
mokus Member Posts: 63 Member

My "team" (ENT, Surgeon, Tumor Board) has met and discussed my case and confirmed that i need to have to trach and gastr tubes placed before radiation and chemo.

  The trach has me scared to death because I have to be fully conscious while my throat is being sliced open and my airway invaded.  Honestly I am not sure I can go through with it.  I already have nightmares about suffocating to death.  Can someone please explain this process, how long it takes and how to get through it?


thank you


...It has still not ben scheduled.. I was told they would contact me after the board meeting had discussed my case.  It has been a week so far.  No talk of surgery.  Having everything done through the VA. I had always thought I would get all of my medical care through the VA, which is free, so I never bothered with health insurance.  Now I wish I had the insurance so I could check out some other options.


I have what I have I guess.....


  • lornal
    lornal Member Posts: 428

    I'm suprised they would want you awake for a trach.  I had one last January - and I was out.  They were also doing exploratory scopes to determine where and size of tumor. But, they didn't need me awake for the trach.

    When you do get it, when you get home - visit you local fire station and let them know you have a trach.  If you are unable to speak and need 911 - they wil know what to expect at your house.


  • Ladylacy
    Ladylacy Member Posts: 773 Member

    When my husband had a trach placed he was asleep, the same went when he had his peg tubes inserted.  Just like when they do an endoscope, you are put into a light sleep so you don't know what it going on.  I can remember years ago, every time I had an endscope done, I was wide awake and fought them because they didn't give you anything.  I was just scared because it wasn't that bad.

  • Elaineh
    Elaineh Member Posts: 21

    Hi Mokus.  So sorry you are going to need a trach.  I can't imagine that you would be alert and awake for that surgery.  Many time they can give you drugs so that you are still breathing on your own, but you won't remember or feel a thing.  Good luck 

  • MrsBD
    MrsBD Member Posts: 617 Member
    Being Awake

    If it's not absolutely necessary for a patient to be out for a procedure, many doctors try to avoid it. People with heart, lung, or kidney issues are not always good candidates for general anesthesia.  While I haven't had a trach or PEG, I was awake for a complex lymph node biopsy and both port placement and removal. Local anesthetic was used and even that barely hurt. Tell your team about your fears. They will do everything possible to assure your comfort.

  • mokus
    mokus Member Posts: 63 Member
    MrsBD said:

    Being Awake

    If it's not absolutely necessary for a patient to be out for a procedure, many doctors try to avoid it. People with heart, lung, or kidney issues are not always good candidates for general anesthesia.  While I haven't had a trach or PEG, I was awake for a complex lymph node biopsy and both port placement and removal. Local anesthetic was used and even that barely hurt. Tell your team about your fears. They will do everything possible to assure your comfort.

    being awake

    It is not really pain that scares me.  I think the trach tube placement scares me more than the tumor itself.  I am scared of not being able to breathe while they place the tube.  They already told me they will have to strap and hold me down so that I cannot panic.  That was a preliminary concern of the surgeon, but they just called and told me that I will meet with the tumor board Tuesday next, so I will be getting more info other than the initial diagnosis.

  • Hondo
    Hondo Member Posts: 6,636 Member

    I know the feeling of being afraid it is something that we all must deal with sooner or later. What I have learned to do is to focus on something that is around in the room and use my mind to meditate while they do what they need to do. I also do a lot of praying while meditating but not for myself, and before I know it everything is over. Hope it all works well for you



  • wmc
    wmc Member Posts: 1,804
    It won't be that bad, and you will not be aware of it.

    You will not be completly out, but you will not be aware of anything they are doing. If they ask you a question you will answer, but not even know you did. You will feel like you are just sleeping and very peaceful. What they mean is you will not be completly out, but you will be sadated and unaware of it. 

    I have a perminate treach called a stoma and I only breath through my neck. You will have a trach which is only for a short time and means you will not have ANY breathing problems as you still get air through your nose. It sounds very scarry but it is not. You will be fine and have no pain during it. Good thoughts and prayers for you.


  • debbiejeanne
    debbiejeanne Member Posts: 3,102 Member
    I'm sorry you need these

    I'm sorry you need these procedures and even more sorry that you're so scared.  Sometimes the fear is the worst part.  I would think you will have to be asleep for them to do the trache.  If not, i'd insist.  My ENT tried to dilate my throat once in his office and I told him NEVER AGAIN!  some things just require you be asleep.  I will be praying for you and I truly hope they get this done so you can stop worrying.

    God bless you,
