triple positive

bevaschia Member Posts: 53

I'm Bev and triple positive on ER, PR, and HER2. Anyone else out there in same boat that can share their experience?  I'm grade 3, aggressive ductal.  3.2cm size.  Start chemo tomorrow.  Taxotere, perjeta, herceptin.




  • button2
    button2 Member Posts: 421
    Welcome Bev

    I'm triple pos too, and I did all those drugs you mention. It won't be easy, but it is completely doable. I'm still here three years later feeling better than ever! You can DO THIS! Keep coming to this site. The ladies are amazing!! Hugs and best of luck, Anna

  • Gm2873
    Gm2873 Member Posts: 65
    Triple positive

    I did perjeta, Taxotere and Herceptin . They took me off perjeta after two treatments because they thought it was causing severe diarrhea (it turned out it was the Taxotere). Anyway, finished up the Taxotere in Feb and continueing herceptin indefinitely. So far, I'm not having any problems with the herceptin. From all my research, it's sounds like it's better to be triple positive because they have some good drugs for that. I'm also on Femara for the ER and PR positive components.

  • bevaschia
    bevaschia Member Posts: 53
    button2 said:

    Welcome Bev

    I'm triple pos too, and I did all those drugs you mention. It won't be easy, but it is completely doable. I'm still here three years later feeling better than ever! You can DO THIS! Keep coming to this site. The ladies are amazing!! Hugs and best of luck, Anna

    Thank you!  I'm a little

    Thank you!  I'm a little anxious not knowing what or when to expect the chemo hard times.  Can you elaborate on how you felt the first time and then thereafter.  I go once every three weeks.


  • bevaschia
    bevaschia Member Posts: 53
    Gm2873 said:

    Triple positive

    I did perjeta, Taxotere and Herceptin . They took me off perjeta after two treatments because they thought it was causing severe diarrhea (it turned out it was the Taxotere). Anyway, finished up the Taxotere in Feb and continueing herceptin indefinitely. So far, I'm not having any problems with the herceptin. From all my research, it's sounds like it's better to be triple positive because they have some good drugs for that. I'm also on Femara for the ER and PR positive components.

    Thank you!  Can you elaborate

    Thank you!  Can you elaborate how you felt the first time and when you began feeling the chemo hard times.  I'm a little anxious.

  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    Triple Positive

    I too am Triple Positive. Dxd in Jul of 2009 with IDC, 1.5 cm single lump in left breast. Stage 2a. I had a Lumpectomy in Sept 2009 and then 6 rounds of chemo beginning in Nov 2009.  First 3 rounds were Carboplatin, Taxotere and Herceptin. Next two rounds were FEC 100. I cannot remember what the last round was. I had severe diarrhea with all of them and that is why they kept changing the chemo. I finished chemo in Feb 2010 and finished 33 rounds of rads in July of 2010. I took Herceptin for a year for the Her2. I completed my 5 years of Femara in April of this year and I currently am taking no cancer drugs. I am six years since being dxd.

    You will be tired and your taste buds will go, so everything is going to taste like cardboard. Be sure to get as much fluids in you as you can. I drank a lot of gatorade. The diarrhea usually kicked in about three days after chemo.  I was off work for about 10 days after each chemo but that varies for each person. I also needed fluids after each chemo because the diarrhea caused dehydration. A lot of ladies eat popcicles. I never tried the popcicles but I did like chicken noodle soup.

    The members here are great and they will help you through this journey that no one every wants to take.

    Sending Hugs and Prayers,


  • bevaschia
    bevaschia Member Posts: 53

    Triple Positive

    I too am Triple Positive. Dxd in Jul of 2009 with IDC, 1.5 cm single lump in left breast. Stage 2a. I had a Lumpectomy in Sept 2009 and then 6 rounds of chemo beginning in Nov 2009.  First 3 rounds were Carboplatin, Taxotere and Herceptin. Next two rounds were FEC 100. I cannot remember what the last round was. I had severe diarrhea with all of them and that is why they kept changing the chemo. I finished chemo in Feb 2010 and finished 33 rounds of rads in July of 2010. I took Herceptin for a year for the Her2. I completed my 5 years of Femara in April of this year and I currently am taking no cancer drugs. I am six years since being dxd.

    You will be tired and your taste buds will go, so everything is going to taste like cardboard. Be sure to get as much fluids in you as you can. I drank a lot of gatorade. The diarrhea usually kicked in about three days after chemo.  I was off work for about 10 days after each chemo but that varies for each person. I also needed fluids after each chemo because the diarrhea caused dehydration. A lot of ladies eat popcicles. I never tried the popcicles but I did like chicken noodle soup.

    The members here are great and they will help you through this journey that no one every wants to take.

    Sending Hugs and Prayers,


    Thank you so much Donna!  I

    Thank you so much Donna!  I hope like he'll I'm not down for ten days.  I work from home on a computer at my desk most days.  I'll take chemo on a Friday and hope to be back at my desk on's not physical labor, so hopefully I can manage.  I'm so worried it has spread elsewhere.  Chest xray was good,MRI of breasts said it was confined to the breast.  I don't's very frightening.  Thank you for telling me your story.  So glad you are 6 years out!!!


  • button2
    button2 Member Posts: 421
    About a week

    Bev, it took me about a week to feel better after my infusions. Mostly I think the Neulasta shot was making me feel bad, but you have to take it to control your blood counts. It would give me a fever, but by the end of my chemo, I had learned how to handle that with simple OTC drugs. I think the main thing is to ask your doctors for solutions to any little problems before they snowball. Like they told me that I would get constipated from the anti-nausea meds and I didn't pay enough attention. I ended up getting bad hemorroids. After that, I knew to eat several kiwi fruit or oranges after infusions. But everyone is different so you have to play it by ear. I also had simple meds for mouth sores, bloody nose, dry skin. Little things like that can become annoying if you don't treat them early on. Make sure you stay hydrated and expect to eat a simple diet. I forced myself to eat because I didn't want to lose too much weight and scare my kids. VERY important is getting the help you need. If you wish to keep working, it is vital to have someone help clean your home and do laundry etc. Take naps if you have time and try to get out in nature for a walk if you are up to it. You can cook several meals and freeze them for post-infusion days when you know you'll be under the weather. Before you know it, you'll be done and proud of yourself for getting thru this! Any further questions, just send me a PM thru this site and I'll get back to you same day. Take care, Anna

  • bevaschia
    bevaschia Member Posts: 53
    button2 said:

    About a week

    Bev, it took me about a week to feel better after my infusions. Mostly I think the Neulasta shot was making me feel bad, but you have to take it to control your blood counts. It would give me a fever, but by the end of my chemo, I had learned how to handle that with simple OTC drugs. I think the main thing is to ask your doctors for solutions to any little problems before they snowball. Like they told me that I would get constipated from the anti-nausea meds and I didn't pay enough attention. I ended up getting bad hemorroids. After that, I knew to eat several kiwi fruit or oranges after infusions. But everyone is different so you have to play it by ear. I also had simple meds for mouth sores, bloody nose, dry skin. Little things like that can become annoying if you don't treat them early on. Make sure you stay hydrated and expect to eat a simple diet. I forced myself to eat because I didn't want to lose too much weight and scare my kids. VERY important is getting the help you need. If you wish to keep working, it is vital to have someone help clean your home and do laundry etc. Take naps if you have time and try to get out in nature for a walk if you are up to it. You can cook several meals and freeze them for post-infusion days when you know you'll be under the weather. Before you know it, you'll be done and proud of yourself for getting thru this! Any further questions, just send me a PM thru this site and I'll get back to you same day. Take care, Anna

    Thank you!  All that

    Thank you!  All that information is very helpful to me.  I have wonderful support through family and friends.  Anything I need help with they will be there.  So blessed.  Chemo today went fine.  No reactions to any drugs.  Still feel pretty good.  Had one bout of nausea...took a pill, one bout of diarrhea...took a pill.  Have had lots of fluids today.  Feeling a little achey now, but still tolerable.  I'm sure the next few days will be different.  


  • button2
    button2 Member Posts: 421
    bevaschia said:

    Thank you!  All that

    Thank you!  All that information is very helpful to me.  I have wonderful support through family and friends.  Anything I need help with they will be there.  So blessed.  Chemo today went fine.  No reactions to any drugs.  Still feel pretty good.  Had one bout of nausea...took a pill, one bout of diarrhea...took a pill.  Have had lots of fluids today.  Feeling a little achey now, but still tolerable.  I'm sure the next few days will be different.  


    Great Bev

    I'm so glad chemo was uneventful and you handled it so well. Here's to you sailing thru this....Anna

  • GlowMore
    GlowMore Member Posts: 789 Member
    bevaschia said:

    Thank you!  All that

    Thank you!  All that information is very helpful to me.  I have wonderful support through family and friends.  Anything I need help with they will be there.  So blessed.  Chemo today went fine.  No reactions to any drugs.  Still feel pretty good.  Had one bout of nausea...took a pill, one bout of diarrhea...took a pill.  Have had lots of fluids today.  Feeling a little achey now, but still tolerable.  I'm sure the next few days will be different.  


    Hi Bev

    I'm Triple Negative 3B / Lumpectomy/chemo/radiation and all the rest of it after treatment.

    My chemo was back in 2002.... and it was not easy of course ...but I made it through....ran a high fever each time about ten days out...they gave me Levaquin each time.  I was working a part time job back then (computer spread sheets) but they were kind and I was able to work when I felt like it....which was a Blessing.   I decided back then to let go of the Fear since it was not productive....and I decided to hold on to Jesus because I was a Widow and although my Husband had left me My Lord had not.  (I am not a Religious Fanatic by any means...just stating the facts).  I also decided to take it a day at  time and each thing that happened that I was not sure about I called my Oncologist.  I was terrified of course before the chemo and each one of my treatments was different.  I had a Port implanted in my right chest before chemo and it was very helpful....and since I was Triple Negative my Onc didn't want me to ever get that doggone Port removed...he kept thinking it was coming back....but finally after about 6 years I insisted ...and that was about 7 years ago and I'm still here.  :)   You can do this...we are all with you...keep posting...hang in there.   Sending Prayers for Strength & Courage.   Glo   






  • bevaschia
    bevaschia Member Posts: 53
    GlowMore said:

    Hi Bev

    I'm Triple Negative 3B / Lumpectomy/chemo/radiation and all the rest of it after treatment.

    My chemo was back in 2002.... and it was not easy of course ...but I made it through....ran a high fever each time about ten days out...they gave me Levaquin each time.  I was working a part time job back then (computer spread sheets) but they were kind and I was able to work when I felt like it....which was a Blessing.   I decided back then to let go of the Fear since it was not productive....and I decided to hold on to Jesus because I was a Widow and although my Husband had left me My Lord had not.  (I am not a Religious Fanatic by any means...just stating the facts).  I also decided to take it a day at  time and each thing that happened that I was not sure about I called my Oncologist.  I was terrified of course before the chemo and each one of my treatments was different.  I had a Port implanted in my right chest before chemo and it was very helpful....and since I was Triple Negative my Onc didn't want me to ever get that doggone Port removed...he kept thinking it was coming back....but finally after about 6 years I insisted ...and that was about 7 years ago and I'm still here.  :)   You can do this...we are all with you...keep posting...hang in there.   Sending Prayers for Strength & Courage.   Glo   






    Thank you, Glo!  I have also

    Thank you, Glo!  I have also decided to let go of the fear.  It just adds more stress and knowing you have cancer is stressful enough.  I am going to take one day at a time and appreciate having it much more than I ever have in the past.  I'm going to think positive, do what I can do physically, and do what the doctors say religiously.  I drink at least 200 oz of fluid a day.  I hope that's enough.  I do feel like drinking all of that doesn't seem to have me in the bathroom too often.  That concerns me a little.  I feel kind of achey today and had a terrible night sweat last night.  Perhaps that's a chemo side effect.  When I checked my temp then it was 97.3, so I wasn't too concerned.  Being on this site and talking to people like you who have lived through this experience is so helpful and encouraging to me.