Vulva cancer



  • annett
    annett Member Posts: 45
    annett said:


    Hello all, I am doing great as far as I can tell my vulvar cancer mass has disappeared! I had 8 weeks of chemo and 35 rad treatments concurrently with last ten as boosts. I will go Jan 18th for petscan and then Jan 25th to surgeon to get results and checked. So far so good! Keeping my fingers crossed and hugs and prayers to all.


    Great news!!

    I had petscan and tests in Jan 2016. Got the all clear from all Docs involved! I am scheduled for more tests March 2016 as a follow up just to be sure its all gone! Then I expect regular maintenance tests will be scheduled. I have resumed almost all my activities and am doing really well! Praise the Lord! Good luck to all who have to visit these boards. I wish you the best! I will check back in now and then. Remember the power of Prayer and a positive attitude. Love to all,

  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,539 Member
    annett said:

    Great news!!

    I had petscan and tests in Jan 2016. Got the all clear from all Docs involved! I am scheduled for more tests March 2016 as a follow up just to be sure its all gone! Then I expect regular maintenance tests will be scheduled. I have resumed almost all my activities and am doing really well! Praise the Lord! Good luck to all who have to visit these boards. I wish you the best! I will check back in now and then. Remember the power of Prayer and a positive attitude. Love to all,

    That's wonderful annett!!!

    That's wonderful annett!!!  Take care and LIVE!

  • ccfighter
    ccfighter Member Posts: 476 Member
    annett said:

    Great news!!

    I had petscan and tests in Jan 2016. Got the all clear from all Docs involved! I am scheduled for more tests March 2016 as a follow up just to be sure its all gone! Then I expect regular maintenance tests will be scheduled. I have resumed almost all my activities and am doing really well! Praise the Lord! Good luck to all who have to visit these boards. I wish you the best! I will check back in now and then. Remember the power of Prayer and a positive attitude. Love to all,

    Awesome news!  

    Awesome news!  

    SUNSET Member Posts: 6
    Andeoup said:

    It can be a rough false start

    It can be a rough false start off and on. Be csreful mine started out okay then became a nightmare in a 4 month period of time. I also had a Left hymen-vulvectomy, left inguino-femoral lymph mode, deep femoral lymph nodes, and cloquet lymph nodes and soft tissue, dissection and removal and resection. I am 2 Years 4 months out and now have lymphedema from toes to under breast both legs. In addition I have developed  Femoral mononeuropathy, Polyneuropathy associated with another disorder, Sacroiliac joint inflamed, Sciatic nerve lesion, Idiopathic peripheral neuropathy, Lumbosacral plexus lesion, Lumbosacral spondylosis without myelopathy, Sciatica, Enthesopathy of hip region. I have had 2 lymphatic infection and was in therapy for almost 9 months. I have had 16 nerve blocks since May 2015.  The first illness that I developed was Collagenous colitis, the next my MRI showed that (every 4 months) that I had deleoped Ischiogluteal Bursitis, Torn hamstrings, Tendinosis and partial-thickness tears at the insertions involving the right greater than left hamstring tendons. This is worsened in the interval. There is also mild strain of the posterior right obturator internus muscle. I have been unable to walk, sit, stand, sleep without pain. Some damage was due to a 5 hematomas from surgery and one exploded and blew the surgery site out and I had to heal inside out. So many other problems from this nightmare. Very much sucks. 

    Be careful and watch your steps.



    Oh my...why did you have all

    Oh my...why did you have all the complications?  

    SUNSET Member Posts: 6
    annett said:

    CCfighter Thank you

    CCfighter, Thank you for taking the time to comment. It means a lot and I too am glad I found this site.

    Lovingly, Annett

    Annett my mother has vulvae

    Annett my mother has vulvae cancer..she had a 2 yesrs later it is back..she is going to go for radiation have you had radiation?



    SUNSET Member Posts: 6
    Will you wonderful ladies

    Will you wonderful ladies share with me how you managed with radiation.  My mother is 86..she had a vulvectomy. 2 years ago and it is back...thank you..I am learning how to maneuver on this site sorry if duplication. .thank u

  • Monica710
    Monica710 Member Posts: 1
    SUNSET said:

    Will you wonderful ladies

    Will you wonderful ladies share with me how you managed with radiation.  My mother is 86..she had a vulvectomy. 2 years ago and it is back...thank you..I am learning how to maneuver on this site sorry if duplication. .thank u

    Radiation for vaginal cancer

    I have been dealing with recurrent vulver cancer and just recently my doctor found found a vaginal lesion. Surgery and biopsy show stage 3 Vin with a centimeter of rogue squamous cell carcinoma. I have been recommended to have radiation treatments. I am very anxious about doing radiation. I have read numerous articles about the burns and short term effects. I also read with interest your thread on late stage effects of radiation. I am not sure whether I can actually go through the radiation, it terrifies me. I, like Sunset ,would appreciate any help on dealing with the radiation. I know this is probaly the correct thing to do so I am trying to get my head in the right place . i am feeling pretty alone in trying to deal with this.

  • 2changes
    2changes Member Posts: 24
    edited May 2016 #49
    hi monica
    I also have vaginal cancer since July 31 2014 just finished my radiation (3rd) this time on my vulva. Its been 7 wks my side affect are horrible the pain has been tough the swelling hasn't gone down and my skin is hard I don't mean to scare you I'm hoping someone has advice for me also I understand when you say you feel alone unless someone walks in our shoes they will never understand staying hopeful and faithful is what I do also venting on this blog
  • 2changes
    2changes Member Posts: 24
    vulva radiation
    Hi had vulva radiation 7 wks ago ive had pelvis radiation a yr ago for vaginal cancer this time it is horrible does anyone have ADVICE the pain is horrible the swelling hasn't gone down and my skin is so hard ive tried soaking zinc oxide due to lessions so far nothing is working I'm desperate and impatient. Do I have to wait a few more wks? Please any advice
  • 2changes
    2changes Member Posts: 24
    im sorry monica
    Im truely sorry to you your. Famfrieds I shouldn't have venting on my horrible experience.
    So Here we go my advice is always tell the doc whatvever discomforts you have wear loose fitting. Cotton cloth also amazan has cotton pantt liners again imnsorry shoulve been more supportive

    Stay strong
  • sunflash
    sunflash Member Posts: 197 Member
    Hi ladies, I'm so sorry that

    Hi ladies, I'm so sorry that you're having to deal with vulva cancer. I had vaginal cancer in 2007, but have no experience with vulva cancer. 2changes, please don't feel like you can't vent here concerning what you're going through. This is one of the safe places, where you should feel free to express all the fear and pain of what you're going through. I know radiation can be painful, I remember using thick ointment, aquaphor cream, on the burns I had on my thighs, and wore  loose summer dresses with boxers when I went out. At undies at all! That helped with the pain until the burns healed. I also had diarrhea and imodium helped a lot with that. These side effects were short term, and slowly went away. Today I have no side effects at all. Hope this helps a little........hang in there! It really does get better.