New Chemo/ New Side Effects.

fennicicats Member Posts: 1
edited July 2015 in Ovarian Cancer #1

Hey guys,


So I just started a new regunmine of carboplatin and paclitaxe for six cycles. I did my 1st treatment of my thrid go at chemo today and I have two blisters in the roof of my mouth by my tonsils.. Is this normal? I've had lots of side effects my last go around, shaking, puking, everything taste like metal but what in the world is this.. I can't imagine if I got sick right now..I think I'd puke up these scabs..






  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,473 Member
    My chemo brain may not

    My chemo brain may not remember it all, but I thought sores in the mouth are a possible side effect.  Maybe one of the other lovely ladies here can confirm that for us.  

    I hope all the beautiful women dealing with OC are doing well.  It has been quiet here, but there are sites dedicated to nothing but OC so there is a lot of support out there.

    HUGS to you all.  You, and all cancer patients, are in my prayers daily.

  • pandagypsy
    pandagypsy Member Posts: 113
    side effect

    I've never experienced the mouth sores, but have been warned that they are a common side effect.  Did you ask your Dr. if there are any treatments for this side effect?  I wish the best for you...........

  • Kaleena
    Kaleena Member Posts: 2,088 Member
    They could be side effects.

    They could be side effects.  I ended up being allergic to pacitaxil so they switched me to Gemzar and Carboplatin.   Still had the metal taste.  While you are on chemo, eat a lot of popsicles.  That can help with the metal taste and also to keep you hydrated.  Its more tolerable than other stuff.

    But I would call your oncologist and tell them about the scabs.  Sometimes they can alter the pacitaxel so that the side effects are lessened.

    My best to you.


  • Mwee
    Mwee Member Posts: 1,338
    Please let your Onc know

    I've been on many different chemo treatments over the past 9 years and I wish I had realized earlier that I should be reporting any symptom. I thought I just had to grin and bear it and then I found out that doses can be adjusted and that we are all individuals and react differently to medications. Hope you feel better quickly. 

    ((((Hugs)))) Maria