone.  

I am not the one with cancer but have been in the same boat but have watched the strength and  determination that my wife has shown

for the last 2 years.   Our 21st anniversary is just ahead and want another 21 more with my wife.


Best luck to all




  • danker
    danker Member Posts: 1,276 Member

    I cannot understand Drs. predicting how long one has to live.  I was 77 when diagnosed. Now 83, going on 90. Only GOD knowes when He will call us to Him.  Just live a day at a time, and enjoy them all!!!!

  • John23
    John23 Member Posts: 2,122 Member



    Fear is the only thing that prevents someone from exploring a different path.


    But there are different paths to success, if only one listens to those that have gained experience.


    Believe the beloved money oriented industry, or believe the individuals that have been there….


    There’s always a choice when one loses their fear.


    Best of health to you and yours,



  • peterz54
    peterz54 Member Posts: 341
    might be of value....

    Steve,   if you're inclined and have the time you might do a Youtube search on Eugene Fine and watch his presentation (especially the 5 minutes starting at minute 10).   He's an MD and professsor of Nuclear Medicine.    He makes a good case for how diet can be used to augment standard therapy.    The basic mechanism is insulin reduction as insulin stimulates many of the same cell signaling pathways which many cancer drugs are being developed to inhibit.   He's not the only researcher to propose and test this or a similar concept.   Dr. Valter Longo goes at it by use of a modified fasting diet as does Dr. Thomas Seyfried.   I believe all of them are active in this area and engaged in Phase I or Phase II trials.    This might explain why the right kind of clean high quaility green diet can help - it lower glucose (an insulin stimulant) and thereby dampens the signals to some of these growth pathways, slowing cancer growth.   You might also be interested in watching a lecture by Dr. Colin Champ.  He's a young oncologist who has reviewed the available research literature and also concluded diet is an essential part of therapy. 


    good luck to you and your wife,





  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    Steve, I just want to say

    Steve, I just want to say that I pray you both will get your wish. I'm not at all familiar with your wife's situation and the ramifications of it. I just hope that whatever she's doing is working.


  • Trubrit
    Trubrit Member Posts: 5,805 Member
    The Truth About Cancer

    The Truth About Cancer is replaying their programs starting today.

    I have the DVDs and they are very good. 

    I pray that you and your wife can find something that works. I do believe it is out there, I also believe that what works for one may not work for another, and its a matter of seeking out what works for you personally. 

    Sue - Trubrit

  • PhillieG
    PhillieG Member Posts: 4,866 Member
    "The Speech"

    I think if we took a poll on this site (as well as almost any cancer site) you would find out that 90% or more of the doctors have given many of us the "You've got 6 months to a year" speech or some variation of it. My take on that is unless the doctor is planning on shooting you in 6 months to a year from when he gave the speech, it's usually nonsense and I question whether they should stop practicing being a doctor and actually become a doctor! I know that are unfortunately times when a person isn't diagnosed until it's too late but that's not the situation I'm talking about.

    Not once in 11+ years did I hear, or ask, the Oncologist I chose (after the first idiot I dealt with) that silly question because there is no answer. You make walk out of their office and get hit by a meteor...or not.

    As far as treatment goes, do whatever you feel works for you. If it stops being effective, try something else. Doctors aren't always right nor are they always wrong. I'm sure all of us have horror stories and/or success stories about doctors, raw foodies, TCMs, religious people, atheists, and so on who did great on that treatment. That's truly wonderful but here is no magic bullet and one size never fits all.

    That said, I recently bought myself a single seat kayak (I've had a 2 seater since my DX 11+ years ago) and have been hitting many lakes by me in Upstate NY and Northern NJ.


    It's been a rollercoaster and continues to be one. That's life!
    Try not to focus on dying so much that you stop living...
    -peace to all

  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,432 Member
    PhillieG said:

    "The Speech"

    I think if we took a poll on this site (as well as almost any cancer site) you would find out that 90% or more of the doctors have given many of us the "You've got 6 months to a year" speech or some variation of it. My take on that is unless the doctor is planning on shooting you in 6 months to a year from when he gave the speech, it's usually nonsense and I question whether they should stop practicing being a doctor and actually become a doctor! I know that are unfortunately times when a person isn't diagnosed until it's too late but that's not the situation I'm talking about.

    Not once in 11+ years did I hear, or ask, the Oncologist I chose (after the first idiot I dealt with) that silly question because there is no answer. You make walk out of their office and get hit by a meteor...or not.

    As far as treatment goes, do whatever you feel works for you. If it stops being effective, try something else. Doctors aren't always right nor are they always wrong. I'm sure all of us have horror stories and/or success stories about doctors, raw foodies, TCMs, religious people, atheists, and so on who did great on that treatment. That's truly wonderful but here is no magic bullet and one size never fits all.

    That said, I recently bought myself a single seat kayak (I've had a 2 seater since my DX 11+ years ago) and have been hitting many lakes by me in Upstate NY and Northern NJ.


    It's been a rollercoaster and continues to be one. That's life!
    Try not to focus on dying so much that you stop living...
    -peace to all

    I have good Docs

    I had to press them on numbers about survival.  But each time they said I am in good health overall, the surgery went well with good margins and the Onc said that even if some of the things on scans are there, based on my overall health, they would be dealt with with no issue and should have good outcome even then.  In fact a couple of visits ago he said I am a cancer survivor and not a patient, even though I am not quite done with chemo.  

    They do not sugar coat things when I press, but they do not feel I am checking out anytime soon.

    BTW likes the shots of the guitars, very nice.  Also the water.  Two of my favorite things.