Extra stressful time, anxious

Scottie22 Member Posts: 99 Member
edited July 2015 in Kidney Cancer #1

I had an open radical nephrectomy in May of 2013 and have a routine check up next month.  Ultrasound and chest xray.  However other problems have been cropping up which have put me into a bit of a panic mode.  I have been having issues with an ear infection that seemed to clear up after a course of antibiotics but since this was a repeat infection from one last year my doc sent me to an ENT.  He initally suggested allergies causing sinus congestion which was affecting my onner ear but had a hearing test done which found significant hearing loss in one ear,  Now he wants an MRI to 'rule out' a benign tumor (rare he says).  Of course my head is racing and stress level is way up as I worry about brain mets.  My kidney finction has up until now been great but recent labs have shown protein in urine and BUN/creat ratio abnormal. I can't catch a break!  Need some input from you guys please if you have experienced similar.


  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Since it clears up with

    Since it clears up with antibiotics I really doubt it's a tumor or brain mets. It sounds like a chronic infection. Easy to say but don't stress too much over this. I'm no doctor but I really think it's just a hard to get rid of infection that goes into remission then flares up again. Discuss the BUN/creatonin ration with your kidney doc. It's possible that it's out of whack because you were dehydrated when test was done, which would elevate your BUN, I think. I would make sure I was well hydrated then repeat the test.

  • donna_lee
    donna_lee Member Posts: 1,049 Member
    APny said:

    Since it clears up with

    Since it clears up with antibiotics I really doubt it's a tumor or brain mets. It sounds like a chronic infection. Easy to say but don't stress too much over this. I'm no doctor but I really think it's just a hard to get rid of infection that goes into remission then flares up again. Discuss the BUN/creatonin ration with your kidney doc. It's possible that it's out of whack because you were dehydrated when test was done, which would elevate your BUN, I think. I would make sure I was well hydrated then repeat the test.

    You caught a break....

    one that has your doctor looking for the causes of your problem.  Think positively!

    Ear infections are not always easy to clear up and can cause residual problems with balance, hearing loss, trouble getting your eustachian tubes to equalize pressure, etc.  Let the MRI be done and rule out anything but the brain inside that blob at the top of your neck. :)

    Your BUN could be up because of an increase in activity, or even some stress.  Creatanine and eGFR are like a teeter-totter.  If one is up, the other down and vice/versa.

    Take each test as it comes and try not to agonize and worry needlessly.  Because you don't ever get thatworrying time back...it's wasted.

    And I hope you took time to enjoy the 4th.


  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member

    After surgery and Il2 I had a recurring ear infection. Turns out I'd picked up an antibiotic resistant brand. If I remember it was cured with a mixture of iodine and sulphur. I recommend yo see a doctor, probably an ear, nose throat specialst.

  • Scottie22
    Scottie22 Member Posts: 99 Member
    Thanks all for your wise advice

    I knew that if I came here I would find help with my overstressing (not sure of that is a word but that is what I do). Each of you has given good advice and has had a calming effect on me. I see my nephrologist next week so can raise things with her, then next month my surgeon so I am being well looked after.  I didn't care much for the ENT specialist, very off-hand, and grumpy but at the end of the day very thorough and I will follow up with the MRI.  So I promise to a least try not to overthink all this and count my blessings for each day and for the great folk on this site.

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Scottie22 said:

    Thanks all for your wise advice

    I knew that if I came here I would find help with my overstressing (not sure of that is a word but that is what I do). Each of you has given good advice and has had a calming effect on me. I see my nephrologist next week so can raise things with her, then next month my surgeon so I am being well looked after.  I didn't care much for the ENT specialist, very off-hand, and grumpy but at the end of the day very thorough and I will follow up with the MRI.  So I promise to a least try not to overthink all this and count my blessings for each day and for the great folk on this site.

    Unfortunately, it’s very easy

    Unfortunately, it’s very easy to over think things. Every little hip or back pain is a bone met; every head ache a brain met; every tummy ache is a pancreas or liver met. This RCC thing has turned me into a complete hypochondriac, lol. At times like that thank god for Xanax.

    Wishing you the best with both the ENT and kidney follow ups!

  • Scottie22
    Scottie22 Member Posts: 99 Member
    APny said:

    Unfortunately, it’s very easy

    Unfortunately, it’s very easy to over think things. Every little hip or back pain is a bone met; every head ache a brain met; every tummy ache is a pancreas or liver met. This RCC thing has turned me into a complete hypochondriac, lol. At times like that thank god for Xanax.

    Wishing you the best with both the ENT and kidney follow ups!

    Yep that's me

    Thanks APny, for the good wishes. You described me to a tee. My mind runs riot at times but when I put into words where my thoughts have taken me it seems a bit silly. It just seems these next few weeks are full of things to be followed up on and for a previously healthy individual it can be overwhelming.  Just to add insult to injury I am scheduled for a routine colonoscopy this Friday which needless to say I am really looking forward to. Foot in Mouth!!

  • Footstomper
    Footstomper Member Posts: 1,237 Member
    Scottie22 said:

    Yep that's me

    Thanks APny, for the good wishes. You described me to a tee. My mind runs riot at times but when I put into words where my thoughts have taken me it seems a bit silly. It just seems these next few weeks are full of things to be followed up on and for a previously healthy individual it can be overwhelming.  Just to add insult to injury I am scheduled for a routine colonoscopy this Friday which needless to say I am really looking forward to. Foot in Mouth!!

    I don't think hypochondriacs should b allowed Cancer

    Its a bit like a kid being given the full menu of possible candy maladies

  • I am alive
    I am alive Member Posts: 315
    Scottie22 said:

    Yep that's me

    Thanks APny, for the good wishes. You described me to a tee. My mind runs riot at times but when I put into words where my thoughts have taken me it seems a bit silly. It just seems these next few weeks are full of things to be followed up on and for a previously healthy individual it can be overwhelming.  Just to add insult to injury I am scheduled for a routine colonoscopy this Friday which needless to say I am really looking forward to. Foot in Mouth!!

    Buckling up


      The longer you're on this ride the easier it will be for you to compartmentalize fear & stress - put it in a drawer and close it til you HAVE to open it. One of the things I've learned is it just doesn't pay to obsess BEFOREHAND. You might as well enjoy your day - or weeks - before you meet with the doc to get your test results. Making yourself crazy before you have an actual reason to be crazy just doesn't make sense. And the truth is, even if you get bad news at the doc's, there will be a chapter 2 & 3, etc. You will process the info and move on and yes, you will smile again and even be happy. The spirit is resilient and this disease has many ups and downs. We eventually develop the  skills we need to live with overwhelming uncertainty.

    Making plans is a good coping mechanism - go out to dinner with friends, see a movie, get away for a day or two, take up knitting, cook up a storm, plan a future vacation, join a book club, get out in the world & mingle!