Genetic Testing Results

Karen82 Member Posts: 41
edited August 2015 in Colorectal Cancer #1

I was genetically tested for the BRCA 1 and 2.  I found out I was just a carrier for this gene.  However, I did test positive for colorectal cancer gene that was done along with the BRCA 1 and 2 genes.  I did not hae a first or second degee relative other than my first cousin on my mom's side.  My 3rd degree relatives (a brother and sister) did pass on with colon cancer.  My great aunt had breast cancer and was a survivor.  Then she got a secondary cancer which was colon cancer that killed her.  I, however, still inherited this gene.  My dad died at a young age so it was not known whether or not he would have had it if he would have lived. I have two ways to look at it.  I can have a self pitty party or do the best I can to try to be proactive in preventing this cancer.  No one wants to hear this kind of news.  Frown  This could fall under a few different types of cancer forums, but I thought this was more apporiate because I tested positive for this cancer as far as genetics is concerned.



  • JanJan63
    JanJan63 Member Posts: 2,478 Member
    This is very interesting to

    This is very interesting to me. I was adopted so I don't know my history on my birth father's side. I've met my birth mother and there's no cancer at all on her side. We can't find my birth father. I'm concerned about my daughter. She's got a phobic fear of anything medical and will not go for any kind of blood test ever. Would the test you've had tell if I could pass on a colon cancer gene to her?


  • NewHere
    NewHere Member Posts: 1,433 Member
    Stay Positive

    And stay on top of screenings to catch things as early as possible.  With CRC precancerous polyp removal can head things off.  (Apologies, you probably know that based on your experience, but I felt I would be a bit remiss not mentioning it in general.)

  • Karen82
    Karen82 Member Posts: 41
    JanJan63 said:

    This is very interesting to

    This is very interesting to me. I was adopted so I don't know my history on my birth father's side. I've met my birth mother and there's no cancer at all on her side. We can't find my birth father. I'm concerned about my daughter. She's got a phobic fear of anything medical and will not go for any kind of blood test ever. Would the test you've had tell if I could pass on a colon cancer gene to her?


    I have a cousin who was like

    I have a cousin who was like that.  When she was a kid, she would fait after walking into the front door of a hospital. Now she is a pharmacutical salesperson and she has to walk in doctors' offices and hospitals.  She grew out of it.  There are many genes that they can test for to see if she has the mutation.  There is Lynch's Syndrome that she can be tested for.  Do a general search and see what you can come up with.  If you get her the BRCA 1 and 2, that will test for a genetic tendency for breast cancer for sure, but can also give her a baseline for ovarian.  Apparently it will also tell her about colorectal cancer, too.  I know for colon, they have found several different ones. There could be a possiblity that she does not have the one that is tested for BRCA, but have one of the other genes that could also cause it.  I would see if you all could not get in with a genetic counselor and have some tests done.  Take care.


  • Karen82
    Karen82 Member Posts: 41
    NewHere said:

    Stay Positive

    And stay on top of screenings to catch things as early as possible.  With CRC precancerous polyp removal can head things off.  (Apologies, you probably know that based on your experience, but I felt I would be a bit remiss not mentioning it in general.)

    Only to a certain extent.  I

    Only to a certain extent.  I have never really been asked about my family history.  The relatives that would only matter, only 2 of them died of cancer (1 relative ovarian cancer and 2nd relative liver cancer).  Nothing at all to do with colcrectal cancer.  All of the other ones are further relatives who have had a diagnosis or have died as a result. My GYN was the one to actually run the test on me.  I have never had a colonoscopy before.  I know that polyps can cause cancer and a colonoscopy is the probably the best way to lower your chances.  The result of my test was out of sheer luck.  Now I am waiting to be referred to a doctor to have the procedure done. No worries.  You are fine.  I really have not had that much experience with this.  My mom never really went to the doctor until she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Who knows about my dad as he died at 37 years old.  

