Working on Year 5!

danbren2 Member Posts: 311

     I have stage IV Kidney Cancer and I was diagnosed as stage IV on August 3, 2011.  I have been through alot of surgeries and I am still here fighting.  I had scans and MRI on July 31 and get results on August 10, but this is by far the worst scanixety I have been through yet!

   When I first came to this sight so many helped get me through and still are, but I could not fight back the tears when hearing about Neil and Djinnie.  Neil was so full of facts and helpful ways to fight this awful disease and Djinnie was just so kind and "strong".  We have lost quite a few since I have been on this site and they all helped to make me realize that I needed to continue living and not concentrate on what might be!

    I want to thank everyone for all their support and love, we really are a big family! I will post regarding my scans, praying everything is good and I will be NED once again!

                                                Love to all,




  • Brenda, your story is very

    Brenda, your story is very inspirational.  You have a terrific sense of humor and outlook.  As my long, silly screen name implies, I am a believer that attitude and a sense of humor can doa lot to conquer demons in life.  You give everyone diagnosed with stage IV perspective and hope to not give up, keep living, and keep fighting.  Treatments are getting better every year.

  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member

    Brenda, your story is very

    Brenda, your story is very inspirational.  You have a terrific sense of humor and outlook.  As my long, silly screen name implies, I am a believer that attitude and a sense of humor can doa lot to conquer demons in life.  You give everyone diagnosed with stage IV perspective and hope to not give up, keep living, and keep fighting.  Treatments are getting better every year.

    Well done Brenda

    You keep living and we'll keep trying to copy you

  • sblairc
    sblairc Member Posts: 585 Member
    Not just any old surgeries, lol!!

    Well, my dear, this is spectacular. You are truly amazing. And your surgeries you mention were amazing. Everyone here should read your bio instead of any online statistics. Amazing! 

    I had lunch with Ned yesterday (my husband's best friend's nickname for no apparent reason is Ned). I think that's a good sign!

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    sblairc said:

    Not just any old surgeries, lol!!

    Well, my dear, this is spectacular. You are truly amazing. And your surgeries you mention were amazing. Everyone here should read your bio instead of any online statistics. Amazing! 

    I had lunch with Ned yesterday (my husband's best friend's nickname for no apparent reason is Ned). I think that's a good sign!

    You have gone through so much

    You have gone through so much you deserve some good news. I hope your scan results are excellent. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

  • Dutch1
    Dutch1 Member Posts: 152

    It's great news to hear of a fellow stage 4 survivor hitting another anniversary.  Keep 'em coming.  I like these stories.

    Best wishes to you for more of these special days.



  • foxhd
    foxhd Member Posts: 3,181 Member
    Dutch1 said:


    It's great news to hear of a fellow stage 4 survivor hitting another anniversary.  Keep 'em coming.  I like these stories.

    Best wishes to you for more of these special days.



    if Brenda

    was a Las Vegas bet, I would put all my money on her. Good work Brenda!

  • icemantoo
    icemantoo Member Posts: 3,361 Member
    foxhd said:

    if Brenda

    was a Las Vegas bet, I would put all my money on her. Good work Brenda!

    Keep the NED's coming



    Keep the NED"s coming. They get easier as time goes by.




  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,069 Member
    icemantoo said:

    Keep the NED's coming



    Keep the NED"s coming. They get easier as time goes by.




    Good luck with scans! We are

    Good luck with scans! We are expecting NED on 10aug! As said above, you bio is really the best inspiration!

  • Ree_Maryland
    Ree_Maryland Member Posts: 161 Member
    Always glad to hear good

    Always glad to hear good reports on NED good job , keep it up many more years to come. Brenda , you are strong girl.


  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    Yoy're a fighter, and


    Yoy're a fighter, and positive. I remember how you told us you're going to have another brain surgery by adding fun to the news! It's great to have people like you around, wishing you NED for this scan and all future ones.





  • sierra28
    sierra28 Member Posts: 70
    Year 5

    Dear Brenda, I am so happy for you. I just had kidney surgery and it has gone to my lungs.  I have clear cell renal carcinoma.  Don't really know what that means.  I have to have a brain MRI and a bone scan next week.  Also, I have to have a lung biopsy done because I just finished treatment in June 2014 for anal cancer which the treatment was successful, but they don't know wheather the lungs have anal or renal cells.   I went for my year check-up for that cancer when they found the kindey cancer.  Not sure what kind of treatment I am having and do not know much about the different types of chemo they use.  Any info about your treatment or type of cancer would be helpful.  I am more afraid of this cancer then I was for the anal cancer.


    Thanks, Kathy

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    sierra28 said:

    Year 5

    Dear Brenda, I am so happy for you. I just had kidney surgery and it has gone to my lungs.  I have clear cell renal carcinoma.  Don't really know what that means.  I have to have a brain MRI and a bone scan next week.  Also, I have to have a lung biopsy done because I just finished treatment in June 2014 for anal cancer which the treatment was successful, but they don't know wheather the lungs have anal or renal cells.   I went for my year check-up for that cancer when they found the kindey cancer.  Not sure what kind of treatment I am having and do not know much about the different types of chemo they use.  Any info about your treatment or type of cancer would be helpful.  I am more afraid of this cancer then I was for the anal cancer.


    Thanks, Kathy

    YAY Brenda for 5 years!

    YAY Brenda for 5 years!

    Sorry you are having anxiety, understandably.

    Do you know the Serenity Prayer?

    I am sending you a warm, caring HUG!


  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,309 Member
    Your news is very uplifting!

    It is very inspirational to see how long you have been dealing with stage IV....especially after the latest loss of our dear friends, DJ and Neil - when it is so easy to get discouraged.

    You have been a wonderful example to us all. Thank you for sharing, and always encouraging the rest of us.

    We will be anxiously awaiting the results along with you....and cheering you on! Hoping it is a champagne experience for you!

    Big Hugs


  • angec
    angec Member Posts: 924 Member
    Brenda, you are very

    Brenda, you are very inspirational! You have been through rough times and you always come back.  You will be fine.  The waiting is the worse part. Praying for good results. Hugs...

  • Darron
    Darron Member Posts: 310 Member
    Praying forNED

    Prating for a perfect scan.

  • I am alive
    I am alive Member Posts: 315
    Congratulations on your 5 year anniversary!!!

    You are one tough cookie who has been blessed! Try not to allow your understandable scanxiety to overshadow the joy you have earned at this juncture. Your hard-won experience has taught you that you are strong and can ride this wild wave of uncertainty that we are all on. It's okay to be happy. Try to keep really busy between now and Monday!! Getbout of the house! Take in a move! See friends. Go out to dinner. Take a ride in the car. Start a crochet or knitting project (that's my "therapy"). Be around people. I have found the "busy" strategy to be very helpful in dealing with scanxiety. That and compartmentalization - a fearful thought pops up, throw it in a drawer & intentionally slam it shut. Then go DO something. TV binge-watching works too. This is the weekend to binge on all the episodes of whatever you like - Breaking Bad, The Wire, whatever. I will be thinking of you this weekend and sending you my very best wishes.

  • BDS
    BDS Member Posts: 172
    Year 5 and counting……


    Congratulations on your 5 year anniversary. May 28th was my 3 year anniversary. Best of luck on your next scan results (my next scans are on Aug 12th).  Take care - BDS


  • danbren2
    danbren2 Member Posts: 311
    I am NED!

         My scans are all clear, and my Oncologist thinks that what we have accomplished is just amazing!  Thank you all so much for the well wishes and prayers, I am a firm believer that they do aid in the process of healing!

    I do need to clarify that my 5th year Anniversary is actually Aug 3, 2016, I am now working on getting to that 5 year mark! Doc thinks we will have no problem hitting that 5 year anniversary and then we will begin on the 10 year!

                                 Thanks for always being here, love and prayers for good health to us all!


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    danbren2 said:

    I am NED!

         My scans are all clear, and my Oncologist thinks that what we have accomplished is just amazing!  Thank you all so much for the well wishes and prayers, I am a firm believer that they do aid in the process of healing!

    I do need to clarify that my 5th year Anniversary is actually Aug 3, 2016, I am now working on getting to that 5 year mark! Doc thinks we will have no problem hitting that 5 year anniversary and then we will begin on the 10 year!

                                 Thanks for always being here, love and prayers for good health to us all!


    That is wonderful news and

    That is wonderful news and I'm so thrilled for you! What a great word to her :) May you continue to hear it for many years to come.

  • BDS
    BDS Member Posts: 172
    NED is Awesome!

    Awesome News! Laughing