It has been awhile

I know its been a few months since i last posted, am finishing up 6 rounds of chemo, tomorrow is my last, i dont want stem cell, like was mentioned before, i am taking Treanda and Rituxin, 2 days a month, and boy it has kicked my butt, tumors are shrinking, largest one was 9.7 cm, that one is now 2.3 cm,so something is working, i havent seen any posts by Sue here i hope shes ok (Sue aka almost60). Steriods have me wide awake and i hate that, its 1:30 in the morning and i have chemo again in the morning, ugh. I guess i better go and lay down and try to sleep, good night all


  • illead
    illead Member Posts: 884 Member
    Hi Chris,

    Just want to thank you for letting us know what is happening.  I have been thinking about you and wondering how things are going.  I am so happy to hear that you are doing better and things are shrinking.  I know your relapse was pretty ominous for you.  We are all so thankful for the advancements that continue to be made with cancer.  Sorry for the steroid thing.  That is almost as bad as the chemo, at least we can laugh about it later.  I private messaged Sue a few months ago.  She had an unrelated operation and hoped to hear from her onc about the tumor in her chest in July.  I think she is okay, just tired of all this business.  Even tho a lot of lymphomas are treatable, it's an ongoing process and a little insidious in that respect.  It's easy to put out of your mind but pops right back out at the least little reminder.  Bill had a couple patches of hives the other day and I was a wreck.  So I think Sue just needs her space and that she will let us know when she is ready.  I know she appreciates all of us thinking about her and keeping her in our prayers.  You too Chris are thought of and of course in our prayers, and we are very thankful that you are better.

    Hang in there,


  • Chris17
    Chris17 Member Posts: 175
    illead said:

    Hi Chris,

    Just want to thank you for letting us know what is happening.  I have been thinking about you and wondering how things are going.  I am so happy to hear that you are doing better and things are shrinking.  I know your relapse was pretty ominous for you.  We are all so thankful for the advancements that continue to be made with cancer.  Sorry for the steroid thing.  That is almost as bad as the chemo, at least we can laugh about it later.  I private messaged Sue a few months ago.  She had an unrelated operation and hoped to hear from her onc about the tumor in her chest in July.  I think she is okay, just tired of all this business.  Even tho a lot of lymphomas are treatable, it's an ongoing process and a little insidious in that respect.  It's easy to put out of your mind but pops right back out at the least little reminder.  Bill had a couple patches of hives the other day and I was a wreck.  So I think Sue just needs her space and that she will let us know when she is ready.  I know she appreciates all of us thinking about her and keeping her in our prayers.  You too Chris are thought of and of course in our prayers, and we are very thankful that you are better.

    Hang in there,


    Good to see your reply, i was

    Good to see your reply, i was beginning to think no one would answer, I think you are right about giving Sue space, i know i feel that way myself most times, thank you for the thoughts and prayers, really means a lot to me, hope Bill is doing better and you can relax.I been sleeping so much lately, my back side is growing roots to my bed. But i know its all part of the recovery, again thanks for the reply, and i will keep in touch.


  • Jeff148
    Jeff148 Member Posts: 184
    Chris17 said:

    Good to see your reply, i was

    Good to see your reply, i was beginning to think no one would answer, I think you are right about giving Sue space, i know i feel that way myself most times, thank you for the thoughts and prayers, really means a lot to me, hope Bill is doing better and you can relax.I been sleeping so much lately, my back side is growing roots to my bed. But i know its all part of the recovery, again thanks for the reply, and i will keep in touch.


    Good to hear from you


    I'm glad the treatments are working. It's been a while since I've been on the site. Keep fighiting!!! You are still on my prayer list!!!!! Hang in there.


  • coachmike
    coachmike Member Posts: 155
    Glad you are doing so well.

    Glad you are doing so well. Keep up the good fight

  • Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3
    Max Former Hodgkins Stage 3 Member Posts: 3,817 Member

    I always follow your posts, Chris. Bless you and hang in there. 

    Your eternal lymphoma "ball and chain" experience is one of the most remarkable at this Board. But of course, no one wants to be "remarkable" here !



  • Chris17
    Chris17 Member Posts: 175


    I always follow your posts, Chris. Bless you and hang in there. 

    Your eternal lymphoma "ball and chain" experience is one of the most remarkable at this Board. But of course, no one wants to be "remarkable" here !



    Thanks Max, it has been a

    Thanks Max, it has been a long road for sure, i cant wait til i get a scan done to see the progress of the treatment, hope you are doing well, thank you all for your replies, i hope Sue is doing alright, she has been on my mind a lot lately. Will keep the updates coming in here, have a great weekend.